A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 318 Everyone: You have a good master

"...It's still far away. This battle has reached my limit. I underestimate Mengze too much. I should prepare a higher-quality real gold magic weapon in advance. In this case, our battle will be It should be simpler."

Awakening the Taoist weapon?

In response, Yun Ye could only smile and cleverly changed the topic.

It is impossible for him to awaken the Yuntian Taoist weapon.

This was destined that he would not be able to become a core member of the Yuntian Ling Sect.

"There are too few real gold spiritual magic weapons. Even the leaders only have a small amount of real gold spiritual magic weapons. The price is prohibitive."

Wen Shu wiped the sword body, separated the two magic weapons, extracted the real gold hairpin, and inserted it back into the bun.

As the second true successor, she felt "daunted" by the price of real gold.

Yun Ye also knew this situation.

He had three taels of real gold obtained by the Xiang people, so he also specifically inquired about the specific effects and price of real gold.

As a result, all the entries told Yun Ye that things like real gold were exclusive materials for the senior leaders of Yuntian Lingzong and were not allowed to leak out.

There may be a small amount of real gold being traded outside Yuntian Lingzong, but within Yuntian Lingzong, only those who become the peak master are eligible to purchase real gold.

Otherwise, they would have to rely on gifts from their elders, which is how Wen Shu got her real gold hairpin.

So, how much real gold does it need to be smelted to forge a pure gold magic weapon?

1,000 kilograms!

One thousand kilograms, this is the output of Yuntian Lingzong in ten years, and when the mining is going smoothly, the output in ten years often does not reach this number.

It is precisely because of the scarcity of real gold output that Mengze Lingzong can compete with Yuntian Lingzong. Otherwise, with the lethality of pure gold magic weapons against demons, Mengze Lingzong would never be as powerful as it is today.

There is no distinction between a magic weapon and a treasure weapon. Real gold weapons rely purely on their own power to kill. Once used, the catastrophic demon will evaporate in an instant, leaving no waves at all.

Although you can't kill the demon in troubled times instantly, you can still get the special attack effect. For Yun Ye, it is not a problem to kill Ming Wedding Yi with one sword.

In the same way, if this kind of weapon is given to the leader and Taoist master, it can also easily kill ordinary monsters in troubled times and smooth the gap between humans and monsters.

Real gold weapons are completely the natural enemy of Mengze Lingzong.

Even if the real gold restraint effect of the demons they control is attenuated, they are still natural enemies!

Because of this relationship, Mengze Lingzong completely controlled the real gold and forcibly took away all the real gold exposed to their sight to avoid capitalizing on the enemy.

Moreover, although real gold weapons have strong lethality, their material strength is not high.

In fierce battles, damage is inevitable, which further reduces the reserves of real gold, causing real gold to become a rare strategic resource.

Yuntian Lingzong actually doesn't have many reserves, and there are even fewer pure gold weapons. Most monks can only add a few taels of real gold to increase the damage to monsters, and it is impossible to make them all with real gold.

Even if Yun Ye takes into account the Taoist weapon and the credit for killing the leader, he would be grateful if he could get dozens of kilograms of real gold.

With this real gold, you can probably make a small magic weapon. You don't need to get a hairpin-sized real gold weapon like Wen Shu, and only use it when necessary.


Everyone was cleaning the battlefield and was about to return to the node, but suddenly there was a vague sound. Everyone was slightly startled and looked around.


"Master Xiangfeng, did you hear that? Just now, someone called your name? Don't respond. If it is the enemy's trick, you will be in trouble!"

Wuxu said solemnly.


Yun Ye nodded.

But soon, the entire area became unstable, and then at a certain moment, sparks suddenly appeared, and a shadow flashed out.

This is a white-robed figure with a vast aura, appearing with his back to the crowd, and the Taoist weapon in the sky echoes it.

Space projection?

When they saw this figure, everyone was shocked and bowed their heads and saluted: "Greetings to Elder Zhishuang (Master)."

"You killed Hong Yi, you did a good job, but this is very risky -"

"I gave you the talisman seal, not for collection. Just call me directly next time. Remember, you are my disciple who takes the frost!"

Lan Wuyuan said it very calmly, but everyone only felt a strong sense of domineering.

"Yes, my disciple has thanked the master!"

With Yun Ye saying this, how could he not seize the opportunity?

If you use it well, you can create a good show!

"As long as you understand, do you know that Hongyi has experienced a battle before and can no longer use his true body's magical powers?"

"If she were at her peak, you wouldn't even have the chance to use the talisman."

The figure in white robe waved his hand, and the frozen corpse in red was shattered.

Everyone suddenly heard a shrill wail.


Everyone's expression changed. Was this something Ming Wedding Yi conceived before her death?

If they didn't notice and left directly, they might regret it for the rest of their lives. It's scary to think about the curse condensed by the demons in troubled times before they died!

"I have removed the curse. You only have one subsequent mission, to guard the nodes... I think there will be no enemies coming."

Lan Wuyuan turned around, but no one looked up.

"Master, what happened? Why did the Demon Sect notice in advance that we landed here?"

Yun Ye asked with his head lowered.

"There was an accident. It may be that the teleportation wave was captured. Most of the nodes were intercepted and killed, but there were very few Jueshi who took action. The situation was not too bad."

Lan Wuyuan shook his head slightly, and was a little confused. He didn't feel that Mengze Lingzong could break the Nine Lives Divine Law, but the reality was like this, and he had nothing to say.

Regardless of luck or real strength, they can only use troops to cover up the water and the earth.

"Do you need my support?"

Yun Ye said.

"There is no need, just keep the wind node."

Lan Wuyuan refused directly. This might lead to a battle in the Xuan Realm. Yun Ye had not yet advanced to the Dharma Realm. It was too dangerous. Being able to kill Hong Yi did not mean that he was not afraid of the Xuan Realm.

"As commanded."

Yun Ye didn't show too much and just responded.

"Xiang Ying, you should know that fate will not always be on the same side. When people are always unable to do anything, you might as well rely on me, master."

Space projection flickers.

Lan Wuyuan left.

After Lan Wuyuan left for a few seconds, everyone raised their heads and looked at Yun Ye in unison, with envy in their eyes.

"Master Xiang Peak, you are indeed a peerless genius who can reverse the odds. Elder Qishuang actually values ​​you so much and allows you to call for help at any time!"

"However, what Elder Chushuang said is actually right. Luck will not always be on our side. It is great luck for us to kill Hong Yi with only one loss. Don't take risks next time."

Everyone sighed.

Yun Ye is completely treated like an heir.

No wonder the disciples of Qushuang never died young and were able to defeat all enemies along the way and achieve their own unparalleled legend.

With a master like this, if you can't do it, just commit suicide.

Outsiders like them will mourn his misfortune and be angry at him!


In response, Yun Ye could only smile.

Not to mention the master, is he really taking the risk to fight Hong Yi?

If you want to find Hongyi's trace before Longxu, you can't do it with luck.

The Nine-Life Divine Technique may not be able to accurately predict the future, but it can see something similar to calamity energy. Before setting off, Yun Ye saw the black energy above their heads, and it looked like they were about to die soon, so he was vigilant. Always pay attention to exceptions.

It was precisely because of this that he was the first to discover Hong Yi instead of the two great cultivators of divine magic in the team.

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