A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 189 Tianfeng Dafa·Three Transformations·Guan Tianyun

After entering the Dharma realm, the power of Yin Yang and the Five Elements will transform into another form.

Namely, mana.

This is a manifestation of the practice in a higher realm, and its power is far beyond the reach of the three powers.

Among them, there are differences between the five elements mana and the yin and yang mana.

The power of the five elements is obtained through the transformation of external spiritual energy through spiritual roots, so it will damage one's own body.

As the realm improves, in the Dharma realm, the power of the five elements is converted into mana, which has completely eliminated the hidden dangers. Use no longer consumes lifespan, but increases it.

The physical power and spiritual power originate from oneself and have little to do with external spiritual energy.

After Yun Ye turned on the body method, although his life energy could be replenished, it could only be restored, not enhanced.

Spiritual energy is actually very difficult to transform into the two forces of yin and yang.

Life force can be restored with spiritual energy, but spiritual energy is basically ineffective, and life force can only be used to warm it up.

For this reason, after life force and spiritual consciousness are transformed into mana, it is also different from the normal five elements mana, and it also involves the fundamental potential of the body.

The life force is the life mana, and a more powerful physical phenomenon is born, which is unstoppable.

Divine consciousness is the consciousness of the mind, and it has various magical powers that can turn decay into magic.

It can be said that every monk who masters magic power has tremendous power and can easily rewrite the landscape.

Ji Yan is a physical monk, and Chao Shanhe is a spiritual monk.

The two of them can stand in the realm of law and reach the point where they are superior to ordinary people. It is the result of huge resource tilt and a lot of life and death. Family, talent, and hard work are all indispensable.

The road to immortality is ruthless.

Even a spiritual family cannot invest a large amount of resources into garbage that has no return.

Only the strong men who fought out of the sword mountain and blood sea were qualified to receive resource tilt.

Because of this, Ji Yan and Chaoshanhe are actually not weak.

They were all protected by divine law and sensed danger.

Especially after the cause and effect are tampered with and their power collapses directly from the result, this kind of horror rises to the extreme.

They must use their full strength, otherwise they will die!

"Huixing Dafa!"

"Third turn: Huixing Liewu!"

"Thick soil method!"

"Second turn: negative mountain!"

The two of them were roaring, and huge power emerged from their bodies, forming a powerful force that shook the sky.

No matter which method you take to reach the Dharma realm, your own Dharma will be born.

It also varies from person to person, and the strength and weakness are distinguished. Generally speaking, the number of rounds of mana rotation is used as the standard.

The more rounds it runs, the more terrifying the power it can display.

In the battle just now, Ji Yan and the three of them only used the first-level magic, and did not enter their strongest state.

And now, with a sense of deadly crisis erupting.

Both of them used their trump card at the same time!

Third turn·Huixing Liwu!

Seven layers of star rings overlapped in front of Ji Yan. He roared and urged huge mana to be injected into the seven layers of rings.

As the sword of silver light pressed hard into the seven star rings, the mana was compressing and boiling. After passing through one star ring, it was compressed by one point, the momentum became terrifying, and one star ring was damaged and injected into the remaining star rings.

The sound of damage resounded throughout the battlefield. Although it seemed difficult, in terms of time, it only penetrated the sixth level in an instant. The final mana was like a bright sun, emitting astonishing heat.

With this move, as Ji Yan moved his hand, the silver light suddenly erupted into a dazzling silver light, directly penetrating the sky!


Huoming Yuan was penetrated so quickly that both of them saw golden-red blood spilling.

Before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, everything turned around again.

Ji Yan retreated uncontrollably, and so did the Silver Sword.

A real rewriting of cause and effect is taking place.

"Do it, head towards the mountains and rivers!!!"

Ji Yan's consciousness shook the air and ordered him to face the mountains and rivers.

"Second turn: negative mountain!"


