A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 328 Sacrifice for destiny!

The young figure stepped out, the mysterious power flowed through the clothes, and the flame color spread on the clothes. The sword in his hand that reflected the sky and illuminated the earth was no longer pure at this moment. The red ribbon covered the sword body, as if the flames were flowing, and the sword body was The look is completely covered.

It can be seen that there are red threads coming from all directions, some even passing through the Taoist Master and the Great Power, but they cannot be caught at all.

"Why can't it be me?"

Yun Ye came through the space, his aura rising steadily.

"Are you forcing yourself into the Dharma Realm? Your body is not under your control. Stop it!"

Lan Wuyuan was originally regretful that he did not catch up with the time.

Now that he has another opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

Countless white silk threads penetrated the space and entangled Yun Ye, trying to directly make Yun Ye into a puppet.


Yun Ye swung his sword and cut off the white threads. Starting from the point where he struck, all the threads spontaneously disintegrated and even spread to Lan Wuyuan.

Lan Wuyuan frowned, waved his hand, and cut off the connection between him and the frost spirit method. The result was completely useless, and the blow of the killing concept still spread.

"Taoist weapon!"

Lan Wuyuan sacrificed his Taoist weapon and resisted the attack.

"The leader of Shi Cai is also dead. He was killed in this way. Even if he borrowed the power of the main weapon, it would be useless."

"It's really ridiculous. A mere spiritual realm has forced us to this point?"

Only then did Master Yanhong and Master Daxuan inquire about this information.

Shi Caizuo was a member of another Taoist system, so the power of the main weapon borrowed was not from the three of them, so they did not discover it at the first time.

Lan Wuyuan was silent, thinking about how to deal with it.

The power to destroy all rules is too terrifying. It was clear that Xiangying did not have such a powerful real name not long ago.

What has changed?

"Destiny has arrived."

Yun Ye raised his sword, and he received a new destiny, so he forcibly broke through the spiritual magic and entered the legal realm.

It's a pity. With the power of the Nine Masters' magic medicine, he should have been able to leap over the dragon's gate and achieve an unprecedented level.

But this time cannot come again.

To leave this secret realm, he must break through the legal realm. When Lan Wuyuan will take action against him, his situation will be a thousand times more dangerous than now.

There is a super formation in the outside world, and no individual can resist it!

Therefore, even though he was unwilling to consume the nine main magic medicines in a hurry, Yun Ye still merged without hesitation, forcibly advanced into the magic realm, and converted all his spiritual power into magic power.

In reality, transforming the whole body's spiritual power is not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time, but the Nine Masters of Medicine itself has the power of evolution. Yun Ye combined this power with his peerless personality and forcibly burned his potential to complete the advancement. , temporarily gained the "possibility" of promotion on the same stage.


This is still not the reason why he can survive.

When he was flanked by the Blazing Fire Head, he was indeed going to die. All power could not resist this power. And if he sacrificed himself and activated the strongest power of Tomorrow's Power, even if he blocked the attack, he would still die in the end, which was meaningless.

But at this last moment, Yun Ye's perspective was raised, overlooking the entire closed space and time of vision.

He saw dozens of Tomorrow Society members lurking everywhere.

These members of the Tomorrow Society saw his fight and saw him summoning the Tomorrow Quan-Slaying Dao Weapon, so at the last moment, they helped Yun Ye.

"Destiny? It's just a candle in the wind. How dare you claim the destiny?"

The Grand Master was very angry, and the divine law swept away, and the soul-crushing death sentence was launched.

But this move of his is indeed unrivaled among the mighty ones.

But in front of Yun Ye at this moment, it was completely ineffective. He easily killed him with one sword, forcing him to use Taoist weapons to resist.

"It seems that as a Taoist master, you don't know what the destiny of this world is. This is a good thing. You can just drown in the glory of the past."

Yun Ye swung his sword again, and his left hand began to fly into ashes. The sacrifices of many members of the Tomorrow Society did allow him to gain enough power to kill the Taoist Master, but this was not enough, far from enough!

