A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 203 The end of Baishi Town

Yun Ye held the pitch-black sphere with both hands, and everyone noticed that his hands were shattered and full of cracks. Was it the backlash of this move?

Although everyone knew that "Dao" had a trick that could reverse the outcome, they did not know the specific situation.

Sure enough, powerful moves must come with their own price.

"Three strikes, the condensed power only allows me to use them three times... I will use these three strikes to determine the outcome."

"Either life!"

"Or die!"

Yun Ye looked at Fa Jing and the others above the sky, his empty gaze penetrating the physical distance and accurately positioning them.

A black tide expanded and contracted in an instant, almost nothing happened.

But everyone looked up to the sky...

The haze that stretched for unknown miles in the sky was swept away, and a huge crack appeared.

The light of a sunny day shines down, illuminating a pure land in the gloomy environment.

The four great Dharma realms in the sky are the biggest beneficiaries of this sunshine.

Blood is spraying...

The broken pieces of the magic weapon flew everywhere.

Three of the four Dharma Realms all watched helplessly as their bodies broke into two halves instantly, with almost no warning and completely unable to escape.

Ji Chongtian was cut off from the neck, and all parts from his heart up were also annihilated.

A head, and half of the body with the heart exposed, this is Ji Chongtian now.

In addition, there were Liu Quan and Liu Jianxin. Both of them used the wind spirit method to cover themselves, so their flesh was cut diagonally. The cutting line was only from the waist to the shoulders, not close to the fatal point of the head.

Only Ji Qing was different. He used some special technique to distort his own area, making it impossible to be clearly interfered with.

Even though Eternal Silence and Black Tide was a cutting space, Yun Ye found that it was too difficult after calculation, so he simply ignored him and placed his final target on the killing array disk.

Therefore, after this blow, the killing array collapsed, the three Dharma realms were seriously injured and dying, and only one of them still maintained full combat power.

It seems that victory is in sight, but this is only superficial. How could they not have any means of healing?

"Reshape me!"

The three of them were recovering quickly and moving away from their original positions to avoid being hit again.

And then, Yun Ye's second blow came.

The black sphere in front of him suddenly erupted into a vortex.

The next second, everyone in the Dharma Realm discovered to their horror that their positions had been changed, and they were all gathered at one point!

In this case, it is obvious what will happen next!

With the next blow, this monster will wipe them out! ! !

"Spiritual roots are burning!"

All the four realms entered the spiritual root burning state, and the fields visible to the naked eye spread and overlapped.

The four people who were originally difficult to cooperate gave up all distracting thoughts at this moment and worked together to build the fourth spiritual realm!

"Eternal silence!"

The third blow came.

The space was dark and deep, and the vibrations that swallowed up the light swept across the space, and the four spiritual realms fought fiercely against it.

This scene made Yun Ye feel dark.

In the final analysis, the essence of all kinds of power is spiritual power. Even if you create a power that can burn space, it is still spiritual power in essence. It can be resisted with enough power, even ordinary spiritual fire can burn it. Traveling through space is just a difference in efficiency.

The fields constructed by four legal realms are enough to compete with Eternal Silence in terms of strength.


The four magic realms were all roaring, trying their best to fight, and almost using up all their magic power.

Then, at the moment of decline, Ji Chongtian pulled away and left.

This is very realistic.

The remaining three people felt cold in their hearts, but more realistically, they could not give up their efforts... because no one was as fast as Ji Chongtian. If they wanted to escape, they would be wiped out by this dark power.

The three of them smashed their teeth and swallowed it into their stomachs. They could only burn their strength to fight against Eternal Silence at all costs.

The hair of the three people was visibly gray, but the realm was still rapidly collapsing.

Watching myself falling into the abyss little by little...

What a despair!

"Ji Chongtian, you! No! Get! OK! Die!"

After the last shrill cry, the three major realms were swallowed up and disappeared into the darkness forever.

