Liu Jianxin looked uncertain.

Looking at the gray barrier spreading on the ground, he couldn't make a choice.

"Liu Dafa."


Ji Chongtian repeated it again, the Taoist weapon landed, and there were signs of activation, which was decisive and beyond Liu Jianxin's imagination.

He couldn't help but blurt out: "Yes!"

Wait for a reaction.

His expression turned even more ugly. Since he had "obeyed", if he went back on his word, the Taoist weapon would kill him without any cost!

Liu Jianxin had to bite the bullet and take action:

"Tianfeng Dafa!"

"One turn——"

"Feng Luo!"

The spiral wind gun suddenly condensed and was thrown by Liu Jianxin, bombarding the ground.

The ten-meter-long wind gun is very intimidating.

Yun Ye did not underestimate it. The spiritual patterns on the jade plate in his hand changed, like an abacus, providing him with calculation power and improving the efficiency of the entire formation.

"Everything is silent! Feng!"

Yun Ye took action with all his strength, and the gray-white breath flowed up the river and came into contact with the huge wind gun.

The wind gun is spiraling and is constantly strangulating, but once the gray-white breath comes into contact, it will be swallowed up...

The spiral-shaped wind gun just hung in the air, lifelike, but no longer powerful at all.

And the gray-white aura is constantly spreading towards the sky, trying to affect the Dharma Realm above the sky.

But the height of Dharma Realm is too high.

They were able to fly freely, but mortal Yun Ye and others could not do it, so the diffusion attack naturally failed.

This formation cannot threaten the legal realm!

"A group of mortals can actually freeze the wind spirit method under the control of a group of mortals? How many trump cards does the person behind the scenes have?"

However, many legal realms are still discolored.

Mortals are so far apart from them. It took them hundreds of years to reach this point. Why can a group of mortals with half a hundred years of life united together to fight against them, or against the wind-moving spiritual method!

It’s unimaginable!

If it weren't for the flaws in this formation that couldn't threaten them, they would really go crazy.

After hundreds of years of practice, and then being stepped on by a group of mortals, why should they practice any method or ascend to heaven?

Just find a piece of tofu and kill him!

However, even so, there was an unquenchable murderous intention in their hearts.

This formation completely challenges the rationality of their existence and must be wiped out. All traces must be erased!

Otherwise, thirty-six people have already reached this level, but what about the three hundred and sixty people?

Wouldn't it be like killing them like butchering dogs?


Even if Tomorrow Hui and others are in the formation, they can clearly feel the emotional instability in the realm above the sky.

The terrifying murderous aura was constantly emerging. If the formation hadn't resisted the pressure, they would all have been seriously injured.

The divine laws of the Dharma Realm are enough to obliterate mortals even if they are not practiced diligently.

In this regard, no one in the Tomorrow Assembly paid any attention.

"This is the flaw of the formation. It can only defend but cannot attack. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to bring people into the formation to exert its maximum power, but we do not have this condition. Crossing two realms, it is almost impossible to win, haha... …”

Tong Huoyang smiled.

So does everyone.

Seemingly unable to threaten the legal realm, they find it difficult to act.

But they knew about this situation when they were discussing how to deal with the Dharma Realm, and they have been trying to change it.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that no matter how they changed the formation, the flexibility of the formation was not as good as the law. The latter could attack them from all directions at will, but they could only stay in place, unable to move, and there was only a dead end.

Therefore, everyone could only think about how to let Baishi Town take the initiative to attack.

The appearance of Huomingyuan and Hongshan Sword Formation perfectly replaced any plan.

They don't need to attack Baishi Town to threaten the entire city's families and heritage, they can just do it directly.

"Celestial phenomena - unfold."

Yun Ye unfolded all the remaining celestial phenomena, a total of five handles, and most of the spiritual energy was poured into them.

The spiritual energy vortex is clearly visible without any obstruction.


The eyes of all the Dharma Realms became horrified.

They all recognized it. This was the terrifying spiritual weapon that caused the fall of the two magic realms!

"There are actually five more?"

"The people behind the scenes are willing to hand over such heaven-defying things to you mortals!"