Chao Shanhe and Ji Yan were some distance apart. This was their deliberate separation of positions, and it seemed to be working. This time, Chao Shanhe was not involved. With a long roar, the phantom of the mountain appeared out of thin air, crashing down. Down.

Huomingyuan was under this mountain, and it seemed as if it was being suppressed by the huge mountain, and its height was rapidly decreasing.

The bones made an overwhelming sound, and the body was cracking in large numbers.

The power of the Great Tribulation actually consumed a lot.

The basic quality of this projection is too poor.

Even if it swallows part of the destiny, it only restores the power of destiny, and it is not physically strong.

So, as the Huoming Kite's four tail feathers flashed, the mountains were also retreating. The Huoming Kite took this opportunity to leave and directly broke free from the restraints - and it was not until it left that the mountains fell again, completely empty.

The same was true for Ji Yan on the other side. Although after retreating, his move was fired again, but the direction was not controlled by him. It missed the target and landed dozens of miles away, penetrating a bottomless hole. of holes.

"What on earth is this, a divine power of destiny, and why can it be used multiple times?"

"I don't believe that its power is unlimited. Otherwise, why not deflect the attack directly into attacking ourselves?"

Ji Yan swung his sword continuously, and the silver light tore through the sky, constantly fighting with the Huoming Kite.

However, he still did not feel that the crisis was receding.

His expression was gloomy, maybe... Huomingyuan could directly reverse the attack, but there were three people present. To reverse, it would need a target and a timing.

This kind of catastrophic master who has the magical power of destiny may be able to feel the destiny in the dark. Once he takes action, he is probably sure to directly obliterate one of them!

He must not be a sacrifice!

"Together, it will definitely cost a heavy price to reverse the Great Law. If we don't work together to severely injure it, when its mana is exhausted, it will definitely use a killing move. Do you want to bet on that one-third chance, or even the chance of total destruction?!" Ji Yan shouted, and the power of his consciousness kept echoing. In such a fierce battle area, unless you infuse spiritual law and spiritual power, you can't hear it clearly at all. "Work together!" Liu Jianxin, who witnessed everything, also showed his power. The two water and fire textures on his forehead glowed brightly. The light intertwined at this moment and blended. In the extremely intense breath fluctuations, cracks spread from the light. With a bang! The spiritual energy tornado swept, and Liu Jianxin stood in the tornado. The green light bloomed and penetrated the sky and the earth. Seeing this green light, even Ji Yan showed a very relieved look. The cultivation of physical law and divine law requires very little spiritual energy, but it requires life energy and spiritual energy. Relying solely on the supply of one's own body, cultivation will be extremely slow. It is difficult for non-noble families to practice physical and spiritual methods, and even noble families find it difficult to practice spiritual methods.

Under this difficulty, the strength is indeed matched, and physical and spiritual methods are far stronger than spiritual methods.

However, this is the normal state.

Spiritual methods also have their own advantages and strengths.

Compared with physical and spiritual methods, spiritual methods are simpler, which is an illusion of single spiritual root cultivators.

The real secret of spiritual methods is always the extremely difficult combination of spiritual methods.

Even if it is just a preliminary combination, its power will be unprecedentedly increased, quickly approaching physical and spiritual methods.

And the spiritual methods of the Liu family are not half-baked combination spiritual methods, but the real thing...

"Spiritual root fusion secret technique!"

"Sky Wind Method!"

"Three turns——"

"Penetrate the sky cloud!"

The green light that penetrates the sky cloud lights up.

It was as if a god in the sky cast a spear, one spear after another came from the sky, piercing the sky and the earth.

The Fire Fate Kite had nowhere to hide, and kept bleeding, but it seemed that there was no injury, and it kept twisting and recovering.

This great disaster spread its wings and soared, without any emotion or rationality, just acting according to the goal.

And just by doing this, it showed a strength that shocked all the realms in the entire Baishi Town.

Standing on the wall of Baishi Town, Ji Chongtian looked horrified: "This is simply a life born to travel in cause and effect, all disadvantages are being rewritten... Is this a real great disaster?"

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