A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 290 Three Dharma practitioners, various magical powers and secret techniques

There are only a few people participating in the trial, how to hide themselves?

For others, this is of course very difficult, but Yun Ye has the Book of Reincarnation as a memory carrier.

So, it's very simple-

Cut off your own memory and modify it.

Wait until you pass the review, and then use the Book of Reincarnation to wake you up, and everything will be unknown.

But before that, Yun Ye needs to accept the rewards of eight floors.

Since it can be called the Tower of Good Fortune, this tower naturally has its mysteries, such as improving cultivation without any side effects.

Generally speaking, things that improve cultivation without any side effects in the story often cause the story to go out of control, and eventually the combat power collapses, ending with a bad ending.

But in a real world, there is nothing special about cultivators. Whether it is physical talent, spiritual talent, or divine talent, they are all studied and created by predecessors bit by bit, and then inherited.

In other words, in the past era, there must be a group of people who can pinch people's blood, talents, and even cultivation out of thin air.

And if you want to do it, there are many ways.

Yun Ye can do some of it himself. His laboratory has training auxiliary instruments that can allow clones to practice the origin method by themselves.

If it is a rougher method, then just put a time acceleration outside.

In this way, directly accelerating for a hundred years, wouldn’t it be an instant improvement in cultivation?

This Fortune Tower is also a similar thing. This is a heritage tower carefully built by a large force named Tianzong. Even if the trialer cannot inherit the Nine Lives Divine Method, he must have the ability to see through fate.

The name of the Disaster Source Tianzong can also be seen. This is also a sect that is good at fate and disasters.

In this case, there is naturally an endless supply of assessors, so in addition to the trial function, the Fortune Tower needs to reward assessors.

For cultivators, cultivation requires a long period of cultivation to obtain. If you can cross this long time, it may not be the best, but it is definitely useful.

So after weighing and considering many aspects, the Disaster Source Tianzong chose the most simple cultivation reward.

In addition to being useful, low resource consumption is also a major reason.

The role of the platform is now revealed, the formation appears, and then an indescribable aura emerges.

After these spiritual lights shine into Yun Ye's body, they directly become part of the body. Yun Ye can use them for his own benefit as soon as he thinks about it, and improve his cultivation.

The cultivation level of the spiritual realm is the degree of spiritualization of the meridians.

Yun Ye has been studying the spiritual body, and the degree of spiritualization of the meridians is still at 0%, which is just the entry level of the spiritual realm.

But Yun Ye does not practice, which does not mean that he cannot spiritualize the meridians when forging the spiritual body. It is just that if he forges it in advance, he will have to start all over again because of the wrong route, and lose a lot of resources.

If it is a power that is obtained for free, Yun Ye does not care about getting it.

So, after the first layer, Yun Ye's water and fire methods both obtained 30% of the energy circulation spiritualization degree, and the second layer soared to 100%. Because it was already perfect, Yun Ye did not know how much overflowed.

He just came to the conclusion that the practice he practiced...

It was too bad!

The lower the practice, the less resources it consumes and the weaker the power. This tower only needs two layers of rewards to stack the spiritualization degree of the two major practices. This undoubtedly means that the magic method he practiced is very bad!

"The life span has indeed increased to two hundred years."

After the spiritual realm was completed, Yun Ye opened the reincarnation book and took a look. The upper limit of his life span recorded had returned to two hundred years, not more, not less, just two hundred years.

After possessing spiritualized meridians, the spiritual body is completely complete.

Whether it is spiritual cultivation, physical cultivation or divine cultivation, the upper limit of life span will increase to two hundred years after the meridians are completely spiritualized.

Every 10% progress increases the life span by 10 years. Walking a little bit increases a section, and it will not suddenly increase the life span by 100 years after entering the spiritual realm.

But the strange thing is that only the first spiritual method can increase the life span, and no matter how many spiritual methods are practiced later, it is completely useless.