If he wants to penetrate the Yuntian Twelve Taoist Weapons that far surpass the Baishi Taoist Weapon, he needs stronger power. These are the Twelve Taoist Weapons that rule the entire Huangzhou. If he wants to rely on the power of two-point cutting to reverse the situation, either the Theory of Tomorrow will spread widely enough. , to gain a sufficient mass base, or to prove oneself at the expense of others.

The so-called sacrifice, the so-called sacrifice, is a way to prove determination with one's own blood before it is widely recognized.

Therefore, power far beyond the normal state can be obtained.

"Sacrifice in exchange for destiny."

(The price has indeed been paid, but can it really be exchanged for destiny? Everyone in the Tomorrow Party has always been confused, even when it was time to sacrifice. They had no other choice, and even with doubts, they still chose to sacrifice.)

This time.

Yun Ye's target was only Lan Wuyuan. He completely locked onto this person and then swung his sword!

All obstacles are reduced to nothingness under this sword.

The two Taoist masters directly avoided it, leaving Lan Wuyuan alone to face the blow.

Lan Wuyuan offered up his Taoist weapon with an expressionless face, activated the rules strangulation, and forcefully resisted the attack.

The rules were broken, and the red light extended, penetrating Lan Wuyuan's Taoist weapon, causing a hole to appear in the sword body, and fine cracks spreading.

This situation is already precarious. One more blow and the Taoist sword will break. If there is a second blow, the Taoist weapon will directly shatter.

"Sure enough, it can threaten the Tao Master's Taoist weapon. This new Tao has a big problem!"

The three Tao masters have understood the size of Yunye's Taoist artifact through the Tao domain coverage.

Since the newly born Taoist weapon cannot have an echo, they regard tomorrow's power as "borrowed power". And this borrowed power, they estimated, does not even have one-tenth of their echo.

Under such a huge gap, the opponent can destroy their Dao weapons with one sword. This is obviously a big problem. The opponent's new Dao seems to exist just to kill them, so they call themselves "Destiny"!

"If you don't take action, do you want to wait for dusk to arrive?"

Lan Wuyuan said.

The morning sun has set twice, once to the sky, symbolizing noon, and once to the earth, symbolizing dusk.

At this moment, the morning light has begun to change to dusk, entering the indiscriminate large-scale extraction of life. At that time, the chaotic world magic power belonging to dusk will inevitably be used.

When the time comes, let alone leaving, there is no telling whether they can survive.

The two Taoist masters also saw clearly the reality of Yun Ye in the previous attack. The Taoist weapon flew into the air and the order network began to obliterate it.

At the same time, the two Taoist masters also activated the mysterious method.

"Galaxy Rainbow Light!"

As soon as Master Yanhong raised his hand, a crisp bell sounded, and a bright galaxy hung in the sky, filled with colorful rainbow light.

This world has the sun, moon, and stars. On the surface it is very similar to the earth, but in fact it is very different.

Because both the sun, moon and stars have powerful spirituality, monks on the ground can borrow the power of the sun, moon and stars to form formations, practice or use spiritual methods.

The galactic rainbow light of Yanhong Taoist uses the power of stars to form a torrent and destroy all obstacles.

The Daoxuan Dao Master also used the ultimate attack, using the treasure as the core to build a death realm, directly dragging Yun Ye's spirit into the dark world of divine law.

But the Taoist weapon is born from the heart, and it is the same everywhere. Yun Ye slashed it out with one sword and broke away. Facing the rainbow light of the galaxy, he also slashed it with one sword and killed Lan Wuyuan directly.

During this period, the order chains of the three great weapons were constantly blocking, but Yun Ye had focused all his strength on one sword, swinging it as if nothing was happening.

The sword body wrapped with flaming red ribbons shattered. With this sword, the true name power belonging to tomorrow's Taoist weapon entered the second stage, completely forming a rule trial effect, as if an execution ground had been established, with only Lan Wuyuan and Yun Ye Man, all external forces are isolated.

