A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 253 The Spiritual Body is Perfect

Yunye's cave is located on a mountain, but the top is hollowed out, so there is good natural light.

At night, each stone chamber is also equipped with a large number of spiritual lamps that can provide light sources. It is said that one lamp can burn for ten years, and after Yun Ye casually modified it to be inextinguishable, the burning period is close to infinite.

At least it can continue to exist for thousands of years without interference.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, looking at the various buildings that had sprung up overnight on the mountainside, Yun Ye turned around and went back to practice.

Qinghe Lingdi is gradually getting on the right track, and he can practice well.

A blink of an eye.

The calendar turned the page and entered the next month.

Yun Ye's spirit body progressed to 100%, reaching a perfect state, and Tianlu could no longer help.

"I have to open up the next path myself. According to the direction of previous calculations, I can probably increase the essence of life from 1.26 to 1.35... It is not enough. If I want to achieve peerless achievement, my level is far from enough."

Although Yun Ye has the memory of Tianlu and has found a more suitable path, he can only deduce a little bit of it based on Tianlu. It would be risky to improve it by 0.1. This is an operation that will cause the blood to collapse. It is impossible to do it without verification. case of moving forward too much.

"The spirit body is the foundation of everything, but it must be raised to sufficient strength within ten times of climbing the Pilgrim. Otherwise, even if I have memory, it will be impossible to fight against Lan Wuyuan!"

As soon as Yun Ye entered Yuntian Lingzong, he obtained a lot of information about Qilin Tianjiao.

Many battle images of Qilin Tianjiao have been recorded by the Qishuang Taoist system for learning and observation.

By understanding the current Qilin Tianjiao of Yun Tianling Sect, Yun Ye knew that in the spiritual realm, he might be able to compete with the Qilin Tianjiao, but once he entered the legal realm, he would be crushed in all aspects based on his spiritual body background.

The four peerless ones, the thirty-six unicorn geniuses, this is a rule list that can only be entered before the age of forty.

And how long has Yuntian Lingzong existed?


The number of Qilin Geniuses accumulated in each generation, even if some are lost to everyone, is still an extremely huge number.

For example, there are twenty-seven branches in the Chushuang line. Each of these branches represents a Qilin genius in the Dharma realm, which is more important than the thirty-six geniuses on the Qilin list today.

These geniuses are constantly competing, constantly climbing to the top, and it has taken thousands of years to reach the current era.

Every Qilin Genius represents a terrifying heritage and should not be underestimated.

And the Dharma Realm Peerless is countless times more terrifying than the Dharma Realm Tianjiao.

If Yun Ye wants to sweep away all enemies, he must face difficulties and cannot simply be satisfied with his current achievements.

"Perhaps I can try cloning technology. If I copy my bloodline and conduct research, the accuracy should be improved. The growth of the clone can also be accelerated using the wood spirit method, or the secret realm will work. It is better to say that the secret realm accelerates faster... "

"It seems that we need to get more spiritual materials. Instruments made with top spiritual materials will be countless times more powerful than instruments made of ordinary substances. Haha, if scientists from the earth come here, they will probably be overjoyed, right?"

Yun Ye couldn't help but laugh. Basically, all common sense can be used to enhance spiritual energy countless times, which is indeed very convenient for scientific research.

Even Yun Ye has never cultivated his spiritual consciousness in depth. As the accuracy improves, he can also see more essential material structures. However, what is needed is not to increase the breadth, but to improve the microscopic ability.

In the current divine law system, almost no one cares about microscopic abilities. Basically, they only focus on improving breadth.

For example, Yun Ye's divine magic detection range is currently about five hundred meters, but if he reaches the spiritual realm of divine magic, this number can be increased to about twenty-five kilometers.

If the divine method is powerful enough and the divine realm is high enough, the detection range will continue to increase.

The realm of divine magic can basically be directly covered and observed within a thousand miles.

The Ji family's magical realm can only be said to be extremely poor. It was completely forcibly advanced and could not even reach the baseline of the magical realm.

Generally speaking, it can observe a thousand miles in radius, and the long-distance attack magic can also reach about a hundred miles.

However, the Ji family's great cultivator of divine magic was completely unable to reach this level, so he could only ask Zhuo Qilian to take action.

This is the result of insufficient foundation and forced advancement. It is just better than the spiritual realm, and it is nothing in the legal realm.

The entire Qinghe Spiritual Land was in motion.

A large number of mortals used the spiritual food given by Yun Ye to cook delicious food, and the food and meat were consumed quickly.

Most of the food reserves in Qinghe County have been consumed in just one month, and it is looking like there will not be enough.

However, the working people did not panic at all.

Because not far away from Cooking Youshi, there is a vast expanse of land where the golden rice shines dazzlingly.

"Farming Time Technique!"

Ten wood magicians stood on the altar in the center and jointly activated the great spiritual method.

For a moment, a massive amount of spiritual energy surged in, and then turned into green light and spread.

The golden rice is bathed in green light, and the ears of rice are visibly bulging, and their growth is complete.

"The rice is harvested!"

With a shout, countless people rushed up happily to harvest.

Although Qinghe County is peaceful, it is unrealistic to say how well every household can live.

There is no spiritual family, but there is also a powerful family, corrupt officials, and in the end the people are still in dire straits.

Yun Ye's order is very simple. Officials are not allowed to disobey orders. He needs his orders to be implemented thoroughly.

Therefore, the entire government is under constant divine law, and anyone who is in it will be monitored.

In this case, there is no room for corrupt officials to survive. They will voluntarily resign and be replaced by capable and ambitious people.

In fact, many people have ambitions and want to serve the people, but the environment has polluted them. Not only do they not get rewards, but they are suppressed everywhere. In this case, capable people will not join at all. In the government office, all those who enter are people with evil intentions.

In this case, it is natural that no matter how hard you kill corrupt officials or clean up, it will be useless.

To prevent this situation, a constant divine method is needed to keep the "oath" on them.

Zhuo Qilian's contract-blocking divine method once prevented Yun Ye from taking elixirs, and its detection ability was very powerful.

This magical method only needs to be slightly modified to become a mechanism that will immediately notify Yun Ye if he is greedy for money.

After Yun Ye implemented this method, he only killed a few people and the entire government immediately became honest and efficient.

However, no one resigned. This may be because they were worried about being killed, or it may be that the government positions provided good salaries, and the situation was indeed better than that of civilians.

No matter what it was, Yun Ye had no interest in it. He only chose this group of people for the more efficient operation of the government. After the first batch of people were trained, they would no longer be needed.

Their thoughts are so poisonous that their mere existence will make the government machinery rust and collapse.

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