This is like a rule that locks the upper limit of the life span of the spiritual realm.

"Try the new power..."

Yun Ye closed his eyes, and the outside of his body quickly boiled, forming a transparent spiritual field visible to the naked eye.

He tried to touch it with his hand, but his hand went straight through, but as soon as he thought about it, the spiritual field deformed and covered his arm again. It seems that if he wants to use the new power well, he still needs to get familiar with it for a while.

This is the power that will be automatically obtained after entering the foundation, "Spiritual Field", a conceptual defense ability, which is effective for divine, physical, and spiritual methods.

As the cultivation becomes stronger, the spiritual field will continue to increase.

If it is said that using spiritual power alone to build defense requires 100 copies to achieve the effect, then the spiritual field only needs 50 copies, and as the cultivation continues to improve, the number of copies required is still decreasing.

As for how much it can be reduced in the end, it depends on the pros and cons of the sect.

The spiritual field is the first ability that Yun Ye has obtained that is completely used for defense. If he can obtain the earth spirit root later, Yun Ye will be perfect in defense.

Yun Ye took out the book of reincarnation. He still had six layers of rewards to take. The spiritual method has been cultivated to the end, so he will cultivate the physical method and divine method!

Then he stopped moving. If he re-cultivated the Nine Lives Divine Method, I am afraid that Lan Wuyin will see the clues.


Give up decisively.

There is no need to take risks!

"In this case, practice ordinary divine and physical methods."

Yun Ye recalled the many original methods given by Lan Wuyin.

Each Dharma can help one walk the heavenly path, so it is possible to practice the three Dharmas simultaneously.

However, in the secret realm, Yun Ye cannot use the Heavenly Road to practice the original method, and can only optimize and adjust it by himself, which is actually extremely risky.

"The original method of fate interpretation can be used to cultivate a mysterious-level divine body. It pays attention to the deduction of fate and seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. The divine body cultivated has a strong sense of danger. Often, everything has been foreseen before it happens. Avoiding it in advance can help you. It’s the highest level of defense.”

This divine method is close to the Nine-Life Divine Method, and can also be used to enhance the power of the Nine-Life Divine Method. It is enough for this life.


Turning the pages of the Book of Reincarnation, Yun Ye saw that his luck had returned to normal, and then he activated the Nine Life Magic.

As a complete heir to the Nine Lives Divine Law, Yun Ye can continuously add nine variables, which greatly improves the accuracy of fate deduction. At least within ten seconds, the result is accurate.

The deduction of fate begins.

During the deduction, Yun Ye dispersed his own magical meridians and practiced the divine method of destiny.

The composition of the divine patterns of the Mingyan Divine Law has not changed, but the energy of divine consciousness has been replaced by Yun Ye into the ultimate divinity.

As the light on the third level lit up, huge amounts of spiritual energy poured in, instantly completing the practice and beginning to form the Yin spirit body.

About halfway through, the composition failed, Yun Ye's body exploded, and the fate deduction also ended.

"It only takes ten seconds to perform the deduction, and 10% of your mental energy is consumed... Is it because you have to ensure that it is completely correct?"

In addition to deducing fate, the Nine Lives Divine Law also has the effect of forcibly determining fate.

For example, when you see multiple possibilities, you can spend a lot of mana to forcefully fix the correct possibility.

This kind of destiny-determining power consumes a lot of money. If you want to use this method to make your destiny develop in a direction that is beneficial to you, you must at least be in the Dharma realm. With the Yun Ye Ling realm, it takes a lot of effort to fix it for a few seconds, let alone Talk about interfering with future destiny.

Yun Ye took the magical elixir and began to repeat the deduction tirelessly. Finally, on the fortieth time, he succeeded in the spiritual body origin method of destiny.

The formation lit up, and the rewards on the third level became even larger, with a large amount of light falling from above.

Yun Ye immediately felt the extremely rich magical energy being poured into his body.

