A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 294 Suppress all geniuses

"You powerful men have interfered with the projection. Is something big happening?"

"It seems that he went for the ninth-level inheritance...perhaps, something rare has been born."

"Look, the projection has reappeared!"

As Lan Wuyuan stepped out of the secret realm, the projection quickly recovered. In the reappeared picture, the tower had turned gray, and the trial was over!

The atmosphere around the tower was very solemn. Many geniuses were confronting one person and had already entered a fighting state.


"What did this guy do to be hated by so many talented people?"

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone regained consciousness and welcomed the three powerful men to leave.

After the three disappeared for a long time, they looked up.

"We hid a trialist who passed the ninth level, so we alerted the powerful."

"The great power is indeed a life from another realm. It is terrifying and terrible. Just the breath makes us unable to move and our souls are damaged!"

Everyone's memories were replaced, and the abnormalities caused by the soul search were understood by them to be the result of being frightened by the aura of the mysterious realm.

Yun Ye pressed his forehead, and the black magical energy continued to surge, calming the mismatch between the body and the spirit after being manipulated.

Although his divine and physical skills are both extreme, the gap is immeasurable compared to Lan Wuyuan, and he has no ability to resist when controlled.


This thought flashed through Yun Ye's heart, and then his eyes turned to the many geniuses.


Everyone suddenly felt that a disaster was imminent. Even a talented person like Jie Fei'er felt horrified, as if being stared into the abyss, and instantly retreated a thousand meters away.

After the evacuation, a clear circle appeared, and it was Yun Ye who stood in the center.

"Xiangying, what do you want to do!"

Sui Jianyong said in a deep voice, his eyes full of solemnity...

This person, the atmosphere is different!

They are all outstanding disciples of Yuntian Lingzong, and none of them are ordinary.

The ability to sense danger may not be as strong as Jie Feier's ability to master divine magic, but it was difficult for them not to notice Yun Ye's naked gaze.

To be honest, even he noticed a very bad atmosphere.

It seemed that they formed a circle of encirclement, but it was not Xiang Ying who was surrounded by them at all, but Xiang Ying who surrounded all of them.

How could this happen!

How could there be such a bizarre thing in the world?

Xiangying is just a spiritual realm!

"What do you want to do? Everyone, Lingzong respects the strong, and strength takes the largest proportion. How do you evaluate strength?"

Yun Ye said.

"Xiangying...the three great masters have just left, and you want to cause trouble?"

Sui Jianyong said, holding the divine sword floating aside.

Beside him, Wen Shu, who looked calm, also held the sword. The two divine swords resonated and released an astonishing aura.

Jie Fei'er, Kong Qu and others took a step forward, their auras burst out, oppressing Yun Ye.

Because of the influence of the three profound realm masters, they were in poor condition, so they didn't want to fight at all, hoping that Yun Ye would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

To be honest, they were extremely unsure. Everyone could tell what Yun Ye was thinking, and with Yun Ye's current strength, even if they joined forces, it would be a mystery...

"Strength is naturally shown!"

But Yun Ye held up his hand and said seriously, "Today I am not very talented. I will use your strength to become famous in one battle and achieve the power of Xiangying!"

Speak out!

Declaring war on everyone, these words were actually spoken!

There was an uproar.

Yuntian Lingzong was in an uproar.

This genius.

That's outrageous!

"Xiang Ying, the trial at the Tower of Creation is over. You are all very tired. You should stop joking at this time, otherwise the seniors may not be merciful!"

Su Xinshan couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to stop this "farce".

She had never seen Yun Ye forcefully suppress Jie Fei'er, and she didn't understand the weight of the word Xiang Ying.

Everyone present.

Neither of them smiled, but stared at Yun Ye.

After a moment of silence, Su Xinshan noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but look at Protector Liu. Then she turned her head slightly and looked at Yun Ye, showing a look of shock.

Obviously, Protector Liu informed the situation.

Yun Ye's power is indeed beyond conventional understanding. Even though she has fought against the seventh master, she still feels extremely outrageous.

Now, under the infusion of the Tower of Creation, her spiritual, physical, and divine arts have all reached spiritual perfection, and her strength has reached its current peak.

However, even so, she cannot defeat the genius of the Dharma Realm. Mysterious Dharma is not a force that the Spiritual Realm can compete with!

If anyone compares her with Dao Ji, it can only be said to be ridiculous, and it is impossible to understand the huge differences between the various realms.

Su Xinshan herself understands this, but even if Dao Ji just defies normality, she is actually a legend. No one who really understands can tell what is wrong...


Someone really defeated Dao Ji in the spiritual realm?

"Xiang Ying's cultivation has greatly improved. Originally, he was just a beginner in the spiritual realm, but now, he has completed the three spiritual realms!"

"You guys should understand what this means! The power he has now, even without the formation, is enough to crush any of us!"

Jie Feier's voice sounded in everyone's mind.

The changes from the entry into the spiritual realm to the perfection of the spiritual realm are beyond description!

Even though their cultivation levels have generally improved, the reason why geniuses are geniuses is that they are in the same realm. They have a deeper foundation and can display more terrifying combat power.

Xiangying is now a fellow practitioner of the Three Laws, and is simply abnormal to the extreme.

The divine method enhances the response speed, the physical method enhances the actual speed, and the spiritual method serves as an inexhaustible source of power...

How strong is Xiangying now?

Four peerless ones?

The four peerless ones on the Qilin Ranking are peerless precisely because their talents are far beyond ordinary people's understanding, and they are the pinnacle of talents in the entire Huangzhou.

In the past generations, peerless practitioners of the Three Dharmas have all reached spiritual perfection, but even so, I have never heard of a peerless person who can defeat the genius of the Dharma Realm!

This is what makes Xiangying so creepy.

When you are just a beginner in the spiritual realm, you can compete with the geniuses in the legal realm. Now that you have perfected the spiritual realm, don't you have to go against the will of heaven and fight against the unparalleled talents in the legal realm?

Join forces!

We must join forces!

Everyone thought this in their minds, and in a blink of an eye they reached a consensus under the connection of divine law.

Xiang Ying is a madman and he definitely has thoughts about them. If he doesn't join forces at this time, he will have no choice but to be slaughtered in the future!

"So, are you ready? I defeat you all, and then all the magic medicines you have obtained so far will be mine. It's a very reasonable battle..."


Yun Ye, who was in the center, had already taken a stance, and the mighty spiritual energy surged in, and the water and fire spiritual patterns spread.

Although Su Xinshan and others were from the Shuang Dao system, Yun Ye was not naive enough to regard them as friends.

Suppressed together.

This is his choice!

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