A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 205 The whole family is destroyed

The formation shuttled through space and arrived at Baishi Town in an instant. Yun Ye also saw his former school teacher.

Zhuo Qilian.

This is the only Dharma Realm left in Baishi Town. Everyone is wary of this Dharma Realm as if facing a formidable enemy.

Yun Ye held the Tomorrow Dao Sword and spoke in the formation: "Judge Zhuo, since you didn't assist Baishi Town, you probably don't want to be our enemy. Please explain your purpose."


Zhuo Qilian was shrouded in mist and was silent for a long time. Finally, she said, "Dao, you have spent thirty years of your life in order to destroy Baishi Town, and you have less than ten years left to survive. I can't understand why you have to pay so much." The price of destroying Baishi Town?”

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone will be stunned tomorrow.

The life span of rice is already less than ten years? !

Tong Huoyang also looked at the young man at the front with surprise. Yang Shi was like this back then, but is Dao like this now?

"It's not about destroying Baishi Town, but about destroying the spiritual law family in Baishi Town. Don't get me wrong..." Yun Ye silently corrected the mistake, and then he said, "Is it just for this reason that you came to see me? I have already said For the sake of righting the wrong, for revenge, for a better tomorrow.”

"If you want to make ordinary people's lives better, you can join Baishi Town. With your power, you can change the order." Zhuo Qilian said.

"Haha... It is a fundamentally wrong order with no meaning of modification. Pursuing correctness by wrong means will only lead to the abyss in the end."

"The first thing is to correct the wrong, the second is to take revenge, and the last is to have a better tomorrow. If you can't do the first two, what if you give alms to give you a better life? It can change in a single thought."

"Okay, Judge Zhuo, I'm not here to argue with you... either leave or join."

Yun Ye said.

"Tao, do you know what you are about to face?"

As soon as Zhuo Qilian said it, he shook his head.

This is really nonsense.

If she knew, what this group of people wanted to do now was not to recruit her, but to prepare for the funeral.

The moment of rotation.

It is the calamity of the Daoqi family. After surviving it, we will continue to accumulate strength. If we cannot survive it, everything will turn into dust.

Yun Ye once thought about how the Luo Dynasty could contact various places.

The answer to this question is actually very obvious, and it can be easily understood in the state of reverse liberation.

Apart from the Taoist tools that the ruling family must have, what else could they be?

At the end of every sixty-year cycle, the Luo Dynasty will inevitably send Taoist envoys to review.

They have only one purpose, to recover the ownerless Taoist artifacts.

Time is running out for the group of people in front of them.

"The Luo Dynasty...right?"

However, the young man below the city made her look shocked with just one sentence.

Does he know the final outcome?

"What's wrong with you?"

Zhuo Qilian was even more surprised by this young man's behavior. Since he knew it, why did he do such a meaningless thing?

"Haha, this is not meaningless. The road needs to be forged by echoes. It wouldn't start without us..."

"How to become enlightened?"

Yun Ye raised his sword and pointed it at Zhuo Qilian, "This sword can kill Ji Chongtian now, and it will definitely kill Luo Dynasty in the future. This is just the beginning! Judge Zhuo, delaying time is not a good habit. Are you done talking nonsense?"

"you are interesting……"

"It seems that it is right for me to stay. In this last moment, I am willing to listen to your ideas."

Zhuo Qilian seemed to be satisfied with this answer, nodded slightly, and activated the magic weapon.

The terrifying divine thoughts spread immediately.

In an instant, it covered a radius of five hundred miles.

All the members of the escaping spiritual magic family paused for a moment, their faces distorted, but they could not resist, so they all turned around and returned the same way - this is magic, the power to control people's hearts against their will!

She knew very well that if she wanted the young man in front of her to calm down and talk, she must show sincerity.

So, spiritual magic families, give your heads.

Everything that was happening was projected in Yun Ye's mind. This was the image transmitted to him by Zhuo Qilian through his spiritual thoughts.

He took a deep look at Zhuo Qilian and put down the Tomorrow Dao Sword.

Yun Ye said to everyone: "Gather the people of the town and execute all the members of the Lingfa family in public. They have been controlled by Judge Zhuo and will not resist anymore... However, you still don't relax and maintain a large formation."