In an instant, the cycle of divine magic in three hundred meridians was completed.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ye used the original method to start a qualitative transformation from the soul level, and obtained the Yin spirit body.

The spirit body of Yin is not of physical nature, but something similar to the spirit within the body.

After obtaining the Yin zodiac sign's destiny spirit body, Yun Ye's consciousness and senses were sublimated and he could see the spiritual body.

At the same time, the power of spiritual consciousness is also soaring, from the original five hundred meters to five kilometers.

The magical spirit body only enhances the mental strength and does not give any blessing to the physical body.

Only the control ability has been strengthened again, but at Yun Ye's stage, the improvement of control ability by divine magic is no longer obvious.

If you want to increase your spiritual realm dramatically like in the past, you must at least cultivate your divine law to the realm of Dharma and let your spiritual consciousness transform into divine thoughts.

After completing the destiny performance of the spirit body, the third level of rewards will be exhausted.

The Mingyan Divine Technique creates a mysterious-level spirit body, which is a whole level stronger than the Silent Spirit Body, and much stronger than the Samadhi True Fire Technique. Therefore, the reward for the third level of cultivation is only the creation of a spiritual body.

Yun Ye continued to accept the fourth level of rewards and let the divine magic meridians circulate to complete the spiritual transformation. The result was only an increase of about 30%. At the fifth level, it reached 100%, completing the spiritual realm of divine magic.

Because he is a mysterious spirit body, his divine patterns are far superior to those of Baishi Town's divine spells. Yun Ye's divine sense detection range is not 25 kilometers as he once estimated, but 100 kilometers.

This distance is really exaggerated. It is impossible for spiritual arts of the same realm to attack such a distance.

And Yun Ye's danger sense extends far beyond a hundred kilometers. Within a thousand miles, he can sense if someone has strong malice towards him.

Although it is impossible to know where it comes from, it can serve as a warning and has a target to deduce its fate.

This can be regarded as a magical method that fully maximizes life-saving points.

As for the other mysteries of Xuan-level spirits, they need to advance to the Dharma Realm. At least the Xuanfa power of Haihao must be cultivated to the Dharma Realm before they can be unlocked.

Yun Ye mastered the divine method himself and finally understood why Jie Feier was able to keep up with his speed even though he was practicing the divine method. This was not only due to the suppression of the realm, but also because the divine method had extremely strong observation and prediction abilities. ability.

Every step he took was seen thoroughly, so even if his spiritual and physical cultivation were poor, Xie Feier could still easily keep up with his speed and even defeat his army in turn.

"Nine-star origin method, legal level, mysterious level spirit body, physical method focusing on explosion, can divide the star ring and turn it into nine stars to suppress one's body, gaining extremely strong defensive capabilities and explosive power."

Yun Ye followed the method and completed the deduction of the body's original method, and promoted it to the perfection of the spiritual realm.

The three dharma spiritual realms are perfect and achievements are achieved!

After changing the body method and gaining the Yang spirit body, Yun Ye could feel that he had become stronger in all aspects.

The superposition of three methods is far from being comparable to a single method.

What's more, Yun Ye also masters the secrets that require the combination of three methods to be used. If the spiritual and divine methods keep up, the power of Yun Ye's secrets will also be greatly improved.

"It is indeed impossible for a secret that requires three methods to be combined into one to be effective when it reaches the legal realm."

If Yun Ye hadn't been able to increase his cultivation through the Tower of Creation, he wouldn't have tried practicing the three methods.

After most monks advance to the realm of Dharma, the other two Dharma will probably stay in the mortal realm. With such a huge gap in realm, the three Dharma cannot be integrated at all.

Even if they are fused, the power of the mortal or spiritual realm cannot amplify the Dharma realm at all.

Yun Ye is able because he has always stayed at the peak of the mortal realm and the entry into the spiritual realm, and the three methods have essentially not widened the gap.

