A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 215 Magic Classic!

The celebration lasted for seven days and ended successfully.

The name of Xiang Ying, the Qilin son of the Xiang family, became known to everyone in a short period of time, triggering heated discussions.

To be accepted as a disciple by Elder Zhishuang, he must have great talents. It seems that another genius will be born in this area.

And the elder Jieshuang who is his background is indeed tough enough to shock the entire Wenyun City and keep the Xiang family and Xiang Ying safe and sound.

This incident quickly spread throughout the world of Yuntian and Earth, and the Toshuang clan did not deny it, so it became a fact.

The Xiang family's mansion.

On the wooden bridge of the pond, Xiang Baizheng stood with his hands behind his back, watching the fish swimming in the water, while Yun Ye stood beside him and looked at them coldly.

For a long time, no one spoke.

Xiang Baizheng obviously didn't expect Yun Ye to be so calm. He pondered for a moment and said: "Xiang Ying, although you are only three years old, the road has been opened for three days. In the future, you will start to practice real practice. Do you have a direction?" ?”

"Spiritual method." Yun Ye gave the answer without any hesitation.

"Is it really a spiritual method? It seems that you also understand your own advantages, so you don't need to use kung fu to correct it." Xiang Baizheng turned around and looked at his third son, "Since spiritual methods are the main focus, you must not mess around. Otherwise, you will only waste time and energy, do you understand? "

"Yes, head of the family." Yun Ye said.

"Very well, come with me. From today on, you will follow me to learn the most core practice of the Xiang family, the "Xiang Yu Practice". As for the fire spiritual practice, you can go to the library and choose from it. With your talent, you must practice it There is no problem with the two major practices," Xiang Baizheng said.

He took Yun Ye to the clan's spiritual place.

"Physical practice is different from spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual energy concentration, the faster the practice speed. There is almost no improvement bottleneck..."

"At the same time, our clan has mastered the method of casting spiritual stones, so we have accumulated a large amount of high-purity spiritual energy crystals. The effects are almost the same as those of elixirs. The clan will try to reduce the cost of spiritual stones to support your cultivation."

"Three years are enough for you to cultivate a practice. Even in the Yuntian Lingzong, which has countless geniuses, you can still occupy a place in the evening, and you will not disgrace the reputation of Elder Qishuang!"

Xiang Baizheng and Yun Ye stepped into a barrier.

Immediately, the spiritual energy concentration soared.

At least five times more than the outside world!

The speed of practicing in this environment is far beyond that of Baishi Town. Even if there is no elixir provided by Yingyue Secret Realm, the Dharma realm produced is completely comparable.

(Spirit gathering formation?)

All major aristocratic families in Baishi Town have spirit gathering formations, so the spiritual energy in Baishi Town is very thin and is concentrated in the major aristocratic families.

As for the Hongshan Spiritual Veins, the Hongshan Sword Formation extracts spiritual energy, making it even less likely that the spiritual energy will flow out.

The spirit gathering formation is indeed miraculous in strengthening spiritual energy in a small area.

However, if you want to increase the concentration of the spiritual veins on a large scale, you can only adjust the entire spiritual veins. It is difficult to arrange such a large spirit gathering array, and you must rely on the spiritual veins.

There are many elixirs planted in the Xiang family's spiritual land, many more than in the gardens outside, and they are actually used for harvesting.

Many wood spirit practitioners shuttled through it to induce birth, and judging by their attire, they were probably all on the sidelines.

The faces of this group of people are rather gloomy, which may be related to the overdraft of their vitality all year round.

Yun Ye watched silently and didn't say anything.

In this life, he has seen many similar scenes.

For these aristocratic families, they have dedicated their own resources to cultivate them, provide you with food, drink, and shelter. You can naturally use them as you want without any problems.

To be honest, if Yun Ye captures members of the family, he will definitely use them as slaves to the extreme.

It is clear that Yun Ye's Taoist weapon is a sword, not a flag.

Maybe sometimes Yun Ye would let some people go, but most of the time, he didn't have such a big plan.

No one, male or female, old or young, was left alive in the Baishi Town aristocratic family. This was because Yun Ye knew that a powerful enemy would come soon. Otherwise, he would not be able to repay their sins by simply letting these people die.

