A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 285 I, Xiangying, only have one word: reckless!

"I seem to...see something incredible?"

This scene.

It was too unrealistic to make Xie Fei'er feel weird and bizarre.

"Impossible, how did you do it!"

Fa Jing, who was beside Xie Fei'er, was the first to question. It was hard to believe.

After the Daxuan Xuanfa is launched, it is completely possible for a mere spiritual realm to be sealed off for hundreds of years.

How could it be possible that it completely collapsed in just a few seconds? Did Lady Dao Ji hold back?

"Stupid and naive? Do you mean 'no power', everything is empty?"

"This is a really useful concept. What a coincidence, you should also respect me."

"After all, I also have the corresponding power."

Yun Ye raised his head and looked at Jie Feier.

The Tao Ji's pupils were shrinking, because at this moment, Yun Ye was already an afterimage, and she didn't know where she went.

Will the true form attack?

As soon as this thought arises, the sun has already risen, and there are two days in the sky competing for glory.

Yun Ye stood in the sky, and the eight formation flags rotated and then fell, covering Xie Feier.

"Formation... what do you want to do, start a complete war with me? Starting a war with me is not a good choice."

Xie Feier said, her attitude became a little more relaxed and she was no longer completely contemptuous.

This is the result of showing strength.

Although she didn't use all her strength, the Daxuan Dojo contained some mysterious magic.

Even if there is only a trace of mystical power, it is an absolute power and cannot be avoided by playing clever tricks.

Xiang Ying was able to break through, which surprised her. Her strength must not be as simple as it seems.

Even if he is not as good as her, he is still qualified for dialogue.

"Rights are earned by oneself. You must give me satisfactory compensation today, otherwise..."

Yun Ye paused and smiled, "The Great Propaganda Department? I, Xiangying, have never looked at others in my life. It doesn't matter if there is a Great Propaganda Department. I only care about what I can manage now, and subsequent threats have nothing to do with me."

This is very clear.

Just one word, reckless.


These words immediately silenced the monks present.

They all had an idea at the same time.

So, are there really such fools in the world?

They were used to dealing with smart people, but they had never encountered such a situation before, and the whole place fell into an eerie silence.

Even Xie Feier felt confused for a moment.

Should she be angry or react in some other way?

The idea of ​​the young man in front of him was so outrageous that he didn't care about the subsequent threat to his life. He wanted to fight her just for the sake of a moment of anger? Moreover, where did he get the confidence to win?



All unknown!

They knew nothing about Xiang Ying and could not tell what Xiang Ying wanted to do!

Do you simply want resources?

Or are you taking the opportunity to set a trap?

Jie Feier did not answer immediately, but fell into thinking. Although as a princess-like existence in the Tao system, she often only needs to use violence to suppress others.

But the young man in front of her was obviously not good enough. He was Tieshuang's direct disciple, and his strength didn't seem to be bad. At least she had never seen anyone among the prodigies who could resist her in the Daxuan Dojo.

And in this hesitation.

Yun Ye has condensed twelve "swords" that compress the power of silence. No matter whether Xie Fei'er agrees or disagrees, he will get back the previous pain and force Xie Fei'er to disagree.

This is a dispute allowed by Taoist tools. If he doesn't make good use of it, it would be too useless.

(At this time, if I can shout, "This is my enlightenment," it will ignite.)

When Yun Ye condensed the twentieth sword, he suddenly took action, activated his spiritual eye, and froze and thawed Fei'er through the air.

Before she could break free, the ten swords suddenly fell down, performing a combined blockade.

Yun Ye even took out a few talismans he made to slightly increase the power of his spiritual magic.

However, because he was not good at what he learned, the effect was not strong, and it could only be regarded as "better than nothing".

"Lord Dao Ji!"

There were more than one or two people beside Jie Fei'er, including family guards and senior monks from the Daoxuan Taoist Department.

They were all forced back by Yun Ye at a glance. They were so embarrassed that they couldn't help but use their magic weapons to kill Yun Ye.


Xie Feier's black and white world collapsed, but she was not injured.

As a Dao Ji of the Daxuan Taoist system, she is surrounded by magical magic that is not harmed. There is still hope that the two ultimate attributes of the same realm can hurt her, but Yun Ye's is too weak, even with the formation and the ten-handle compressed silence. Its power is also difficult to limit.


She wanted to leave this area, but the ten swords of silence trapped her, and the power of silence sealed the area.


she preached.

The next moment, a sword of silence shattered, destroyed by a word.


Five swords exploded.

Obviously, ten swords cannot lock her at all.


A shrill scream sounded, and Jie Fei'er frowned and looked around, only to see her guard being held in the hands of the young man, one arm being torn off, two arms being torn off, and then his legs being stepped on to pieces...

"you wanna die."

Jie Feier's expression has always been cold, and when she said this sentence, it was no different from before.

However, the black spell covering her body extended, and all the remaining Swords of Silence exploded.

The next second, her figure disappeared and appeared in front of Yun Ye out of thin air.

Divine method·instant sky!

She raised her hand, and darkness came from the sky, thickly covering and gathering, forming the power to open up everything.

"Divine law - Daxuan grants death!"

Yun Ye felt the god of death coming. Even if he had ten lives, he would not be able to die after being hit by this blow.

This is the divine method of instant death!


However, Yun Ye still had the time to smile at Jie Fei'er. He was covered with crystal flames and entered the only heart fire mode. The next second, he disappeared, leaving only Jie Fei'er's men.


Jie Feier's palm fell and crossed the area, and her two men were decomposed from top to bottom.

The flesh and blood disappeared, but although the bones were still there, they seemed to have gone through countless time and turned into dust after a while.

In front of the Tianjiao Dharma Realm, the ordinary Dharma Realm is really fragile.

"What a speed."

Jie Feier's figure was blurred, leaving an afterimage.

Yun Ye suddenly appeared at this time, and the Sword of Silence swept across, but he was obviously a step too late. Jie Feier walked out from the side with a stern expression, and once again gathered the magical magic that could be called instant death in his hand.

This time, the imprisoning divine spell was enveloped around him, preventing Yun Ye from using his speed anymore.

Obviously, Xie Feier has more moves and has more combat awareness.

"Suffer death."

She waved her hand, waving her palm from top to bottom, and the power of death covered this space.

Then, she was horrified to see Yun Ye holding her magic spell——

Punch her in the face!

"The Mystery of Fire: Discord!"

Yun Ye paid the price of one arm disappearing, using disorder to offset most of the power, and completed the counterattack.

Although there was only one blow, the power of Water's Mystery and Softness came into play, directly penetrating the spell barrier and shattering half of Jie Feier's body.

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