A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 341 Bachelor and Monk

But soon, Yun Ye shook his head, it didn't matter at all.

His actual control power has reached the mid-fourth level. He can concentrate his power a little, and it is easy to explode three to five times the breakthrough power at the limit.

And if you practice for a few more years, you may reach the level of the Queen Mother's True Immortal, and any single strike will have dozens of times the breakthrough power.

Under the same realm, the True Immortal Queen Mother can easily break even the power of silence, which is very terrifying.

Although there are many people who can resist the Silent Spiritual Technique, in fact they are either in a state of overpowering or they are both extremely spiritual and secretive.

In the era of the Queen Mother and the True Immortal, physical skills were far from being comparable to what they are now.

The peerless genius of that era only had the prototype of a physical miracle, and no real physical miracle had yet been born.

In this case, the power of subtlety contributed most of the credit for shattering the Silent Spiritual Technique, and the intensity was far beyond imagination.

Nowadays, Yun Ye is really not afraid of ordinary battlefields. At least at the level of Huangzhou Guard Daotong, he can kill as many as he comes as if he is in a deserted land.

"Hey, Weiyang, you should practice hard. As long as you are strong enough, your error tolerance will be higher even if you go to the battlefield. Moreover, once it is confirmed that you will go to the battlefield, the number of bachelors who will cooperate with you will increase significantly. That will be the time for you to truly grow. ”

Ming Qi hammered his chest, feeling a little stuffy. He could only pick out some good things and said, "You should also know that your mother and I are both researchers at Organization No. 7, so everyone calls us 'Bachelor.' The monks and monks are the two largest branches of the Society of Tomorrow. The bachelors are researchers, who organize knowledge and open up the way forward; while the monks are combatants, who learn knowledge and transform it into practical power. "

"In the past three years, we have been cultivating your abilities as a bachelor. In theory, a pure combatant does not need to know so much. But the Tomorrow Society does not want you to be just a combatant, so you have to learn all aspects. "

"But no matter how much you know about it, you just know that you cannot compare with the researchers of the entire Tomorrow Society in terms of efficiency. You may not know the development policy of the Tomorrow Society. For today's Tomorrow Society, resources must be absolutely conserved. No Allow nothing to be wasted.”

"In other words, ordinary people have no chance to practice at all. At most, they can only activate the three methods and that's it. The road ahead will be completely interrupted."

Ming Qi himself was like this, so he said with deep emotion, "I was kicked down and had to be transferred to the No. 7 organization. If there was no chance, who wouldn't want to become a great monk who could shake the world with just a wave of his hand? Moreover, Monks also live longer..."

"Okay Mingqi!"

Yu Feng interrupted Ming Qi and stopped Ming Qi from complaining. She took over and said: "The ratio of bachelors and monks in the Tomorrow Society is 10/1. Ten bachelors will only cooperate with one monk, and they will do their best to study the combat style suitable for the monks. If If you have time left, study various topics and develop the spiritual law of Tomorrow City.”

"Wu Cheng may have thought that he was omnipotent, and that's how he got to where he is today, but in fact... well, the identity of a researcher is indeed very insignificant. After all, what Wu Cheng put in front of him in the end was just a plan. A good training plan and the finished product after careful calculation. How could he know how many researchers worked hard to achieve this result. "

Yu Feng glanced at the information and said: "If it were you, Weiyang, the number of bachelors that can be allocated should be around thirty. In this case, your training plan and fighting style can be quickly optimized and greatly increased. With regard to combat effectiveness and survival, at least until you have completed your studies, the Tomorrow Society will not be so reckless as to let you go out to fight.”

No matter how favorable the external war situation is.

Three years old, mortal realm.

These two keywords are too pale. Tomorrow's meeting will delay for at least another three to five years before Ming Weiyang goes to the battlefield to experience.

The senior leaders of the Tomorrow Society should learn a lesson from the consequences of Wu Cheng going to the battlefield at the age of six.

At this age, even if he tried his best to clear the darkness in Wu Cheng's heart, he even made an exception to make him a number two at the age of ten in order to show his respect...

But obviously, the high-level treatment of the second echelon is not enough to satisfy Wu Cheng's desires. His mind is too immature and completely distorted.

"I want to know more about Wu Cheng. Why did he show up at school?"

Yun Ye didn't care about Wu Cheng, he just took a peek to know the whole picture.

When you see a cockroach appear, there is often a nest crawling in the house.

Does Wu Cheng represent part of the current situation of the Tomorrow Society?

Ming Qi and the two also thought of this.

So they were silent for a while, shook their heads and said, "It's too early for you to understand now. So what if you discover something? You can't do anything yet."

Although Ming Weiyang is extremely talented and her strength is exaggerated, it is far from enough to affect the entire operating system of the Tomorrow Club.

Only the number 1 has this ability.

And if you want to be among the top 1, you need to awaken the Taoist weapon while achieving merit and strength.

Ming Weiyang wants merit but not merit, wants Taoist tools but not Taoist tools, so getting involved in this matter will only increase the danger.

However, this attitude made Yun Ye understand that there were indeed some problems in the Tomorrow Society, and this was not the corruption of an individual person.

Except for Yun Ye, the Taoist tools of the Tomorrow system do not have the real name of "Tomorrow, Tomorrow". The team they lead will not be blessed by faith.

Moreover, Taoist tools also have limits. Even if the Taoist tools use the power of tomorrow's Taoist tools, they will only reproduce the rules of tomorrow's existence.

