A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 262 The Second Level of the Heavenly Road, Echoes of History

End of the year.

Yun Ye opened the Heavenly Road and stepped onto the second step.

His original method has reached 2.2 times, reaching the limit, and can only be deduced through the heavenly road.

Returning to Tianlu, Yun Ye didn't feel like his memory had returned.

It seems that the memory lost last time will not be gained the next time he enters the Heavenly Road, and will always be in an unknown state.

The white mist is hazy.

Yun Ye passed through the white mist rising from the second heavenly road and arrived at a wilderness place.

He suddenly discovered that his body had become countless times weaker, and he was directly knocked down into the weakest spiritual magician.

Moreover, he is still a spiritual practitioner who forcibly awakens his spiritual roots and has a weak foundation.

Yun Ye looked around in surprise.

A large number of mortals surged forward, their expressions numb, and they were supervised by a spiritual practitioner in gorgeous clothes and walked forward.

Along the way, corpses lay everywhere, and too many people fell down while walking.

As a large number of memories emerged, Yun Ye suddenly understood his situation.

"Second Level of the Heavenly Road·Song Wan's Wrath: In the 112th year of the Luo Dynasty, the Yuntian Lingzong moved millions of mortals. During this period, countless people died of starvation and freezing. Some people, Song Wan, resisted angrily and encouraged the people to resist the spiritual practitioners who supervised them. They were eventually bloody. Suppression, millions of people were killed, and a blood magic flower was planted. 』

Yun Ye was slightly startled.

Historical echo?

The historical echo this time is not the echo of the characters, but the echo of the entire historical scene?

So, what's the purpose? Survive? Or kill all the supervisors and save these people?

Yun Ye just felt it with his peripheral vision and immediately judged that the nearest supervisor had at least the cultivation level to lay the foundation for the spiritual realm.

Although in theory, there are millions of ordinary people like them, but to besiege and kill the spiritual realm, it is undoubtedly the same as dreaming...

"Is the difficulty of the Heavenly Road all this high?"

Yun Ye thought that even if he could pass this level, it would be very difficult. If he were in a normal spiritual realm, there would be no hope at all.

Or is he just unlucky?

Yun Ye opened the reincarnation panel and looked at the blue boundless covering luck "A+" marked on the panel.

what's the situation? ? ?

Although he didn't get the S+ luck of Blue Infinite Gundam, but A+ is also among the top three levels of Qilin Tianjiao. Can this be considered bad luck?

Yun Ye could clearly feel something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint the problem.


Suddenly, an extremely violent storm broke out in front of Yun Ye's eyes, directly blowing away Yun Ye who was thinking.

At this moment, Yun Ye actually felt it. He chose to protect his body and let himself be blown away.

When he got up after being smashed into a ball with more than a dozen people on the ground, the storm had dissipated, but a huge deep pit was left in front of him, and a large number of broken limbs were scattered.


A large number of people made sounds of extreme fear, and chaos spread.

Yun Ye looked at this scene with the same stiff expression and looked into the distance.

This historical scene...


Sitting on the magic weapon, the spiritual man floating in the air blew his fingers to blow away some sparks, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Although it made no sense to say it, he just had a whim, so he tried the idea casually.

There was no extra emotion, and there was no special purpose. I just wanted to do it, so I did it.

So in an instant, dozens of mortals died... maybe hundreds?

"Luo Nian, don't make any noise."

The token on the waist of the man in the spiritual realm made a sound. A spiritual monk in the distance who was playing Hachi was awakened by him and made a speech using the sect token.

"Listening to the sounds of spiritual magic is more interesting than watching these mortals, right? I'm not you, and I can't fall asleep at any time."

Luo Nian didn't care.

"I'm sleepy... do whatever you want, as long as I can't hear you."

The spiritual monk who was playing Ha Qie fell asleep again. This time he closed his hearing and did not want to be disturbed.

However, the spirit boat magic weapon still carried him forward smoothly and was not affected at all.

"Hey, it's so boring."

Luo Nian shook his head, moved his fingers, and a fireball took shape under the compression of a large amount of flames.


In Luo Nian's surprised eyes, the fireball in his hand lost its stability and turned into flames again, engulfing him as the controller bit by bit.

However, the speed of the flame explosion was too slow. In his opinion, it was completely slow and could not function as a sneak attack.

He waved his hand casually, and the powerful spiritual power directly suppressed the flames.

In this case someone was clearly interfering with him.

"Who could it be? Interesting and interesting."

Luo Nian couldn't help but become interested. Escorting these mortals away from Yuntian Lingzong was really boring. He wholeheartedly approved of doing something interesting during this period.

Of course, in the end, the person must be found, tortured in every possible way, and then his spiritual roots and power taken away.

Some mortals dared to take action against Lingzong disciples. This was a serious crime of genocide. There were Taoist weapons supervising them, so he couldn't even play with it as long as he wanted.

The thought just crossed my mind.

"Extreme Spiritual Earth Technique·Gravity!"


The sudden gravity caused Luo Nian to be knocked down together with his flying magic weapon.

The flying magic weapon was used for low-altitude flight, so the reaction time was very short. The pull of gravity far exceeded Luo Nian's reaction time and directly suppressed him to the ground, causing cracks in the spider web.


A huge amount of spiritual energy surged outside Luo Nian's body, and he stood up against gravity in an instant.

His expression completely disappeared, leaving only an astonishing murderous intent.

He wanted to have fun, not make a fool of himself.

"Everyone who sees this must die!"

"You must be cut into pieces!"

A large number of mortals fled in fear under the murderous intent, and only one person came out alone. It was obvious that this was the mortal who had just committed a serious crime.

After saying this, Luo Nian's murderous intent completely turned into action. He moved suddenly, stretched out his palm forward, and was about to press Yun Ye's face. Compared with mortals, his speed was really qualitatively different.

However, at this moment, Luo Nian also saw the eyes of the mortal in front of him.

The eyes were looking at a dead person...

"Spiritual roots revive!"

"Spiritual roots sublimate!"

Yun Ye's forehead spread yellow spiritual patterns, and in a blink of an eye, it spread all over his face and neck, and spread all the way down.

He was wearing only mortal clothes, which could not cover the light of the spiritual patterns at all. Luo Nian was shocked in his heart--

It turned out to be the sublimation of spiritual roots in the great success realm?

Just a mortal, why?


The second before Luo Nian pressed Yun Ye, a gravity far exceeding a thousand times the previous one fell down.

There was no power to resist.

Luo Nian fell directly into the ground, with a rumbling sound that spread thousands of meters. He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were scattered for a moment. This was the moment he lost consciousness.

But he was a spiritual realm physique after all, and his life essence was far beyond that of ordinary people. He recovered in less than a second.

He resisted, and the fire pattern on his forehead spread, entering the state of spiritual root recovery.

"The only earth method, gravity!"

Yun Ye, who was already familiar with the earth spiritual root, evolved gravity and adjusted it to target only Luo Nian, reaching the power of the only ultimate spirituality.


Luo Nian's blood flowed backwards, and all the cells in his body were disintegrated at the microscopic level, but as a spiritual realm, he did not die immediately, but struggled for a moment before turning into meat paste in wailing.

"It seems that it is meaningful to understand the ultimate spirituality of each spiritual method in advance."

Yun Ye clenched his fist and looked at the man who fell into a deep sleep thousands of meters away, and the evil spirit spread with it.

Although these were just historical echoes, these people were too real, faithfully recreating the past...

"No need to think too much, kill!"

Yun Ye jumped slightly, as if he had escaped the constraints of gravity, and flew hundreds of meters away, quickly approaching the second person.

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