A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 313 Team formation, sunset at dusk

In this area belonging to the Dome Palace, for some reasons, all speed and power will be restricted, and flying and space shuttle are not allowed.

Therefore, Yun Ye and others walked step by step through the long white jade road to the ninth level of the sky.

The Nine Heavens Vault is a large-scale teleportation device.

By passing through the first level, you can locate a location thousands of miles away, and can teleport up to ninety thousand miles. Teleporting in this way can save a lot of spiritual energy.

Ninety thousand miles can basically radiate all areas around Yuntianling City. Even if it is not enough, just go to other transfer points.

Even the leader and peak master who is not proficient in the art of space can quickly provide support through the nine-layered sky.

It takes at most five minutes to reach all places within the intervention range of Yuntian Lingzong.

It is much slower than tearing space to arrive in one second, but it is enough most of the time. The most important thing is that the spiritual energy consumption is only one thousandth of the former. If you use it well, you can accumulate advantages.

"Is it the power of ritual again?"

Yun Ye said to himself.

In this area, the further you go, the more inexplicable weight becomes entangled.

This weight is consistent with what I felt when I used Eternal Silence and Nether Fire many times. It belongs to the weight of space.

Power never gathers for no reason. I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that the White Jade Road must be walked step by step, and it is performing some kind of ritual.

The ritual is either borrowing the power of a true immortal, or it is a sacrificial formation.

At Yun Ye's level, it was hard to tell the difference.

"Master Xiangfeng?"

Yun Ye heard the sound and looked over, and found that it was Feng Gong Xiao. He had also advanced to the Dharma realm. He was currently serving under the leader of Feng Palace. The two of them didn't have much interaction. "Fellow Taoist Xiao, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are also involved in this event." action?"

"Not only did they participate, but they also belong to your team, Xiang Peak Master. From now on, they will rely on the Peak Master." Feng Gongxiao smiled.

"I see. We are responsible for the Wind Node. With your help, it will be much easier." Yun Ye glanced at the list of his team and found that there were quite a few familiar people.

In addition to Feng Gongxiao, there are also Sui Jianyong, Wen Shu, and many well-known figures in Yuntian Lingzong, the weakest of whom are at the peak of the Dharma Realm.

Although Feng Gongxiao was ranked among the Qilin Rankings in the Spiritual Realm, after advancing to the Dharma Realm, his strength temporarily stayed at the Dacheng Dharma Realm. His ability to join the action is related to his zodiac sign being wind.

The two walked together, and after arriving at the end, Sui Jianyong, Wen Shu and others had been waiting for a long time. They were not branch peak masters and did not participate in the meeting, so they just waited for the end to set off immediately.

Including Yun Ye, there are only seven people in the team, but any one of them can suppress Baishi Town. The foundation of Yuntian Lingzong is too deep.

"For the sake of the upcoming battle, please introduce yourselves. Well, Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu, you two don't need to be. We all know each other," Yun Ye said.

Sui Jianyong and Wen Shu were not polite and nodded directly. With their popularity, if anyone doesn't know, it can only be their own problem.

Feng Gongxiao was the first to introduce himself: "Feng Gongxiao, the fourth true successor of Feng Gong's main line of Shuangdao system, belongs to the wind, and is good at killing enemies and controlling spirit-like magic. Currently, he has only practiced to the third level."

The remaining three people looked at it, and a man with a crack in his forehead and opened his heavenly eyes said: "Kong Xin is the tenth true successor of the second main line of Kongmen Taoism. His zodiac sign is 'God'. He is good at space teleportation and cutting, and has a seventh-level cultivation level. "

The tenth true biography of the second main line.

The Buddhist Taoist system ranks eighth, with very few main channels and only two main channels.

From what Yun Ye knows, the leader of the first main line is Xuanjing, and there is only one true genius under him.

The first of the second main line is Peerless, and the strength of the true successor is even weaker. The tenth true successor of the second main line should only be at the peak level of the Dharma Realm, and is far from a true genius.

Fortunately, the Space Divine Law does not pay attention to individual strength, but to exert its effect is more about joint cooperation. This is also the reason why the Kongmen Tao System ranks eighth.

"Taichao Dao system, thousand-year-old main line, hazy, zodiac sign 'god', good at controlling divine magic, nine-level cultivation." A vague man introduced the second one. He had a low sense of presence and was obviously a god. Caused by law.

"Are you the number one true successor of the Thousand-Year Main Lineage? After thirty years of seclusion, it seems that you have gained something." Sui Jianyong suddenly said.

"I have gained a little bit, but it cannot be compared with the Silent Peak Master who defeated Dao Ji in the spiritual realm." The man was shrouded in haze, but everyone could see his smile.

This is a calm man!

Everyone suddenly had this idea. They didn't like this mentality, they just respected the power.

For those who can maintain an extraordinary state of mind in this kind of world, their divine attainments will not be simple from all aspects!

The first true successor of the thousand-year-old main lineage, this is almost 100% a genius in the legal realm. Without strength, even if he has merit, he will not be able to sit on it!

After a short conversation, everyone looked at the third person.

This is the only woman among the three. She is dressed in a long dress as gorgeous as starlight. She has a delicate appearance and just the right makeup. She also wears a headband inlaid with ten spiritual diamonds in her hair, which shows her gorgeousness to the extreme.

Seeing this attire, everyone has already figured out its origin.

as expected.

The fairy showed a smile: "Have you finally arrived at this princess? She shows her Taoism and is the fifth true successor of Qiu Shui's main line - I allow you to admire me as much as you want, so please remember my name, Fang Heying!"

It really shows off the Fang family!

"Fairy Fang's beauty is indeed amazing. I think the enemy will also be fascinated by her!"

Everyone responded enthusiastically to Fang Heying without feeling embarrassed.

Only Sui Jianyong remained silent.

He actually wanted to respond, but he couldn't respond due to the contract with Wen Shu.

It's a pity.

This is a core member who shows his full lineage. Whether as a Taoist companion or a friend, he is definitely the best choice.

No one noticed Sui Jianyong's lament, but Yun Ye glanced at him without leaving any trace.

There is a beautiful girl like Wen Shu, but she still covets others?

At this time, should we use the famous saying "Men are all——"?

Introduction completed.

Finally, it was Yun Ye who finished. He said: "Xiang Ying, the master of the Three Talents Branch Peak, has perfected the three spiritual realms, and is good at the silent spiritual method and formations. The reason why he chose me as the team leader is probably related to the formations - after all, we are Defensive blocking.”

"Then, let's go!"

The light comes on.

The beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped the seven people. Then the beam of light disappeared, and the seven people disappeared with it.

After about a few seconds, or maybe longer, Yunye and the seven people suddenly landed on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the entire battlefield environment.

At the end of the vast plains, the scene of dusk and sunset covers the real world.

Now, it's obviously still noon!

"Is this the demon in troubled times, the dusk in the sunset?"

Yun Ye's eyes were solemn.

This is completely different from the scale of the vision.

The vision is to cover part of the area with itself and drag the enemy into a different space.

But here is a big world that directly covers the entire big world, covering thousands of miles. This is the power of demons in troubled times!

There was something delayed yesterday, so there are only two chapters today, and probably the same tomorrow. I will try my best to resume the third update the day after tomorrow.

Note: The Jinxian Taoist School only accepts female disciples, and cultivates emotions like the Hejian Taoist School, so it has special self-restraint and is the most trustworthy "monk". The Taoist School ranks eleventh.

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