A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 303 Participating in the war, fifteen years old


One of the four peerless players in the contemporary era, he fell off the peerless list on the last day of the challenge response period and did not fall back to the unicorn list.

Many people believe that Hongyi was afraid of being defeated, so he broke through the realm first.

The guess turned out to be correct.

Hongyi has indeed broken through the realm.

But the purpose is completely wrong.

Because as a True Spirit cultivator, Hongyi already had a mysterious realm combat power just after breaking through, which was equivalent to the head of the Yuntian Spirit Sect.

Her combat power was not included in the calculation, so she was able to appear suddenly and kill everyone, causing heavy damage to part of the Yuntian Lingzong front line.

"Amazing woman!"

Yun Ye, as a spiritual realm, did not participate in the war.

He found out afterwards and felt the result was good.

A win-win, right?

He won without a fight and won the peerless seat.

The envoy in red has deceived everyone, killed everyone, and gained a lot of achievements.

Everyone has a bright future.


Yun Ye continued to practice and did not care about the doubts many people had about him gaining the peerless seat after that.

It was only because the other three were extremely lucky that he didn't take on the peerless challenge.

But there is no reason to care about some mediocre comments.

that's all.

There were frequent wars outside. As a spiritual realm, Yun Ye concentrated on practicing and ignored what was going on outside the window.

It took him about a year, constantly taking miraculous medicines, to finally cultivate the divine method to the late second level, and he was struggling to move towards the third level.

He only has one feeling: divine cultivation is much more difficult than spiritual cultivation!

He has never integrated the frost zodiac sign. This is the reason. His divine talent is not good, and his divine attainments are not good, and the divine method is more difficult than the spiritual method. If he wants to figure out the frost zodiac sign, it will probably take a long time. !

As far as Yun Ye's experience is concerned, if you want to complete the fusion spirit method, even if you have the ultimate spirituality, you must reach the third level of control, otherwise you will not be able to control the backlash, and you will die if you fail once!

Monks who have not mastered ultimate spirituality need at least late-level third-level control.

The fusion of spiritual methods not only involves the fusion of spiritual beings, but also involves spiritual patterns. The complexity is extraordinary.

Even if you know the spiritual configuration, you still have to research the corresponding spiritual patterns before you can fuse them.

How could something like this be successful the first time?

Unless someone has countless lives and is not afraid of death, it is possible to forcibly practice the fusion spiritual method when the control is very low.

But this is too energy-consuming. Even if there are countless lives, the time required for forced cultivation is not a small amount.

And this is just the fusion of spirituality and spirituality.

The yin sign is the fusion of divinity and spirituality!

In terms of nature, divinity is much higher than the five elements, so the difficulty of fusion is also much higher. Yun Ye tried it a little and found that divinity needs to reach the middle stage of the third level, or even later, to have the opportunity to fuse with the frost zodiac sign.

In the past year, he had taken the Enlightenment Pill and had a complete cultivation method, but in the end, he had only been promoted to the late second level...

It has to be said that divine cultivation is indeed somewhat difficult.

According to this progress, it will take him at least ten years to reach the late third level.

This is very slow.

But Yun Ye had no choice but to practice. Otherwise, as soon as he broke through the legal realm, his body would be taken away by Lan Wuyuan.

As for the reason for the stagnation, Yun Ye answered Lan Wuyuan like this——

The Peerless Seat requires time to accumulate luck, so he has to wait ten years to reach a higher level of strength before breaking through. Like Hong Yi, after breaking through, he can directly reach the Peerless Dharma Realm and can compete with the Xuan Realm!

Lan Wuyuan agreed.

It’s only been ten years, which is fleeting for the Xuan Realm.

After all, Xuanjing is the life that overlooks the entire Huangzhou. It may not be visible on the surface, but they ignore everything and are above everything.

This is especially true for beings like Lan Wuyuan. He would never think that Yun Ye could escape his control. He would never even think about such a thing.

After all, he is different from most mortals in that he has achieved all the way to the Xuan Realm, and even in the Xuan Realm he is invincible.

In this case, how could one think that an ant could reverse the fate of his interference?

Not even thinking about it is the norm.

Not to mention Lan Wuyuan, even Yun Ye himself often has this illusion.

If he hadn't thought for a moment about Lei Zhenyu in ancient times and the True Immortal Queen Mother deep in the Heavenly Road, he would have thought that he was truly invincible and that the spiritual realm could suppress the geniuses in the legal realm.

At the end of the third year of the war, the large-scale strategic bombardment came to an end.

The major sects have hidden strategic reserves for hundreds of years, and more than half of them have been consumed. The next step will not be such chaotic large-scale destruction. It is necessary to seize various positions and hold on to the existing positions as much as possible.

In the past few years, Yun Ye automatically took over the position of peak leader because of Xu Yue's death. While gaining a lot of benefits, he was also disturbed by responsibilities.

At the end of the third year, after the most dangerous time passed, Yuntian Lingzong officially activated his combat power and asked him to go to Yuntian Lingcheng as part of the center of the formation to defend against enemy attacks.

Yun Ye had no right to refuse, and he was only guarding the safest Yuntianling City, and Lan Wuyuan did not stop him.

Ten large spaceships landed. Almost every large spacecraft could carry ten thousand people, and the interior space was expanded.

Yun Ye led a hundred people and many Yun Tian Ling Sect monks into one of the spaceships.

Afterwards, the spaceship took off and headed to Yuntianling City.

The speed of the spaceship is very fast, reaching the level of a monk in the Dharma Realm. It does not stop day and night, and can quickly cross long distances. It is a strategic transportation method of the Yuntian Spirit Sect. Without this kind of spaceship, the ordinary spirit realm will be worthless to the Yuntian Spirit Sect. It is a technology evolved from thousands of years of constant war.

While waiting, Yun Ye silently practiced the divine method.

For safety reasons, the aura concentration is kept at a very low level inside the spacecraft, even in the Peak Master's room.

However, the practice of divine magic does not require the assistance of spiritual energy. Yun Ye can directly take the divine magic elixir to restore his mental strength.

After practicing for a long time, someone knocked on the door.

Yun Ye waved his hand in surprise and opened it.

"Xiang Ying, my affairs are too complicated, so I delayed my meeting with you until now. Please forgive me."

The familiar woman with double braids appeared in view.

Compared to eight years ago, this super genius has matured so much, and his charm has been further expanded.

"So it's you who manages this team? No wonder it's so orderly. Please come in."

Yun Ye smiled.

Su Xinshan was different from him. She gained a seat by challenging Jueshi, and then advanced to the Dharma Realm within a few years.

By now, he was already a senior member of the Ling Sect with real power, otherwise he would not have been able to manage a transport spaceship with strategic significance.

"Thank you. This is something that anyone can do. But you, are you finally going to come out? I'm looking forward to fighting side by side with you on the battlefield. Well~~~ The maid beside the black and white devil, this title How about it?"

Su Xinshan smiled.

"Are you going to pick up a nickname for me on Mengze's behalf? I'm afraid they're going to be angry that I'm being looked down upon like this."

Yun Ye said.

"There is really nothing I can do. Even I am called the Emerald Witch by them. If it were you, the nickname of Black and White Devil would probably not escape you."

Su Xinshan flipped her hair on her face and smiled.

"I've also heard that, as expected of you, there are only a few people who can get the title on the battlefield. You have only advanced to the Dharma realm for a few years, but you have already killed the Mengze Lingzong."

Yun Ye's praise cannot be overstated. This is a fact. It represents a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. As he spoke, Yun Ye suddenly looked to the side and found that many small spaceships had left the team. "This is it?"

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