Passing through the plantation, a simple stone house appeared in front of the two of them, and Yun Ye could faintly feel the restraint inside.

"This is a retreat room. There are only five rooms in total. Starting today, you will be allocated one room. You can use it at any time. However, every seven days, you need to go to class for one day to understand the major events happening in various places and learn all kinds of knowledge."

"If you want to stand out in Yuntian Lingzong, force alone is far from enough."

Xiang Baizheng directly pushed open the door of the stone chamber. The weight that was insurmountable for a mortal was almost nothing in the hands of a spiritual practitioner.

Before entering, Yun Ye saw that his forbidden nameplate was hung in this retreat room, and he also performed identity verification when passing through. It was probably the same with other retreat rooms, which were exclusive to one person and would not be used in turn.

Just like Zhu Zhaohong didn't deal with Yun Ye personally at the beginning, sometimes people don't act to maximize benefits.

The retreat room automatically closes, the barrier is activated, and outside sounds are blocked.

"Before learning the Xiangyu method, you need to know the differences between different methods and the classification of levels."

"Shu, Dharma, Sutra, and Canon, these four titles can be said to be hierarchical divisions or classifications."

"Technology, the actual method of using spiritual power. The more advanced the technique, the more can be achieved with the same spiritual power."

"Dharma, the basis of using magic, is to increase the amount of energy in the body and make it fundamentally stronger."

"Sutras, long-lasting legal principles, often sum up a power far superior to the law."

"Classics, classics that are beyond the understanding of ordinary people and contain the principles of heaven and earth, are called Taoist canons. It is said that each Taoist canon has the power to establish the strongest immortal sect and unify the immortal dynasty. The royal family of the Luo Dynasty has mastered a Taoist canon. Code, thus establishing a thousand-year dynasty.”

"Of course, this is a legend. Our clan has no way of confirming it. Even without the Dao Code, the Luo clan is the only holy clan in the world, and its background is unimaginable."

"As for our clan, we don't even have a slightly stronger Dharma. For hundreds of years, the one with the strongest cultivation level is the Supreme Elder. The hope of uncovering the secrets of the Dharma Realm is far away."

"Xiangying, you are the hope for our clan to reach a higher level. You are not just yourself, but also represent the entire Xiang clan. Do you understand? Without the Xiang clan, you would not be what you are today. And what you have achieved is also Give back to the Xiang people!”

Xiang Baizheng said in a deep voice, exerting influence in a subtle way.

In response to this, Yun Ye nodded his head repeatedly: "You are right, Xiangying, please remember that in the future, I will definitely repay kindness and revenge!"

Why is Yun Ye reluctant to be reincarnated into a noble family?

It's very simple. People have feelings. If your family after reincarnation treats you very well, but it is aggressive towards others.

How many people are willing to exterminate their relatives for justice at this time?

Yun Ye thinks it's difficult. If he were to say it, he would probably spend a lot of effort to change his mind rather than just kill him with one blow.

However, after Yun Ye collected a large amount of internal information about the family, he suddenly realized that his thoughts were naive.

Indeed, people all have feelings. No matter how cruel they are to others, they may also have a tender side towards their own people.

However, this is based on "people".

Can immortal cultivators really be simply understood as human beings?

Take for example the ancient clan with a large population and the modern seven aunts and eight aunts.

The former is interest + blood relationship, and has an extremely strong relationship.

But for the latter, apart from the few people who often communicate with each other, what is blood status alone?

Feelings are cultivated by time and will be worn away by time.

The Lingfa family is very close to modern people, and the emotional connection is close to non-existent.

Except for myself, everyone else is a tool person, who only values ​​functionality rather than extremely costly emotions.

This is the result of power being attributed to itself. When the deterrence of power alone is enough to make people obedient, what is the point of connecting with emotions?

At the same time, spiritual practitioners also have a lifespan that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Based on the environment of this era, the average lifespan of ordinary people is only about thirty years. However, even if spiritual practitioners do not break through to the spiritual realm and use physical techniques to maintain their vitality, they can still live to their maximum lifespan, which is usually seventy or eighty years old, more than a hundred years. age.

With such a big life span gap, over time, the concept of indifference will accumulate little by little, silently eroding everyone, and it will become a matter of course.

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