A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 219 The Pattern of Tianjiao

After Yun Ye took his seat, he saw many familiar people.

Xiangting, Xiangxiang, and Xiangxu are naturally on the list, but there are also many other members, most of whom are from the younger generation.

Yun Ye swept away the younger generation at the age of one or two, and before fighting, he always had to get to know him.

Those he doesn't know have never fought before, and they are probably his next opponents.

Yun Ye glanced at him, and everyone who knew him looked away, their eyes evasive.

Those who didn't know him were shocked.

The prince, Xiangying.

Rumor has it that the most outstanding genius in the history of their Hunan family swept his peers at the age of one or two.

Later, he was spotted by such a powerful person as the Chishuang clan and was appointed as his disciple.

His future is bright to the naked eye, and even the future rise and fall of the Xiang family will be determined by this person!

How could anyone not pay attention to such a character?

Even Yun Ye's eldest brother in this life is no exception.

Therefore, Xiangdong Qi stepped away, sighed and sat aside. Only those in the spiritual realm were qualified to sit down.

Xiangting, who belongs to the clan of the family, is not in the spiritual realm. He is not even qualified to sit down and can only stand.

Xiang Bai Zheng saw that the most important person had arrived, so he knocked on the table and attracted everyone's attention: "We are gathering everyone today to do two things, both of which are related to the future of our Xiang family. I hope you can understand this." a little."

"Is it possible to select the followers of the Crown Prince? In two years, the Crown Prince will enter the Ling Sect and compete with the geniuses from all over the world. The training will indeed start from now on." Someone said with a look on his face.

Everyone also thought of this and nodded slightly.

There are many factions in Yuntian Lingzong. Without enough strength, nothing can be done, and followers are naturally part of the strength.

Although Xiangying is a monster, he is not even in the spiritual realm after all. He has many weaknesses of a mortal. Once he encounters a sudden attack, he may capsize in the gutter. At this time, the role of followers will be reflected.

We will protect Xiangying in the early stage, and when Xiangying achieves great things, there will naturally be rich feedback.

"This is just one of them. The second thing is that I am going to host the Pattern Cloud Ceremony to make Xiangying famous!"

"I want to know everyone's opinions!"

Xiang Baizheng said.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole hall was shocked.

"Master, I'm afraid it's too early. Prince Xiangying is only four years old and has just begun to master the practice. How can he compete with the many geniuses in Wenyun Town!"

Xiang Xiang frowned.

Although Xiang Ying's talent was terrifying and he was invincible in defeating everyone in the clan, it was limited to the mortal realm.

The Wenyun Ceremony is the grandest battle stage in Wenyun Town. It only limits age, but does not limit cultivation at all.

In the battle of the spiritual magician, it is not just because of the exquisite boxing skills. The difference in strength is too big. Hundreds of meters around the wave will turn into scorched earth, and the skills cannot be effective at all. Only when the strength is not much different, it is possible to use body skills or tactics. Class trail wins.

Yes, technical things are completely trivial to spiritual practitioners.

Modern fighting champions need to train for ten years before they can utilize their bodies to the extreme. But even so, victory or defeat is particularly unstable, and they may be defeated at any time due to state and timing.

With the same quality, a fighting master may not be able to defeat three random fighters.

And the gap between the spiritual practitioners is more than just the strength of three people?

Moreover, if three times the power is gathered in one person, he can be crushed even if he doesn't know how to fight.

Xiangying is just a genius.

It's a bit too much to challenge the whole town's geniuses before they have grown up.

"Master, please wait a few years. The prince is still too young and it won't be too late to wait until he returns from Yuntian Lingzong. If we lose, it will not only damage our face."

Someone echoed and reminded Xiang Baizheng that now Xiangying is a disciple of the Qishuang family and can only win, not lose!

"So, this follower selection is just a good way to know the strength of the younger generation."

Xiang Baizheng said calmly.

Everyone frowned.

The so-called opinions mostly refer to power among spiritual practitioners.

If you have strength, you will be justified, it's that simple.

The meaning of Xiang Bai Zheng is very clear. It is to test the strength of Xiang Ying. If it is invincible, it can be held.

No, then just pretend nothing happened.

Everyone fell into silence.

Testing the Crown Prince is not a good job. Now that he has defeated the Crown Prince, what should he do if he is remembered?

"I think it's okay. Xiangying needs enough combat experience, and the rest are secondary. It's an honor for you to serve for the Crown Prince. What does the Crown Prince think?"

The Supreme Elder spoke and looked at Yun Ye.

"Elders of the clan, brothers and sisters, please rest assured, there is no room for others, how can we go higher? Breaking the difficulties and facing up to the difficulties is my creed. Even if I fail, I will only be happy that you will move forward for me. Motivation, I know very well that eternal invincibility is not realistic, and the failure now is nothing compared to the failure in the future! "

"Only enemies on the ground will be completely destroyed by me and will never be allowed to stand up. Friends, however, will live and die together... My words are absolutely untrue!"

Yun Ye nodded and said very seriously, the will in his heart came out so brightly that it was almost impossible to open his eyes.

(This guy is not telling lies!)

(Is this the pattern of Tianjiao?)

This feeling emerged in everyone's heart.

In their perception, blood ties are just a little more trustworthy than strangers, and what is truly reliable is the link of interests.

It is precisely for this reason that talented heroes with charisma are so valuable in this environment.

The so-called Yuntian Lingzong is a place that transcends the limitations of aristocratic families and brings together truly capable people.

Among them, the peerless characters are enough to eclipse everything else.

"As expected of me, the Qilin son of the Xiang clan, he is indeed extraordinary. It's because we fell behind and looked down on the prince!"

"I think we can indeed give it a try. If the prince is so heroic, even if he cannot defeat all enemies at this time, he will reach the top step by step in the future!"

Someone immediately handed over and agreed.

After the first person spoke, the situation became unstoppable, and most people agreed.

It is difficult for them not to recognize Xiangying.

Even if it is just such a few words, it is too rare. It does not look like someone who was born in an aristocratic family that is extremely selfish.

At least they are too embarrassed to say it themselves.

The pattern is too big. In line with their daily performance, saying it will only add to the jokes.

They don’t want to be this kind of person, but they definitely want to work with this kind of person, the more the merrier!

In the end, only a few people did not speak, and the matters of the Wenyun Ceremony were passed directly without a fight.

This group of people is not opposed, but they are not interested in participating. They have no descendants and cannot participate themselves, so naturally they will not be interested in paying attention.

"Now that everyone has reached an agreement, let's prepare for the selection!"

"Xiangying, strength is the foundation of everything. I hope you are not just talking nonsense, but prove yourself with strength."

The discussion of Yangxin Pavilion ended with two sentences from Xiang Baizheng, and the entire Xiang family was officially mobilized.

The people participating in the war are involved in the spiritual realm, so naturally they cannot just find a place to fight. The damage would be too great.

During the long waiting time, Yun Ye began to practice the original method.

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