Liu was frightened and angry when he saw it, and a wisp of darkness passed across the spiritual platform. He took action with anger without thinking, condensing a large number of wind guns and falling down, constantly bombarding the formation.

As countless wind guns were solidified, the formation was almost covered, but it was still unbreakable. Liu Jianxin was just wasting his mana.

"Ji Qing, try to use divine magic to break through. Only your magical attainments are the strongest here!"

Ji Chongtian ordered.

There are different categories of divine spells, and attacks and deductions are naturally different.

Liu Quan has a magic weapon passed down from his family, so he is good at deduction.

But Ji Qing is better at pure divine attacks.

Silently, it can destroy a person's soul.

Ji Qing tries.

Exploding divine magic, he wanted to cross the barrier and directly attack the Earthly Evil Cold Formation.

But all the power is like a mud cow entering the sea, without any ripples.

"Can't break through."

Ji Qing spoke in a very gloomy tone.

He has cultivated to the realm of Dharma, and he has become a big shot, but now he is defeated in the hands of a group of mortals!

What a travesty!


When Ji Chongtian received the answer, there was unimaginable silence.

Neither spiritual magic nor divine magic can break through.

Can we just wait for the next sword from the Hongshan Sword Formation?


Use Taoist tools?

In fact, it was different from Yun Ye's guess.

The Supreme Order Cauldron activates the Supreme Effect without increasing the disaster. This is the power of the true name.

However, due to the extremely low response and recognition, the effect of the power of the true name is not strong, so the first rule needs to be strengthened.

After the first rule is strengthened, even the Dharma Realm must die. Only then will the Order Cauldron increase the disaster.

The thirty-six people in the formation, plus the main formation, are all mere mortals. Obviously, they do not need to be strengthened by the first rule, and they can completely use the power of your Majesty to obliterate them.

But the problem is, the main formation also has Taoist weapons...

After Ji Yan's Taoist artifacts were destroyed, he consulted family documents to find out what happened.

The answer is: Dao weapons of different types compete for each other. They can directly destroy each other and plunder all the echoes without fusion.

Can be destroyed directly.

And, Plunder All Echoes!

The fusion of different instruments of the same series will cause loss in response!

But not only does it not exist in different systems, it even sometimes increases. This is where the cruelty of the battle over Taoist weapons lies.

The Taoist weapon in front of him was exactly the same as the one that destroyed Ji Yan's Taoist weapon, even the real name was the same.

There is no way this is not the same Taoist device!

The other party is here to seize his Ji family's inheritance. Will he be unprepared?

Could it be that the other party was just waiting for him to activate his Taoist weapon?

After numerous concerns, the situation reached a dead end.

Indeed, when it was impossible to surround Baishi Town and set up a large formation, the formation was just a tortoise shell and did not have much deterrence. But now, Baishi Town must confront the Earthly Evil Jihan formation head-on.

Otherwise, they would be unable to withstand the power of the five celestial phenomena!

Time is running out to think about it.

Which path is correct?


Huoming Yuan found an opportunity and suddenly broke the killing formation. The bright red flames burned towards Liu Quan. The latter did not react and had one of his arms burned directly. Then Liu Quan immediately burst out with the secret technique of fusion spiritual roots to repel him.

During this period, the huge spiritual energy fluctuations allowed Ji Chongtian to find a way out again. A flash of calamity flashed between his eyebrows, and his eyes were cold.

(I just need to delay time. This is easy. What happens after this has nothing to do with me, Ji Chongtian?)

"In all magic realms, set up killing formations and use great spiritual magic to block the transmission of spiritual energy. This spiritual magic weapon takes time to gather spiritual energy, and the Hongshan Sword Formation will only be faster than them!"


The three Dharma Realms all came out of the dead end of their thinking and took action at the same time.

After not fighting for too long, their intuition has declined, and they are far less responsive than Ji Chongtian.

And Ji Chongtian was not idle either. He stopped the Huoming Kite to prevent it from interfering, and with the huge concentration of mana, he created an incarnation of mana.

With his strength, even in his incarnation, he has strength that far exceeds the ordinary realm, and can further delay time!

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