A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 283 A textbook slap in the face

on the projection.

Although it was red, it was only flames in the background, and Yun Ye's figure was very clear.

On the other hand, the legal realm where the formation was set up was shrouded in vague power, and it was indeed impossible to see the beginning.

Seeing that Yun Ye kept asking without taking action, the Dharma Realm in the other direction in the projection was also willing to answer, and he said:

"The projection will indeed take effect, but even the divine magic of the Taoist masters cannot monitor the entire secret realm. Ordinary monks are often ignored and will not be noticed. The scores are recorded based on the sect token... "

"In other words, there are ways to avoid projection surveillance. In the projection, our figures are blurred, but your figure is clearly visible. The rest of the people only know that you died at our hands, but who is it? No one can know."

There is a Taoist master behind Yun Ye, and there is also a Taoist master behind them. With mutual interference, it is indeed impossible to know the real murderer.

It was obviously impossible for Lan Wuyin to declare war on the other eleven Taoists and force them to hand over the murderer.

This kind of thing has happened many times, and the disciples of Yuntian Lingzong are actually not surprised at all.

But this time it was particularly different. Every time these Dharma Realms said a word, the expressions of everyone in the Yuntian Ling Sect became weirder.

"It's outrageous. He actually surrounded and killed Xiangying...Does this count as a sign of bad luck?"

someone said.

"Regardless of his bad luck, I just feel that this is a pretty wonderful comedy. I have to say that these monks have aroused my interest. I have never been so looking forward to the next development."

Someone responded.


Even a monk would not be able to bear it when faced with such an emotional scene.

Xiang Ying had just killed a big master, and his strength had been clearly demonstrated. He was among the strongest people in the secret realm.

Then, this guy turned around and met a standard villain who thought he was a soft persimmon and wanted to pinch him.

So dramatic.

So interesting!

Do it quickly!

Yun Ye probably heard this. He sighed and walked out of Xuanniao: "So, if I kill you now, the sect won't punish me, right? After all, you did it first."

"This is indeed the case in theory, but the premise is that you have the strength - I mean, the strength to stop us and tear off our masks." The Dharma Realm said.

Facing a genius who might have been given a lot of treasures by Fetch Shuang, they didn't think everything was safe. At least Yun Ye's chance of escaping with the treasures of his master was not small.

But a treasure is a treasure, whether it can be used well is another matter.

It might be possible to escape.

But it's too difficult to tear off their masks. The most you can do is kill them, and you can't trace their backgrounds.

There is no reason not to do something with such little risk and such huge benefits.


"I see."

Yun Ye looked around. His spiritual eyes could not directly see where everyone's real body was, but at least they could eliminate some wrong options.

He actually didn't think he could reveal everyone's identity. It was too difficult. It would be very laborious for him to suppress the Dharma Realm. It was impossible to directly suppress several Dharma Realms through a large formation.


One would be fine.

Under the attention of everyone, Yun Ye took action. First, a big sun suddenly rose, and the world changed.

The overwhelming three layers of fire were overwhelmed and cleared away, leaving only the remaining fire lingering on the edge of the vision.

Without the obstruction of the spiritual fire, everything becomes clearly visible.

Outside the fire net, there were four figures standing.

They were presiding over the formation respectively, the atmosphere was serious, there was no intention of being careless, and they were sieging Yun Ye with all their strength.

They were not moved when they saw the vision of the great sun clearing away the spiritual fire.

Activating the vision also requires strength, which may be smaller, but it will be exhausted sooner or later, and you will still die when the time comes.

They don't mind waiting a little longer.

"Spiritual root fusion!"

"Spiritual root sublimation!"

The red and blue on Yun Ye's forehead merged into gray, and then spread to the whole body, and the explosive aura rose up.

His spiritual roots are actually in an intermediate state between fusion and unfusion. Once the spiritual roots are used to fuse, the power of the spiritual roots will indeed increase, but it will also be difficult to use water and fire spiritual methods.

There are advantages and disadvantages, and Yun Ye needs to make his own decision.

"The spiritual root fusion state really puts a huge burden on the body..."

Yun Ye entered the spiritual root fusion state many times in a short period of time and already felt the pressure on his body.

This is a loss of spiritual essence, which requires time or medicine to heal, and is not something that can be used casually.

However, this alone is not enough. The formation set up by these four people is very stable and requires more extreme explosive power to break through.

The first providence.

I'm so angry, God obeys me!

This is a true immortal method. Yun Ye just activated it silently, and the huge spiritual energy turned into his strength and motivation.

The next second, he disappeared, and an astonishingly large hole appeared in the fire net array.

One of them was in a state of horror. His vision went dark, and as the world spun, severe pain washed over his body——

He was held down by Yun Ye and pressed directly to the ground from the sky. The shocking impact even shattered a kilometer radius into pieces. This blow completely shattered all his resistance.

He was like a dead dog, firmly pressed on the face by Yun Ye and beaten to the ground.

The sealing technique spreads.

The talisman on the back of Yun Ye's hand shattered.

"The first one. Well, if I remember correctly, this is the martial sage of the Daxuan Taoist line, right? The bodyguard of Dao Ji, he is really an outstanding person with a noble bloodline."

Yun Ye said and stood up.

The scene was silent.

The three Dharma Realms were silent for a moment, then turned around and turned into Changhong and fled without even the slightest hesitation.

Nonsense, this difference in strength is visible to the naked eye.

Even if there are stronger ones among them, it is impossible to surround and kill Xiangying. In this case, what is the point of staying?

Now you can escape without revealing your true identity and pretend that nothing happened.

"Smash the vision and rush out!"

"Destroy liberation!"

someone yelled.

They sacrificed a magic weapon that they could not identify, directly destroyed the liberation, and tried to escape with the power of self-destruction.


Regarding this, both Yun Ye and the outside audience had only two words to say.

Yun Ye is too strong. Just because he can't be captured doesn't mean he will let people escape.

He glanced casually.


The world instantly turned into black and white.

The three magic realms were frozen together with the magic weapon that bloomed with dazzling light, and were obliterated from the atomic level.

Yun Ye slapped him, casually mentioned the sealed "Lucky One", and said, "You can disrespect me, but you must respect the power. Sorry, I'm actually very strong."

"..." Lucky Man was silent for a while, and then he said, "Xiangying True Biography, you know, this is just my own decision, and it actually has nothing to do with Daxuan."

"Did I say it was related? Don't you bring it on yourself?" Yun Ye shrugged. He also knew that whether it was related was between Lan Wuyin and the Daoxuan Dao Master, but he just wanted to dig a hole for Lan Wuyin. Anyway, most of the troublemakers were there. It's Lan Wuyuan who can handle it.

outside world.

Many, many people are really happy.

What is this called?

Textbook pretense and slap in the face!

Especially that sentence.

"Sorry, I'm actually very strong."

It's just a mockery.


I wonder how the Great Evangelism Department will react next?

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