A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 366 The Eleventh Spiritual Town: Luoyun Town

The formation was arranged steadily.

What the Tomorrow Society needs is just to cover up the movement, not how powerful it is, so they can set up formations so as not to alert Luo Yunzhen.

If it is a large formation that truly increases strength, it must rely on spiritual veins. This is the lifeblood of the spiritual family. The slightest fluctuation will be noticed. If you want to dominate the enemy's home court, the only possibility is to crush it with strength. Regardless of strength, The strength in battle is still the strength in formation.

After half a month of arrangement, Yue Xin also arrived at the scene and directly participated in the guidance.

It seems that she does have a special affection for this land.

Naturally, Wang Shun would not refuse the assistance of such a big boss, and immediately handed over full authority over the formation layout to Yue Xin.

Wang Shun, who was not good at formations, only directed the actual battles, and others had always done the preliminary arrangements.

Previously it was Huo Yang and Ning Xiao, now it is Yue Xin, Ning Xiao and even Yun Ye.

Of course, Yun Ye's formation attainments were far inferior to those of Yue Xin and Ning Xiao. He had been studying and imitating their arrangements during this period.

Seeing that Yun Ye kept surrounding the two of them and was very interested in learning, Wang Shun couldn't help but ask: "Weiyang, do you like formations very much?"

"General." Yun Ye said.

"I see you are very interested, how can it be ordinary?" Wang Shun said.

"You can just become stronger. Our enemies are too strong. The more you learn, the better your chances of winning." Yun Ye replied.

"That's what I'm saying, but abandoning what you're good at and learning a new field requires a lot of willpower... How far have you learned? What's the gap between you and Yue Xin Si?" Wang Shun chatted.

"There is no analogy between different fields, but in the field of 'Spiritual Array', the fourth seat is probably at the level of a minor, and Adjutant Ning Xiao is at about the proficient level. I am currently a little better than Adjutant Ning Xiao, and I am still far away from the fourth seat. " Yun Ye said.

"We will only have the spiritual formation tomorrow. Apart from the Seven Seats, who has the magic power?" Wang Shun said in surprise.

Above the spiritual formation is the magic formation, which requires mana to operate. Although tomorrow will not know anything about it, it has never studied it.

"It doesn't just refer to magic formations. Spiritual formations also include many types, such as small formations, large formations, killing formations, forbidden formations, and super large formations."

"These formations are not advanced and have their own emphasis. The level I just mentioned is a comprehensive judgment. In fact, Adjutant Ning Xiao is only good at large formations, and the rest are very ordinary and has not been studied in depth. As for the four seats, except for super Outside the formation, I have understood them all and have quite a lot of attainments.”

"Since the formation currently deployed is a large formation, I can only learn the large formation. Although I have made rapid progress, only this aspect is close to the level of Yuexin Four Seats, and the other aspects are far behind."

Yun Ye explained.

"The fourth seat is only at the level of Xiaocheng? How is this evaluated? If I remember correctly, the attainments of the fourth seat of Yuexin should be second only to the seventh seat."

Wang Shun was very surprised. He had always thought that Si Xi had at least reached the ultimate spiritual level and was a great master of formations in the realm of perfection.

As a result, even four seats is only a small success?

"The formation level actually has some notable features. For example, entry-level attainments can control the formation for actual combat, and there will be no chance of the formation collapsing on its own if the wrong spell is cast during the battle."

"Proficient level attainment, able to use formations to the level of commanding as much as an arm. Most of the power of the formations can be brought out, and the formation can be controlled to enter a state of destruction and liberation."

"Destroy liberation? Well, isn't this a way to destroy the magic weapon together? Formation can also be used?"

Wang Shun was stunned.

"Of course, the array flags and array disks are all spiritual weapons. There is no reason why the formation cannot be destroyed. However, the destruction and liberation of the formation is different from ordinary spiritual weapons. This huge power needs to be managed instantly to prevent the formation from collapsing. , which tests the operator’s proficiency and control.”

Yun Ye had actually stayed in this state before.

"Oh? It's all destroyed and liberated. In theory, doesn't it end with a wave of power? Why do you still need control?"

Wang Shun said.

"The meaning of the formation is to extract massive amounts of spiritual energy and utilize it. Simply accumulating the amount of spiritual energy cannot qualitatively change the power of the formation. Therefore, it is necessary to activate the destruction and liberation while maintaining the large formation, and combine the two powers...otherwise, the destruction and liberation will be destroyed." The power may not be stronger than the formation itself, and its duration is extremely short, so what’s the point?”