"Can't be broken!"

The two Taoist masters inspired the power of the Taoist artifact's true name and the power of rules, but they were completely ineffective and could not prevent the start of this trial.

"You want to die with me? Why are you so persistent?"

Lan Wuyuan asked at the end.

He controlled Yun Ye and wanted to make him into a puppet, but as a divine monk, he could see a person's emotions. This man did not act to escape control, but another kind, deeper and more angry. driven by the power of.

"You're blocking my way."

Yun Ye slashed out this sword, and the form of the Ming Ri Zhan Quan Dao Sword was directly released from the state of liberation. Tomorrow reappeared in the flames and stood beside him.

Lan Wuyuan saw the figure of Tomorrow, but he was not a believer in the Tao of Tomorrow. Even if he was a Taoist weapon user, he could only see a blurry afterimage.

Judgment is imminent.

The Taoist weapon stood in front of him and took the blow, but the result was that the cracks in the Taoist tool quickly spread to the entire body, and eventually completely disintegrated.

The corners of Lan Wuyuan's mouth twitched, and tears of blood slowly flowed down. He looked at Yun Ye, his heart seemed to be torn, and the sound of collapse kept ringing.

No, this is not an illusion, but a real sound.

Lan Wuyuan pressed his face, and darkness flashed for a moment, and the nature of his power seemed to be changing.

"Stabilize your Taoist heart and take the frost!"

"If you fall from Xuantian, you won't be the only one affected!"

The Great Proclaimer scolded.


Lan Wuyuan glanced at Daxuan Dao Master, his eyes full of murderous intent, and then he slowly moved his gaze towards Yun Ye. Yun Ye, who had half of his body annihilated in ashes, had turned and walked away, and his body was filled with pure black.


The Blood Demon is being blasted by Dusk, but the many Taoist masters of the Mengze Ling Sect have indeed accumulated enough terrifying power to break through the vision and connect to the outside world.

Yun Ye looked at all this with cold eyes. His purpose was not to kill a specific monk, but to wipe out all these people. Lan Wuyuan's enlightenment may have been ruined. Even if he assists Yun Tianling Sect in the future, it is just for the sake of achievement. It is impossible for a real person to put in all his efforts to extend his life.

The combat power of the two sects is about to be balanced.

However, this is only a superficial balance. In addition to the secret assistance from Mengze Lingzong tomorrow, there are additional beings assisting.

This kind of situation will probably only be fully known tomorrow.

Super magical device, true heavenly instrument.

In addition, Yun Ye gave the complete Nine Life Divine Law to Tomorrow Hui.

The effect of the combination of two far exceeded Yun Ye's expectations and directly deduced the general trend of the next few decades!

Based on this information, the Twilight Plan of the Tomorrow Club has execution value. The calculated timing is so accurate that the explosion of Yangxing can not be suspected at all, and can only be regarded as a means by both parties.

Yun Ye suddenly took action, but it was something unplanned, which would expose Tomorrow to the public.


As long as all these people are wiped out, it won't be considered exposed.

The timing of the deduction of the Nine Lives Divine Law coincides with the timing of the power bursting out at dusk.

Dusk roared, and a yellow barrier spread from the dim sun overhead.

The yellow barrier first pressed towards the Blood Sky Demon, and then something horrifying happened. Every time the barrier spread, the flesh and blood of the Blood Sky Demon disappeared. When the yellow barrier completely enveloped the Blood Sky Demon, the Blood Sky Demon's aura was reduced to zero, and only a skeleton remained on the ground, which was crushed by the pressure of dusk.

"Suppress it, or we will all die!"

All the cultivators released their treasures and bombarded the yellow barrier, forcibly suppressing the spread of the barrier.

And it was at this moment.

The pure black darkness spread.

Although inferior to the dusk barrier, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Attacked from both sides!

"Eternal Silence!"

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