A new world for a hundred generations

The fourth life is completed + take a day off (the ones still being raised can be slaughtered)

There are only 3,000 words today, and there will be no further updates. I will also take a day off tomorrow, and I will sort out the outline and recruit people.

Next is the summary.

The main thing in this life is to feel happy, releasing all the previously suppressed parts.

Then, I planned an ordinary routine at first, but after thinking about the outline for a long time, I suddenly discovered a problem, that is, even if the protagonist is a super genius, he is still an ordinary child in the Yuntian Lingzong. If he shows off his talents too much, he will definitely be suppressed. It feels so boring to write like this.

So I thought about it for a day, solved this problem, and let the boss take care of it!

As long as there is a super protective master to protect you, the protagonist can show off his talents as he pleases and maximize the pleasure of this life.

So the question is, why does this kind of master protect the protagonist?

Thus, Tou Shuang, who controlled the puppet and calculated his life, was born.

He is for himself, so no matter how high the cost, he can be sheltered. It is reasonable and reasonable. This kind of character is easier to understand than a righteous light.

Then I went step by step and wrote my outline of a few hundred words into more than ten or two hundred thousand words. However, I did not have a description of how the war would end at the beginning.

The current ending is purely following the trend. Once the worldview framework is established, it has developed into the current ending of Tianhu.

It is reasonable for the demon to be powerful.

It is reasonable to compete for Taoist tools.

It makes sense for outsiders to intervene.

Tomorrow will have Yun Ye imparting knowledge, and it is reasonable for it to develop rapidly. However, because the Heavenly Road and cultivation resources are stuck at the upper limit, Tomorrow will not interfere strongly. It can detonate the Yang Star just right, and it is also because Yun Ye has contributed to the Nine Life God Law.

However, because the story of the war is too smooth, I feel that many people could write it, but it also feels like it is unnecessary and would not look good if written.

Hard to bear.

I originally wanted several characters from the Tomorrow Club to appear more, such as the younger brother of Yang Shi I, but I sorted out the plot and found that it was quite complete. There was no need for the protagonist to forcibly survive and return to the Tomorrow Club, so these stories are just It can be thrown into the fifth life.

Speaking of which, my original outline was to write something similar to a mortal cultivating immortality, using the people around him to highlight the difficulty of cultivating immortality, but when I actually started writing, I gave up. The era I set was actually still very rich in spiritual energy. In this era, especially in the Yuntian Formation, you can also see that there is no shortage of spiritual energy.

Perhaps for ordinary monks, or in remote areas outside the Great Wilderness Lingze, spiritual energy is still a precious resource, but it is really not lacking in Yuntian Lingzong. The speed of cultivation is extremely fast. There is a soil for young geniuses, even if it is not A young genius can already possess extremely strong strength at the age of twenty, and even some peerless ones can reach the peak of mystical realm combat power.

Then there is a small setting issue. Maybe the writing in Yingyue Secret Realm was relatively vague. It only said "the inheritance was cut off several times" without going into depth, so everyone felt that it was inexplicable. Just massacre in Baishi Town? Why do these mortals never die out for thousands of years? Why is the secret realm set up so weirdly? Monsters can't kill mortals, but outsiders can kill mortals.

In fact, this is easy to explain. It is easy to restrict the lives of secret realms, but it is not easy to restrict outsiders. No one would specially set rules for a group of mortals to not allow outsiders to kill.

Mortals in this secret realm are not reproducing in the physical sense, but copying and manufacturing in the sense of the secret realm, so they have no potential and cannot practice.

The Rain World Secret Realm is a replication + natural reproduction, and its scale is larger than that of the Yingyue Secret Realm. It is also a specially set up trial secret realm to "opponent", so people here can not only reproduce and cultivate naturally, but also Leave the secret realm and go to the outside world, and if a powerful individual dies, it will be copied again.

Well, you won’t want to know these small details when reading the story, that is, the author will only worry about this issue when writing.

In short, this is the story of the fourth life. I have tried my best to write it, and I am quite satisfied. I hope everyone will also be satisfied with the story of this chapter.

Next is the fifth life, the founding of the country, based on the Shu Kingdom. This has been revealed a long time ago, but it still feels very mysterious if I really want to write it. I am actually not very good at writing stories between people, but it is still cool. Writing has a low threshold and suits me, so I will still try my best to get closer to this.

I hope I won’t stutter this time, I hope I can write a few hundred more words in this outline, I hope I can write well, and I hope the story I write is just right for everyone to enjoy reading!


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