A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 316 The Witch Gets Married

"Although I don't understand what happened and why you came here, but... you chose the wrong opponent!"

Yun Ye swung his fist again.

He punched through the dark wedding dress, causing blood to splatter.

This time it was not the resistance of the dark wedding dress, but the real injury to Hong Yi.

Hong Yi had a lot of blood scattered, not a minor injury. She activated the secret technique, and the blood evaporated, forming something similar to the blood spilled by the dark wedding dress.

In general, this blood offset part of Yun Ye's power, allowing her to evacuate a certain distance.

Then white steam rose, and the injury on her chest recovered rapidly.

"I can't fully recover..."

Hong Yi's expression was a little ugly.

There were cracks on her chest, and it was impossible to return to perfection.

The place that was erased by the silence, although it cannot be said to be permanently lost, is almost the same.

If she hadn't had the power of the dark wedding dress to resist, this blow would have completely stopped her vital signs and she would not have been able to survive.


Yun Ye put his hands together, and the power of silence strangled Hong Yi like a spiral.


Hongyi raised her hand, and the demonic energy burst out, fighting against the power of silence, and for a while, they were deadlocked.

She was more and more surprised...

Why can the spiritual method of the spiritual realm fight against the demonic power of the chaotic world?

As a servant of the demons of the chaotic world, she could not use magic weapons and spiritual methods at all. Her only weapon was the dark wedding dress, but it was also because of this that she gained combat power close to the mysterious realm as soon as she entered the realm of law.

The "blood-red sky ballad" of the dark wedding dress is similar to the mysterious method, which completely ignores the power of defense. Except for the genius of the realm of law, even the peak of the realm of law is difficult to resist.

Spiritual realm?

The physique and form of the spiritual realm are qualitatively different from those of the realm of law. They should be killed instantly.

(I don't understand the current situation... But I only know one thing, this spiritual realm is very powerful, so powerful that it is completely beyond my understanding.)

(With my current self, I can't be its opponent, I will die, die, die, die!)

"Ah... I chose the wrong opponent..."

Hongyi covered her chest, blood kept coming out of her fingertips, and she also clearly realized this. Her thoughts fell into chaos, and the fear of death infected her consciousness.

If there was a divine method to observe Hongyi's sea of ​​consciousness at this time, she would find a strange thing--

Red is spreading and covering her sea of ​​consciousness!

She was naturally not confused because of fear, but with such a level of mentality, even with the blessing of blood and magic, it is impossible to become peerless. After all, there are countless people with talents, and the one who can laugh to the end is the genius, the peerless!

When the talents and magic are similar, the state of mind naturally determines the victory or defeat.

She was so panicked that it was terrifying.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

"Mom...put on the wedding dress for me...with her own hands."

The world is reversed.

The scene of a witch getting married in ancient times reappeared.

Legend has it that the Dark Wedding Clothes was formed by a witch-like demon after an ancient mortal woman met with an ominous fate when she got married and died in resentment. Therefore, when the Dark Wedding Clothes is in power, it can reproduce the scene of that day and let the monks inside become her husband and die miserably in an ominous fate.

Yun Ye knelt on the ground and was forced to perform the wedding ceremony.

Long Xu and others also became spectators, watching this wedding ceremony. Their bodies gradually became cold and lost strength, and they could not speak.

The next second, Yun Ye looked up and looked directly at the woman in front of him wearing a red wedding dress and a red veil.

The vision could not completely restrain him.


Explosions continued, and a big sun rose to fight against the vision, trying to suppress the power of the vision.

This created an opportunity for another member of the team, and she also launched the physical law vision.

"When autumn comes, all rivers flow into the river!"

Fang Heying stood up from the table of relatives and friends, and her feet turned into water, standing on it like the goddess of Luo River. Then her hairband flashed, and the spirit diamond turned into ten rivers, blending into the vision, and she and Yun Ye's Sun Crossing the Sky fought against the witch and married.

It was surprising that Fang Heying also practiced the physical method, and reached the height of opening up the vision.

In this Yuntian Lingzong, Yun Ye had not dealt with a Taoist disciple who was good at physical method. She was the first one, and it can be said that she was impressed.

With her assistance, everyone will resume action in a short time.

"She let Ming Jiayi take over her body and wanted to fully exert the power of the chaotic world! She must wake up, and then her power will be reduced to the lowest point!"

The sky eye on the hollow forehead opened and saw through part of the situation, but the backlash was also very severe. After a few seconds, the sky eye shed tears of blood and had to close.

"Ming Jiayi has no signs of life. She is a pure demon of divine magic, connected to hell, gathering endless resentment. It is too risky to wake her up!" Longxu said in a deep voice. "Just interfere with her and prevent her from exerting her full strength. The rest..." "Kill!" Yun Ye had no time to waste words. He took out the silver magic sword, enveloped in the mysterious power of annihilation, and slashed at Hong Yi. Wherever he passed, the vision could not be stopped at all, and was directly shattered, cutting off one of Hong Yi's hands. "Ah!" Ming Jiayi put on a pitiful expression, covered her hand and sat on the ground. Then a large number of human projections in the relatives and friends seat stood up and accused Yun Ye. Every accusation made Yun Ye's breath weak out of thin air, but Yun Ye was unmoved. The vast spiritual energy gathered, and he swung the sword again. It is incomprehensible that in this vision, why is there still spiritual energy flowing in for Yun Ye to use? If the spiritual energy can be extracted at will in the vision, then what is the point of unfolding the vision and establishing one's own home?

It's a pity that Yun Ye is such a man who doesn't act according to common sense.

It's not funny that the mere vision wants to stop the real immortal method. If it can be stopped, Yun Ye will believe that the red clothed will become an immortal in the future...


Rather than a slash, it's better to say a heavy attack to annihilate.

Everyone watched as Yun Ye waved the weapon as usual, as if turning a sledgehammer, and directly blasted Ming Wedding Yi, who had completely revived the power of the hammer.

However, everyone also discovered that Yun Ye was not completely crushed.

He suffered losses during the attack.

After each sword blow, its aura is decreasing.

Is this the curse of the wedding dress?


Might lose!

"Take advantage of the void! Turn eight!"

Yunxu didn't want to die, so one of his eyes was covered in blood and entered a state of burning life, thus initiating the eighth turn of the Dafa.


A silver magic weapon in the style of a wind rope appears, and with the waving, the magic weapon is liberated.

The power of divine magic emerged like a tide, constantly infecting the red wedding dress, and was then violently cleared away by the latter.

The intensity of the struggle for power this time was different from before. Haoxu was vomiting blood every second. He felt like he was crumbling and could not hold on for long.

At the same time, he took out a large number of talismans and threw them away.

The talisman bloomed with light, and various astonishing powers revived, all blasting towards Ming Wedding Clothes.

As a true successor, he naturally has a lot of trump cards, but he only showed some of them at this time.

The same goes for the rest of the people, with formations, talismans, seals, and forbidden weapons all coming out!

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