A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 347 The Battle in Quming Town

The cloaked man knelt in the snow for a long time, finally calmed down his mood and fear, and forced himself to get up and leave.

That monster had no intention of confronting him or taking action against him. This was lucky!

"Did you make it?"


"What happened? Eat?"



As impatience began to rise on the other side, the cloaked man finally spoke, and he said hoarsely: "Sorry, I failed."

"Failed? It's just planting a seed. How to talk about failure? Did you do anything unnecessary?" the voice on the other side asked.

"Planting a seed? Haha...haha...hahahaha..." The cloaked man couldn't help but laugh miserably, "Tell me why it won't fail? I can't say a word at all!"

"We think too much, Ming Weiyang... is a complete monster, not a monster that we can touch at all! In his eyes, we people are just a group of miscellaneous fish that can be wiped out at any time. Haha, it is really ridiculous, Is this a fucking four years old?”

"Is this a fucking genius?"

He had never felt despair so deeply.

Talented despair.

Even the ultimate spiritual method, even the crystallization of knowledge of countless people tomorrow, cannot offset the despair at all!

Quming Town is a guarding Taoism hidden deep in the mountains and almost isolated from the world.

The spiritual veins they entrenched were very powerful, but they also spawned a large number of demons, making it difficult for outsiders to contact Quming Town.

And this town is the current target of the Tomorrow Meeting.

As long as it is conquered, the biggest threat to the Tomorrow Club headquarters will be removed, and the positions can be connected together.

——Of course, this connection is actually very pale. It is not a physical connection, but a spatial connection.

Space teleportation requires nodes, and the location of Quming Town's spiritual veins perfectly connects a space teleportation array spanning tens of thousands of miles.

With Quming Town, Tomorrow Society can quickly transfer its effective forces and avoid being wiped out by Xuanjing.

"team leader!"

"Vice team!"

Huo Yang and Wang Shun led five team members to the hidden stronghold in Quming Town. People kept saying hello along the way, and the two nodded in response.

Entering the headquarters, many people were stunned and quickly stood up to salute. One of them, a man in black uniform and civilian attire, stood up and said: "Captain, welcome back to the team, are you ready?"

"Preparations are complete, everyone is ready to retreat! Ning Xiao, please read the instructions. It's up to you to set up the formation next." Huo Yang threw out a storage ring.

"Don't worry, I will do my best. This is the Sixth Spirit Town. Once it is conquered, most of the members will be relieved of their pressure!" Ning Xiao said in a deep voice, and then he turned around and faced everyone, " Everyone, please be vigilant and don’t make any mistakes. This time we can only succeed and not fail, do you hear me?”

"I heard that! Adjutant Ning!"

The entire stronghold immediately moved at high speed, dismantling and moving everything away.

The monks are extremely efficient. They have spiritual consciousness and various methods to speed up communication. If there is a problem, they will know it with just a scan of their spiritual consciousness. There are only a few situations where the spiritual consciousness will be blocked, but with their rich experience, they can be solved quickly.

Huo Yang and Wang Shun stepped onto the mountain and looked down at the entire Sixth Guard Tradition.

Although I haven't won it yet.

But they have already decided on the name. According to the order, this will be the Sixth Spirit Town.

Looking down.

Qu Mingzhen, who was not peaceful, appeared.

In the center of six mountains, there is a town covered with silver marks, and several huge figures are roaring and bombarding the town.

Its power shook the sky, and there were endless strong winds blowing away. It was completely like a natural disaster.

But Quming Town is not a vegetarian. There is a barrier that blocks the attack. Even if several catastrophic demons attack wildly, they still stand. They are waiting for these catastrophic demons to be severely depleted and kill them with one strike.

At the same time, a large number of demons are attacking.

These demons were torn apart and strangled, unable to get close to the city wall of Quming Town.

But even so, the demons are not afraid of death. They are lost in the increasingly dense demon aura and kill at the source of everything, Quming Town!

This is a catastrophic change!

It is the end of the millennium, and the disasters of a large number of Taoist artifacts have accumulated to their peak, and they may be destroyed at any time.

"The third generation Chief Dao once told us that if you launch an attack during a catastrophe, you can get a disaster, which is like divine help. If you want to survive tomorrow, you must find opportunities in the cracks and defeat the guarding orthodoxy one after another. Get a response."

"In the end, he cut off our causal path at the cost of sacrifice, so the monks of the Luo Dynasty did not trace back to us."

Huo Yang said, looking up at the chaotic spiritual sky, "Dao, he is a great person. He taught us Jilingfa and brought us wisdom and faith. Without him, the founder could not have completed the task." What has been accomplished, without him leading us to defeat Baishi Town, today's great situation would not be possible..."