The third rule: When being cultivated by the Tomorrow Society, you should swear to never betray the Tomorrow Society, never pass on the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society to others, and never use the knowledge of the Tomorrow Society astray. Once violated, the Taoist rules will ignore the space. It is triggered based on the distance, and "different" punishments are given according to the severity.

The more resources the Tomorrow Club gives to individuals, the more valuable they are based on the general environment, the higher the recognition of the overall members of the Tomorrow Club, and the stronger the binding force of this rule.

In the final analysis, Wu Cheng was only on the verge of violating the rules, but he hadn't really violated them yet.

When Yun Ye set it up, the highest priority was "divulging knowledge", followed by "betrayal", and then "use for wrong purposes".

Leaking knowledge will be punished immediately as soon as it starts. This is the area where the third rule is most effective, far beyond the Yuntian Lingzong.

When it comes to betrayal, the effectiveness suddenly weakens, and the response is not enough to implement too severe measures.

The definition of betrayal, Yun Ye's part is to leak information to the enemy, kill his companions, and join other forces unless allowed by Tomorrow Society.

Wu Cheng attacked his companions, but was unsuccessful. It can only be said that it was a serious violation of law, but it was not enough to trigger the highest legal instrument. This is very similar to modern criminal law. Only the worst parts are worth investing a lot of resources.

Not to mention using the knowledge that will be taught tomorrow in a wrong way. The potency of Taoist tools is only enough to mark.

As soon as Wu Cheng made a move, he was actually marked immediately. After discovering that he happened to be facing Ming Weiyang, many people were furious. The enforcer who arrived was much stronger than normal and arrived in just ten seconds.

And this is the current limit.

After all, as long as there are rules, there are loopholes. If Taoist tools can really guarantee everything, it is impossible for the Tomorrow Society to develop in the cracks. As soon as they go out, their minds will be searched and then divided into pieces.

The amount of reverberation determines the boundaries of the Taoist artifact, and it is impossible to formulate unreasonable rules without restrictions.

Only the aristocratic families in Huangzhou would fully devote themselves to echoing the rule of being obliterated if moved.


The senior officials know better than anyone how shaky Tomorrow Club is.

The meaning of ideas is only to strengthen the beliefs of a small number of people. The vast majority of people have difficulty even eating, but they don’t have the time to think so much.

The senior leaders of the Tomorrow Society are more concerned about how to improve productivity and reduce the strength comparison with the two major spiritual sects, rather than some inevitable decay.

For a country or a nation to become strong, there must be a group of people who are willing to sacrifice and take risks to stand up in the beginning. However, the vast majority of people are silent, afraid of death, and will only choose the side with the advantage.

The more monks of the Tomorrow Society come into contact with the outside world, the more they fear the strength of the two sects. Therefore, there will be dissatisfaction and the birth of Wu Cheng. In the final analysis, what Wu Cheng wants is probably not enjoyment and rights, but safety, and not having to compete with the two sects. for the safety of the enemy.

Yun Ye did not continue to ask questions. He had used the Nine Lives Magic to deduce it in school. Wu Cheng's appearance in the classroom was mostly an accident.

It was just a conflict with them, not an accident.

After Wu Cheng saw his power, he suddenly became angry.

He needs to think carefully about what to do next.

in the room.

Yun Ye closed his eyes and entered the place of Taoist tools.

Darkness quickly enveloped the entire consciousness, and Yun Ye relied on guidance to pass through the darkness and arrive under a starry sky.

Tomorrow's power-cutting sword hangs high, it is the brightest star. It is held in the arms of an eight or nine-year-old girl, without any fluctuation, silent in this land of Taoist tools.

And around it, star belts flowed, connecting to the two Dao tools.

It is the Taoist weapon of Tian Jing and Huo Yang.

Further down, there are Taoist tools awakened by Tian Jing and Huo Yang. This is the third level. It is separated from Yun Ye by one level and cannot borrow much power.

“Are they borrowing from the rotation?”

Yun Ye could vaguely sense the number of echoes from the other Taoist tools. Tian Jing had about 30,000, Huo Yang had close to 10,000, and the rest of the Taoist tools had almost no echo.

It seems that the Tomorrow Society has conquered at least two of the guarding orthodoxy, otherwise it would be impossible to get 40,000 responses.

at the same time.

While there were 40,000 responses, they were still taking advantage of the rotation.

The rules set by Yun Ye, even if they can only borrow 20%, are a huge increase for them and they cannot give up.

So, what rules did they set?

Yun Ye wanted to enter a more detailed perspective and see through the rules set by Tian Jing and the others.

But it's a pity that he failed. His Taoist weapon has not yet awakened. The extent of what he can achieve is already the limit, and it is impossible to continue to observe in depth.

"The question is, should I wake up the Taoist weapon?"

Yun Ye naturally had concerns.

The awakening of a Taoist weapon requires a ritual. Whether it is a grand formation ceremony, a Taoist weapon ceremony, or an enlightenment ceremony, at least one is required.

In the third and fourth lives, he has awakened the Taoist weapon on his own twice in a row. Will this leave any traces?

Yun Ye's eyes fell on a piece of wallpaper.

"Once in five years..."

"Is there a Taoist weapon awakening ceremony?"

Grand Formation Ceremony: The Formation Awakening of Yingyue Tianmen.

Taoist Ritual: Yun Ye’s form is liberated and awakened to the extreme.

Initiation ceremony: establish a sect, accumulate repercussions, and gather Tao tools on your own.

Note: Rules for reducing the echo consumption of Taoist artifacts.

First, the rules of Taoism must be as fair as possible and be widely recognized.

Secondly, rules need to have preconditions and should not be made out of nothing.

Third, even if there is enough response and recognition, one must also bear responsibility.

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