A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 217: 20,000-year-old Sun Spirit Tree

Although Yun Ye said that it doesn't take too much time to cultivate the Sun Wheel Spirit Tree, that's compared to other people.

In reality, it's much more difficult to cultivate than other spiritual medicines.

About 2,000 Yang Lingzhi can be planted in an area of ​​300 square meters, so if only one is planted, it can be directly accelerated by 2,000 times.

But in the same 300 square meters, only ten Sun Wheel Spirit Trees can be planted, so naturally it can only be accelerated by ten times.

Now the basic acceleration of the secret realm is 20 times, and the same spiritual energy can accelerate the multiple more.

But it's not multiplied by 2, through testing, it's only about 1.5.

100 points of spiritual energy concentration can accelerate 15 times, and this base number multiplied by 10 is the real acceleration multiple.

That is 150 times.

This number is not much different from the Xiang family spiritual land.

What really opened up the acceleration multiple is the three thousand extreme age spiritual medicines growing in the spiritual land.

Each plant provides 10 points of spiritual energy. The concentration of spiritual energy in the secret realm is actually 30,000. In the end, the growth can be accelerated to 45,000 times, which is about 120 years a day.

Yun Ye planted the Sun Wheel Spiritual Tree half a year ago, so the current medicinal power is 20,000 years, and it will take two years to grow to break 100,000.

However, two 10,000-year results are not dispensable, but they are too far away from 100,000 years.

Ten thousand year Sun Wheel Fruit, each one is comparable to ordinary spiritual medicine of 200 years, and the effect of warming blood and nourishing qi has also become much stronger. One hundred fruits added together have completely surpassed high-level spiritual medicine.

Yun Ye used alchemy to purify, and one hundred fruits together can even be several times stronger than high-level spiritual medicine.

However, planting for hundreds of years, taking up a lot of spiritual energy, just for two or three high-level spiritual medicines?

If it is replaced with a small-volume high-level spiritual medicine, more than ten plants can be born, which is really not worth the loss.

"Once you enter the spiritual realm, the area will expand a hundred times, and the growth rate will also be improved by the same amount. By then, a million years will be just a blink of an eye... This is worth looking forward to."

One hundred spiritual fruits comparable to top spiritual medicines, no matter who gets them, will become rich overnight, and it will be a great opportunity.


A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged in the secret room, a large amount of spiritual energy poured into his body, turned into fire spiritual power, and constructed complex meridians.

Half an hour later, Yun Ye slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Improved version of Samadhi True Fire Practice, perfect!

This is the second practice he has cultivated. Xiangyu practice was perfected several months ago.

After the practice is perfected, the efficiency of spiritual energy extraction is twenty times that of the past, so it is naturally not difficult to cultivate the second practice.

"It is not bad to reach the current level at the age of four."

Yun Ye pressed his wrist and got up to leave.

After the water and fire practices are gathered together, the power of the silence of all things is equivalent to setting up the eight-way extreme cold formation.

The power of self-preservation has been initially acquired.

There are countless monsters in the outside world, and Yun Ye dare not be arrogant, but no one in the Xiang clan can threaten him, including the so-called Supreme Elder.

With this strength, Yun Ye has a little confidence in entering the core layer of Yuntian Lingzong.

In addition to practicing the origin method, he will continue to fight and hone his combat skills.

The reason why the Xiang family teaches Huaquan is because this mortal martial art can especially inspire killing intent and strengthen confidence. And fighting with Huaquan, even if the heart is pierced, it is not a fatal injury because there is no spirituality. The superb water spirit method can repair it in a blink of an eye.

The combat skills trained in this mode can actually be used in spiritual battles.

Yu Wen and others in Baishi Town may not have experienced too many life and death, but they have extremely rich combat experience, and the source is this kind of fighting trial.

Similarly, even civilians in Baishi Town will train tiger fists to strengthen their courage.

If you only have a posture but no heart, you will basically break at a touch, and you are not even cannon fodder. Resources should not be wasted like this.

And fighting requires an opponent, so Yun Ye found Xiang Baizheng.

"You want to challenge the spiritualists in the clan?"

Xiang Baizheng said in surprise.

"I have completed the water and fire method, and I need to accumulate combat experience."

Yun Ye nodded.

"So soon? It seems that you will soon be exposed to the Heavenly Road. Yes, I will let the spiritualists in the clan cooperate with you, but your spiritual eyes are not allowed to be used."

Xiang Baizheng said.

"I understand that if the spiritual eyes are used, there is no point in training. I will only limit myself to the confrontation of spiritual methods and physical skills."

Yun Ye replied.


"It is indeed much simpler to ascend the bloodline. There is no need to practice the origin method. The Heavenly Road has already appeared."

"But it is not good to be too anxious."

Yun Ye opened his eyes and smiled.

He did not try to ascend the Heavenly Road.

Knowing the inside story of the Heavenly Road and having a lot of information accumulated by the spiritual family, he would choose the best route.

First, he had to complete the origin method preliminarily!

If it is only completed preliminarily, it does not involve the dangerous part, so it is okay.

The rest was completed with the help of the Heavenly Road, and the upgrade was done with all efforts.


Yun Ye put on a blue dress and went out neatly.

The whole mansion where he was located had more than a dozen defensive measures of various sizes, and there were as many as ten guards on guard.

Among them, there were even two in the Spirit Realm.

The spiritual energy in Wenyun Town was abundant, and it was not difficult to advance to the Spirit Realm through Dengjie Bloodline. After a long period of accumulation, the Xiang family already had more than twenty Spirit Realm masters.

But even so, the Spirit Realm was valuable.

Only by ascending the bloodline can it be possible to advance to the spiritual realm. These spiritual realms are not as powerful as the family master, but their status is still much higher than that of the family master's son.

Talent is talent, strength is strength.

Sending two spiritual realm guards at all times shows that Yun Ye's talent has completely surpassed that of the spiritual realm, and he is regarded as a law realm reserve.

When Yun Ye went out, these guards naturally followed him.

One of the spiritual guards said: "Your Majesty, please go to Yangxin Pavilion in Xushi today. The master of the house has something to give you."

"Yangxin Pavilion, I understand." Yun Ye nodded and continued walking toward his goal.

In class today, the person in charge will teach Yun Ye various knowledge and principles.

It is mainly used to increase knowledge. Knowing more information will not improve your IQ, but you can be more flexible and relaxed in dealing with it, which can increase Yun Ye's success rate to some extent.

The teaching location is a pavilion in Xiangjia Garden.

This pavilion is very special. It contains several bookshelves and several pairs of tables and chairs. It is specially used for teaching and talking. The layout of the pavilion and the surrounding scenery are really impressive.

The old man with a mustache was lying on a chair, leisurely reading a book. When he saw Yun Ye coming, he said without raising his head: "The master of the house has already told me about you. In that case, today I will talk about the road to heaven. "

This old man is also a spiritual person, but he is over 180 years old. His end is approaching and the future is bleak, so he simply gives up on old age care.

His knowledge was commendable, so he was assigned to teach Yun Ye.

"Teacher, please speak."

Yun Ye sat down and listened attentively.

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