"Mortals will be buried in the earth forever, unable to look up to the sky, let alone touch this natural disaster."

Wang Shun nodded silently.

His father is Wang Yao. As a child of the highest rank, he has always enjoyed great rights. Because of this, he has received an extremely harsh education and understands that everything is hard-won. Since he has enjoyed great rights, he should bear corresponding responsibilities. .

Wu Cheng was too arrogant. Maybe he didn't understand the reason, but his own soul was not strong enough to bear the weight.

It is too difficult to unite knowledge and action.

"I think the third generation will not know that in just twenty years, we have the power to easily destroy the guarding Taoism. There is no need to fight desperately, let alone gamble on luck, and sacrifice the Taoist weapon to avoid the pursuit of the Luo Dynasty. "

Wang Shun said.

"Yes, Dao never thought that with the help of Zhuo Qilian, we should have had to fight desperately in order to survive. Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the appearance of tomorrow's society would be turned upside down."

After the two stared at each other for a moment, they turned and left.

They will take action after the catastrophe, otherwise they will be hunted down by the Luo Dynasty.

If you want to avoid pursuit, you can only wait until the catastrophe is over and the Taoist envoys of the Luo Dynasty leave.

The Luo Dynasty will not discover the problem until the next rotation comes.

For the Luo Dynasty, the sixty-year gap was just a period of growth for a legal realm, and was not worth mentioning.

But for Tomorrow Society, it is a precious time for countless knowledge explosions.

This is the opportunity!

If things can change in sixty years, it will be a prosperous age and everyone will be like a dragon.

If not, then everything is over. I don’t know how many years it will have to wait for the next opportunity, and tomorrow’s meeting may have been lost in history.

The group of people moved far away and set up an isolation barrier, waiting for the catastrophe to end.

About ten days...

Or longer.

With hundreds of miles of shaking, the thick black air shrouding Quming Town finally dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a white beam of light fell from the sky.

The Taoist envoy from the Luo Dynasty arrived.

Even if there is a barrier to isolate it, everyone can still feel its majestic aura, which makes them look a little pale.

Any Dharma Realm...

Are they all geniuses and peerless?

"Hey, it's a pity. Wu Cheng is actually close to the genius of Dahuang Lingze. When his cultivation reaches the spiritual realm, he will definitely be able to fight on his own."

Huo Yang sighed, regretting it.

Wang Shun also nodded silently and looked at the figure behind him. It was a handsome blond boy——

He is Wu Cheng, but now Wu Cheng's eyes are a little dim. Although his movements and expressions are not abnormal, Wang Shun knows that this is no longer the Wu Cheng of the past. It is just a puppet that has inherited all of Wu Cheng's power and memory. , no longer capable of growth, and will be rapidly worn out in battle, eventually turning into ashes.

If it falls into Zhuo Qilian's hands, all of Wu Cheng's value will be drained. Before he completely annihilates himself, he should be able to help tomorrow's attack on many spiritual towns.

Seriously, make the best use of everything!

"...If there weren't so many terrifying powers, if there were only mortals, and if those top monks couldn't make rules to maintain their rule, what would the world be like?"

"The catastrophe of rotation, the Qilin List, the Peerless List, the Heavenly Road, and even those demons inherit power out of thin air from heaven and earth - well, it's not just demons, we humans seem to be able to do it too, but the chances are pitiful. Yes. At that time, I really couldn’t understand, what value do we ordinary people have, even if the demons are superior to us?”

Huo Yang sighed.

Because demons will not prevent future generations from inheriting the bloodline, but humans will. ——If Yun Ye were here, he would answer like this.

Wang Shun didn't know so many secrets, so he could only answer based on his own thoughts: "The world is like this, we can only do our best to change it. If we don't sacrifice and don't make a hundred times the effort, how can we offset the aristocratic family and the demons?" Advantages accumulated over thousands of years?”

"Yes, why...the world will not be for the weak. Everything that exists is reality. Mortals can only do their best and then resign themselves to fate. Under such circumstances, it would be too miraculous for heroes to be born one after another. ." Huo Yang nodded, she had been confused all along.

From the time when Yang Shi founded the Tomorrow Society to when Dao fell, Tian Jing served as chief, only for four generations.

As for the fourth generation, they were like gods, surviving in the cracks "easily" and developing to where they are today.

Heaven and earth do not favor the weak, not even Taoist weapons.

Taoist tools only collect reverberations and calamity energy fairly, and there is no good or bad way of using them.

Concentrate resources and withstand the calamity.

Share resources and increase response.