As he improves his spiritual skills, he will gradually lose his secrets and his strength will decrease instead of rising. It is far less beneficial than studying the silent spirit body first.

"The body method's star ring adds to the body...and the body generates electric current, uh, I didn't master it?"

The star ring is a symbol of unlocking the life force. It exists in the mortal realm, but the star ring in the mortal realm is only symbolic and does not increase the strength much.

However, in the spiritual realm, once you step into the foundation, you can use the secret technique "Star Ring Addition".

This is an amplification secret technique similar to spiritual root resuscitation, but it only targets the physical body.

In addition, there are magical powers that can be naturally mastered by the Great Spiritual Realm, and the body generates electric current.

This is the magical power of the body to control bioelectricity and accelerate reaction speed to a new level after reaching an incredible level of control over the body.

Theoretically, this is a secret technique that everyone in the Great Spiritual Realm will naturally master.

However, Yun Ye didn't have the control. When he tried to control the bioelectricity in his body, he didn't appear to be as handy as rumored. Instead, he was blocked everywhere.

"Wait a minute, body-generating electric current is a secret technique that can only be mastered after the body control reaches a very high level. Is this because my life cultivation level is too low?"

Yun Ye reacted quickly.

His divinity and fate, even now, are only around the second level. This level is naturally not enough to support the natural birth of supernatural powers. Yun Ye closed his eyes and deduced for a moment, and then he got the answer.

The third level is the standard. As long as your destiny reaches the third level and your cultivation reaches the Great Spiritual Realm, you will naturally master the electric current in your body.

In addition, the middle third level and the late third level each also correspond to a physical magical power.

Those talented physique masters also possess at least the mid-level third-level destiny realm.

Starting from the third level, it is extremely difficult to improve your control. Even if you practice for decades, you may not be able to improve it. Yun Ye also suffered from many calamities before he forcibly upgraded his spirituality to the late third level. Most people don't have this opportunity.

The third level's increase in strength is indeed terrifying and worthy of this level of difficulty.

At the early stage of the first level, the power can be increased by about twice.

At the early stage of the second level, the power can be increased by about twenty times.

In the early stage of the third level, the starting point is two hundred times, and in the later stage of the third stage, it can even reach ten thousand times. Only Xuan level methods can hope to cultivate the control power to the late third level and above.

If it weren't for the fact that spirituality is indeed such a terrifying increase in strength, as far as the quality of spiritual power is concerned, even with extremely spiritual attributes, it is really impossible to kill Dharma realms like killing dogs.

The legal realm of Yuntian Lingzong is naturally not weak, at least it will be at the beginning of the third level of spiritual realm.

At the late third level of Yun Ye, he was only less than a hundred times stronger. Against those geniuses, his advantage would be even less.

That is to say, after the battle with Haihao, Yun Ye's spiritual realm has been upgraded to the fourth level entry level, and he has mastered the characteristic of "spiritual power is not damaged". Otherwise, it would be several times more difficult to defeat Jie Fei'er.

Because there are so many settings in this book, I have written a lot of settings related to the work. If you have any questions, you can check it out. Of course, there are still many missing. If you want to know anything, you can comment and I will take the time. To supplement.

There are so many settings that I feel numb, and I don’t want to sort out what settings I haven’t written down.

I have to say that the system of Qi training and foundation building is really clear. At least you don’t have to waste so many brain cells thinking about magical powers in various realms like me. Moreover, there are three routes. Can I brainstorm ideas? Please comment. I I want to copy the book review and burst into tears!

But if I just read the story, I don’t need to pay attention to the details of the settings. Anyway, I just relied on my feelings when fighting, so there are no inconsistencies.

Finally, please vote, please vote. It’s the end of the month. If you have a vote, you must support it!

(By the way, have you noticed that the cover has been changed? I was afraid of trouble when opening the book, so I used the picture of the starting point. As a result, I have already seen seven or eight books with the same cover. Absolutely, I finally changed it today)

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