Ji Chongtian watched all this coldly, looking at Tomorrow Hui and the others who had completely collapsed and lost all protective power.

"You deserved your death, and I will remember you. The survival of the Ji family is all due to you!"

"Tomorrow's meeting? A mere mortal can kill five Dharma Realms from Baishi Town..."

"You are really proud of yourself!"

"So, fall into hell forever and endure this endless torture! This is the 'respect' you deserve!"

Ji Chongtian's last sentence was roared, full of anger and distortion.

If his stance changes, Yun Ye may have the same attitude.

If he is used to it, he will not care about the mountains of human corpses that his mere existence has caused. He will only care about what he needs to care about, and will only protect what he needs to protect - such as his own life, and the foundation of spiritual practice, the soul. land.

The great magic power was activated, and the giant hand that covered the sky and the sun grabbed the ground.

He wants to keep everyone alive and then endure endless torture.

Ji Chongtian probably thought that he had achieved the final victory.

However, standing on the ground, Yun Ye greeted everyone's gaze with empty eyes, silently watching the echo of countless calamities gathering together and turning into tomorrow's Taoist tools.

The reverberation of the Taoist weapon officially exceeded one thousand at this moment, and even reached one thousand two.

An inexplicable feeling appeared in Yun Ye's heart.

Perhaps, the current Taoist weapon has officially started?


A ray of blue light responded to Ji Chongtian's giant magic hand.

This blue light swept up all traces of the giant hand and cut off Ji Chongtian's possibility of evasion. He subconsciously placed the Taoist weapon in front of him.


The blue light disappeared, but his Taoist weapon "The Chain of Ten Thousand Slaves" exploded and turned into smoke.

Before he could understand what was happening.

Another blue light lit up.

This time, it was the Supreme Order Cauldron that prevented him from disaster. The azure light swept across, and the corner of the Supreme Order Cauldron exploded, but it could not withstand the power.

Ji Chongtian looked at all this blankly, and great horror emerged in his heart.

This tomorrow's Taoist weapon has actually been strengthened again?

What did he just do?

"Huh... ha..."

Yun Ye swung two swords, draining almost all his energy and gasping for air.

Taking the initiative to activate the true name and go to the sword-cutting realm, even if the reverberation exceeds a thousand, it will be very difficult.

Next, it’s time to consume your lifespan.


Yun Ye vomited a mouthful of blood, half-kneeling on the ground with his sword in hand, and the blue light lit up again.

"I always do what I say!"


The silent annihilation continued, and part of the Order Cauldron disintegrated again.

It seems that with at most three more swords, this weapon will disappear completely.

Ji Chongtian looked at this scene with complete despair.

This is a Taoist artifact that has been passed down by the family for thousands of years...

If you lose in the battle for Taoist weapons, no matter how powerful you are as a monk, there is no point. This is a doomed situation.

"Why, you were far weaker than me just now!"

Ji Chongtian knew clearly that he wanted to die.


What responded to him was still a ray of blue light. After this blow, most of the Taoist tools had disappeared.

Two more swords at most would be his death.

This is the lock of Taoist tools.

At this moment, it is meaningless for him to escape. Before being locked, the spatial distance is meaningful, but after being locked, his projection has already appeared in the land of Tao tools...

Just like the Taoist user can borrow the power of a higher-level Taoist weapon regardless of the distance, at this moment, he is in the same situation. No matter how far the distance is, it is meaningless. The Taoist weapon will attack directly at the place where the Taoist weapon is. From a rule level Erase him.

As long as the Order Cauldron is destroyed, he will definitely die. This despair and indifference completely drove Ji Chongtian crazy!

"Okay...very good...you want to avenge these pigs and sheep? I want your roads to be cut off!"

Ji Chongtian roared, turned around and charged towards Baishi Town, desperately condensing a golden sword energy, and then threw it towards Baishi Town in the distance.

With this blow, Baishi Town will be destroyed!

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