This is just a multiple-choice question, a multiple-choice question based on people's hearts.

Therefore, Huoyang does not actually think that the Taoist tools are biased towards the weak, it just happens that there are more weak people.

Under such circumstances, the development of the Tomorrow Society was too strange, which made Huo Yang feel unreasonable, especially after she obtained the Nine Life Divine Law, it became even more strange.

Would a super genius who was born in the Yuntian Lingzong area really believe in the Tomorrow Theory just because he inherited Dao's legacy?

Even secret techniques of the Nine-Life Divine Technique were taught to them at will?

The fact that it can be passed on to them means that this is a secret method that has not been recorded in the Yuntian Ling Sect's Taoist tools. If Xiangying takes it as a family heirloom, it is entirely possible to develop a terrifying force. Why give it to some strangers?

When they first obtained it, they also made a very strict judgment, and it turned out that there was no problem with the Nine Life Divine Law and there was no conspiracy.

If not, they wouldn't have been able to tell the plan, and even Yang Xing's information would have been revealed.

The value of the Nine Lives Divine Law far exceeds these things. It is a complete path to advancement. They are just limited by the heavenly path and resources and cannot realize it. It is already a kind of foundation in itself, and does not need to be like a headless fly. Stupid research.

"it's over!"

Wang Shun suddenly said.

Huo Yang immediately looked towards the sky, and sure enough, another beam of light landed, and the previous terrifying aura disappeared without a trace.

Through the interweaving of Dao domains, the Taoist envoys of the Luo Dynasty were able to quickly determine the status of Quming Town, so in a few words, the sixty-year inspection was over.

"Ask headquarters."

Huo Yang did not act arbitrarily, but gave instructions.

Ning Xiao on the side nodded and naturally took out the instrument and started it. After a moment, he said: "Zhen Tianyi has verified it. The Taoist envoy has really left. There is no conspiracy. We can start taking action."

"Okay, set up the formation!"

"——The Sixth War begins!"

The continuous black curtain fell. From the outside, there was no movement and no color appeared.

But all the major families in Quming Town saw the black curtain covering the sky. Many of them frowned: "Formation?"

"Are you here to seek death?"

Although not many of them are proficient in formations, they must understand the basic rules.

The foundation of the formation is aura. Without aura, no matter how powerful the formation is, it will be useless.

They defeated three major disasters and drained all the spiritual energy around them. Now the spiritual energy is so thin that it makes people feel pitiful. If such a large-scale formation is set up at this time, the spiritual energy will be exhausted in a moment. What is the point?

"If we were to follow the common understanding of monks, they would probably think that we are doing useless work and are extremely stupid, right? The foundation of the formation is spiritual energy, and Quming Town occupies the core of the spiritual veins and controls most of the spiritual energy in this area. Even in normal times, it is impossible to arrange a formation to surround Qu Ming Town."

"It's a pity... We no longer need the assistance of the formation. This formation is just to cover the cause and effect and prevent the war from being discovered."

Huoyang and the others saw meteors streaking across the sky one after another.

That is the escape light of the Dharma Realm.

As these great monks appeared, their astonishing murderous aura swept through all materials in the entire array, trying to force out those who were hiding.


Huo Yang's laughter was unmistakable. As she, Wang Shun, Wu Cheng and other monks took off into the air, densely packed weapons filled with ultimate aura appeared.

Celestial phenomena need to be recharged, but that was before they mastered the technology of making spiritual stones. Today's Tomorrow Society is no longer as weak as it was in its second and third lives.

"How brave, you are just an ant!"


The four Dharma Realms were afraid of something changing, so they sniped and killed them from a distance.

To this.

Huo Yang waved his hand, and countless streams of light burst out, submerged into the blue flames, and disappeared in this space.


The next second, the entire area where the four Dharma Realms were located exploded, and the infinite energy storm shattered everything.


The sound of horror came from Quming Town. I never expected that there was an object that could crush the power of the law.

Immediately, the formation fully recovered, and they did not dare to underestimate their opponents.

"Are you being a coward?"


Huoyang was in a daze, as if he had seen the scene again, the scene that overthrew Baishi Town as a mortal.

Distant voices seemed to be echoing, and someone was shouting, fearlessly.

I have a weapon called Celestial Image.

Can! Change! new! sky!


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the large array of cracks increased visibly to the naked eye, and exploded violently in just tens of seconds, and countless spiritual powers turned into a storm and spilled out.


The blond boy was the first to rush into Lingzhen. A monk intervened to stop him, but there was a bloody wind wherever the boy passed, and broken arms and limbs were scattered everywhere.

It's like entering a deserted place!

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