"Dao, don't let down your guard, this is a great cultivator of divine magic! If there is no protection from the formation, I'm afraid he will be controlled in the blink of an eye!" Yang Shu frowned.

Tong Huoyang also nodded. Although she had not seen this woman a few times, as an official of the Divine Law, she was too conspicuous and had countless tricks. How could she let down her guard at will?

"It's simple. Let's establish an oath. Use the Taoist weapon as proof. I will never harm or control any of you, nor will I release any member of the spiritual family from control, nor will I control ordinary people to attack you."

Zhuo Qilian opened his mouth and blocked all possibilities.

The Taoist weapon shimmered, acknowledging the contract.

Using Taoist artifacts as evidence will not increase the effectiveness, but it will make it impossible for the magician to falsify and terminate his or her oath.

Once the oath was established, it was indeed impossible for Zhuo Qilian to make any more small moves.

Everyone was hesitant, but their biggest goal was to deal with the Lingfa Family, so they had to leave.

After they left, Zhuo Qilian waved her hand, and tables and chairs appeared out of thin air. She invited Yun Ye to take a seat, treating Yun Ye as a monk of the same level.

Yun Ye went up to the city wall and took a seat.

He rubbed the armrest inadvertently, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes... This table and chair was created by divine magic, but its material and comfort were excellent, and it didn't look like a fake at all.

"Dao, although this is very rude, I still want to say that your path is to be an enemy of the entire Luo Dynasty. This is an inevitable dead end. Are you fearless or ignorant?"

Zhuo Qilian asked seriously. This was the last time. If she didn't ask clearly, she would feel very sorry.

"The Luo Dynasty is indeed huge and invincible. It has a power that is trillions of times greater than that of Baishi Town. Killing us is as easy as killing ants, but I still want to say that for the future, everything must begin."

"If that's the case, why can't it be me?"

Yun Ye said.

"But you're going to die, so what's the point?"

Zhuo Qilian is a spiritual monk who has experienced the lives and sufferings of countless people.

Speaking from experience, no one is afraid of death.

All she saw were compromises, compromises, and compromises, and very little resistance in the past hundred years.

But it's meaningless, it will just be silenced and silenced, becoming a reason for others to compromise.

The first person to stand up has a far greater possibility of death than others, and it can even be said that he will die.

In order to live rather than die, even if they are beaten to death, most people would rather do this, let alone stand up as a leader and become the person most likely to die?

This sounds contradictory,

But if you resist, you will definitely die, but if you don't resist, you may still live. In addition, due to the mental pressure imposed by the entire environment, resisting this kind of thing is naturally almost extinct.

Isn’t it good to be alive?

Why fight for ordinary people?

Even if it succeeds in the future, the pioneers today will never be able to see it. Why do it if it is so illusory?


Yun Ye stared at her for a long time, thinking about what examples he should give to make her feel the same.

Zhuo Qilian didn't feel uncomfortable at all being stared at, he just looked back.

Then, Yun Ye thought about it and said: "There is always something higher than life. If at this moment, I sealed your power and threw you to everyone's humiliation, would you choose to die or endure and live?"

The corner of Zhuo Qilian's mouth twitched. She thought about it a little and immediately came to the conclusion: "It's a very vulgar example, but... you are right, it is unbearable."

Holding a high position, countless people respected her. After getting used to it, her ideas had become fixed and she could not be willing to lose her dignity. She felt unbearable even thinking about that possibility.

Therefore, she can control all the members of the Lingfa Family and hand them over to Yun Ye with a single thought. In exchange, she will also consider her dignity to be higher than her life. If she is insulted, she would rather die.

But this is a very strange thing...

She holds a high position and has enjoyed respect for countless years, so she has such a strong self-esteem.

Yang Shi, Dao, and these members of the Tomorrow Society who are willing to fight for this, why?

Some things still cannot be explained.

"Tao, the order has been completed!"

A member of the Tomorrow Society came to report that the spiritual magician's actions were extremely extraordinary and greatly reduced the time.

So in just a moment, the strong smell of blood in the center of the town could be smelled halfway across the town.

The spiritual law family in Baishi Town came to an end today.

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