A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 221 The spiritual battle begins

"The younger generation, there are five spiritual realms in total, the oldest is only thirty-seven years old. They will participate in the Pattern Cloud Ceremony. Those over forty years old in the clan will only participate in this follower election."

"When you enter the Yuntian Spirit Sect, you can bring up to three followers, so who can be selected depends on their strength. You can consider it carefully. The two strongest among them must follow you, and you can choose the other one yourself."

Under Xiangdong's narration, Yun Ye gradually got to know everyone present.

The Xiang people do have more talents.

The younger generation has five spiritual realms, and the older generation has accumulated at least twenty.

Unlike Baishi Town, which relies entirely on secret realms, the resources of Wenyun Town must be obtained outside the town, and there must be enough manpower to defend it, so there is also an incentive to cultivate more combat power.

For example, the Xiang people's spiritual veins in Beize are always stationed in the spiritual realm to resist demon attacks.

This spiritual vein is used to produce spiritual stones.

The spirit stone workshop was set up on this spiritual vein, producing spirit stones day and night, and then transporting them back to the Xiang people.

In terms of resource richness, Wenyun Town is not inferior to Baishi Town at all, and the environment is better for the middle-level.

The aristocratic families in Baishi Town often only have two or three spiritual realms, but any aristocratic family in Wenyun Town has at least twenty spiritual realms.

On the contrary, the Dharma Realm is similar to Baishi Town due to the lack of high-end resources.

As long as the spiritual realm does not have a powerful enough formation, it will not pose a threat to the legal realm. Therefore, the real strength comparison is based on the number of legal realms and the realm. The two towns have similar legal realms, and their strength is not too different. Far.

It is not particularly difficult for Yun Ye to destroy Yunwen Town...

(No, why did I subconsciously start thinking about something so far away again?)

(In this life, it is the kingly way for me to hide in the dark. As the driving force behind the scenes, I weaken the strength of various families. This is the method to maximize the results. For this reason, I did not even awaken the Taoist weapon to avoid detection in the Tao domain.)

Yun Ye clears away distracting thoughts.

He will basically not wake up tomorrow in this life, leaving the Taoist artifact in a state of "return to heaven".

Yun Ye's return to heaven is different from other people's. He does not return to heaven, but temporarily lives in heaven.

Everyone in the Tomorrow Society can still borrow the power of the Taoist tools. Even after the Taoist tools of the Tomorrow Club die, some of the echoes of their Taoist tools will automatically flow to the source of Tomorrow.

Of course, hiding also has hidden costs. In addition to being unable to use upgrade panels and the like, Yun Ye can't even use the Yingyue Baohuan to kill enemies. The only thing he can do is to open or close the secret realm.

Yun Ye cleared his mind and continued to listen to Xiangdong's explanation.

The group of people walked towards the platform not far away, where there were seats specially used for watching the battle. The terrain was also very high, and they could easily see the entire Yingtian Martial Arts Field.

Almost thirty people from the entire Xiang ethnic group gathered here.

There are all types of monks.

Xiangdong specifically pointed out a young girl with black hair: "Ying'er, this is the only monk in the clan who has innate magic. She is very suitable to be your follower."

"Innate magic?" Yun Ye looked over in surprise, and the black-haired girl happened to look over and looked at Yun Ye.

She looked very sweet and didn't care about being observed. Instead, she smiled at Yun Ye and walked over to say hello.

"Xiang Qingrou, this is my name...Has the Crown Prince fallen in love with me? My innate magic is very useful?" Xiang Qingrou promoted herself without any shame with a natural smile.

"I don't know yet, do you want to tell me?" Yun Ye said.

"Haha, you don't know? Prince, then experience it for yourself, it will be very interesting, I promise!" Xiang Qingju said.

"..." Yun Ye didn't force himself and nodded silently. He asked, "When will the selection begin? Will you fight me in front or behind?"

"The head of the family is not here. Naturally, if you want to challenge first, you can challenge first, and if you want to select first, you can select first. The one who decides is you. From now on, everything is decided by you." Xiangdong said.

"I see." Yun Ye touched the sealing device on his forehead, "Then I can't wait. Let's put the challenge ahead. Inform everyone to come and fight me!"

He turned around and jumped off the platform, heading straight to the center to wait for the battle to begin.

Although he said he couldn't wait, no one saw any fluctuations in his expression. Xiang Qingrou couldn't help but laugh: "The prince is really bold, hahaha, I can't even feel too many emotions. It seems that this time there will be a drama." What a show.”

She especially likes to laugh.

This is probably because of her innate magic.

Because of this magic, she often sees many interesting things, and her character is developed as a result.

"Is it a good show...?"

Xiang Dongqi and others looked at each other, and for some reason they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Probably not.

Just mortals.

The weakest of the three of them also has a spiritual foundation, so he won't be defeated by a mortal, right?

"Since the Crown Prince wants to start the challenge first, then please come forward."

"Haha, then you will know the prince's amazing talents!"

After Xiangdong gave the order, many people smiled and disappeared in an instant, officially entering the battlefield.

"Dong Qi, you guys should go too. If Xiangying loses, keep the pressure up and force him to grow little by little. He only needs a little time to become stronger quickly."


Yun Ye randomly found an open space and waited.

Spiritualists from many tribes gathered around, and after a brief discussion, a man stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I'm very ashamed. I'm not in the spiritual realm, I'm just practicing the Dharma perfectly. I'll fight your Majesty first."

"My name is Xiangqing."

The forty-year-old man saluted, and his aura was indeed in the mortal realm.


Yun Ye nodded.

"Then...here he comes!"

After Xiangqing saluted, he instantly entered a fighting state. The strong evil energy was crushed out, working together with the divine magic to suppress Yun Ye's spirit, trying to seize the opportunity.

However, this move was obviously ineffective against Yun Ye. The Samadhi True Fire burned and resisted the divine attack.


Xiang Qing was a little strange. If he remembered correctly, family hunting started at the age of eight. No one in the clan had seen blood before that. Why could the prince accept the evil oppression without any trouble?

Xiang Qing's thinking was fruitless, so he simply entered the next stage:

"Heavy Water Practice!"

The heavy black water surged, engulfing Xiangqing, and then rushed towards Yunye, crushing everything in its path.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy began to gather, and some powerful spell was being constructed.

"Heavy water that enhances weight and solubility?"

The spiritual energy on Yun Ye's body surface surged and connected with the sky. Clouds covered him for a while, and the Xiang Yu method was activated.

The Xiangyu practice is the core practice of the family leader's lineage. With the blessing of the Heavenly Road, its power is far superior to other practices.

Within the scope of Xiangyu, most of the spiritual energy is taken away by the controller, and the enemy is continuously consumed and will quickly weaken.

This is the most commonly used tactic of Xiangyu Xingfa, which is to wear down the opponent's spiritual power and enhance one's own spiritual power.

When the time comes, you can use a large amount of accumulated spiritual power to launch a powerful spiritual technique to make the final decision.


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