Yun Ye smiled. He himself had used Destruction Liberation many times, but he could barely increase his strength and was not at his best.

"What about Xiao Cheng?"

Wang Shun felt the weight of his proficiency and couldn't help but become more serious.

"Is it a small success? Maintaining a liberation in a normal state is a small success. It can pour out huge energy at all times and truly form the complete form of the formation. The four seats have worked hard for thirty years before they completed the formation. Her Xiaocheng Formation Dao is a trace that is difficult for outsiders to imitate. Without talent, you can't learn it even if you teach it step by step. "

Yun Ye sighed, each one was profound and profound, even if the spiritual formation was the original one, it still contained countless mysteries.

This division of attainments is only based on the current foundation of the Tomorrow Society.

If it were in other forces, I'm afraid there would be fluctuations.

even so.

Yuexin, who can find her own formation, is also an unimaginable genius. Her talent is not as good as imagined. To reach this point, the collective efforts of the entire Tomorrow Society, the assistance of the merit system, and her personal efforts are all. is indispensable.

"So, while talking about difficulties, you have already learned from it secretly?"

Wang Shun was speechless. He had not forgotten what the monster had just said, "This is the only one that is close to the level of Yuexin Four Seats."

When he first heard it, he just felt that something was a little wrong. However, Wang Shun thought about this explanation after he understood how terrifying it was...

The purity is too high!

Sure enough, nothing this monster could mention was anything simple.

"What about Dacheng? Since it is divided, there should be standards, right?"

Wang Shun was speechless and continued to ask.

"indeed so……"

Just as Yun Ye was about to say it, Yue Xin came over and waved, "Weiyang, come here to help me. You are here to set up this node. I will give you some special tasks later."

"Oh, here we come. Captain, next time, I'll go help first." Yun Ye slipped away to help and continued to steal.

"You kid, go ahead!" Wang Shun laughed.

He turned around and looked at Luo Yunzhen in the distance. A flash of spiritual light emerged from his eyes. He observed for a moment and then shook his head. "What can I see that can't even be detected by a real celestial instrument?"

The battle in Luoyun Town begins.

With several explosions, the spiritual formation inside Luo Yun Town was directly destroyed. Then Yue Xin, as the main formation leader, combined with Yun Ye's power, instantly entered Luo Yun Town.

This was too sudden. Before the Luo Yun Town Dharma Realm members could launch their spiritual vein forbidden formation, they were positioned by Yun Ye and directly suppressed all resistance.

The next step is to take over the order of Luoyun Town and pretend that nothing has happened. It may still be a little difficult in other Lingzhen, but the Luoyun Town Tomorrow Society has been eroded for more than thirty years, and the takeover process can be described as smooth.

Soon, all the major families except the babies were judged mercilessly and burned to death in front of the people.

As all the rulers of Luo Yun Town were wiped out, their Taoist weapons were also obtained by Yun Ye, but he did not absorb them directly, but kept them.

Yue Xin and the others had no objection to this.

The reason is also very simple. Yun Ye's Dao Domain is already too large, already having 90,000 reverberations. If the Dao Domain is further increased, it may accidentally collide with the surrounding Spirit Town Taoist artifacts, causing traces to be exposed.

Tian Jing was trapped in Tomorrow City, and all battles were handed over to 2 numbers. Huo Yang also abdicated a few years ago and no longer participated in the frontline battles.

This is not because they are leaders, but because the repercussions they carry are too huge and they can no longer move freely.

Ordinary monks are small and their traces are also small, but if the Taoist weapon is used in a Tao domain of dozens of kilometers, the possibility of being discovered is too great.

Yun Ye's Taoist weapon has 90,000 echoes, and he is the monk with the largest echo within the Tomorrow Society. The radius of the Tao domain is a full 55 kilometers.

If he hadn't been a user of the ethereal method and could bypass many areas, Yue Xin and others would never worry about him leaving too far. Once exposed, it would be a disaster for the Tomorrow Society. They really couldn't take the risk, even if they had guessed that someone was there. Paying attention to them is not a reason for them to take the initiative to expose themselves.

"There are already five ruling tools in reserve, and the number of echoes is close to 40,000. I'm afraid the time is coming, but I don't know when it will come. The Luo Dynasty, or the Pure World Holy Land? Even Yuntian Lingzong, Meng Ze Lingzong? In everyone’s eyes, this is an unbeatable opponent.”

Yue Xin said suddenly.

"If God blocks God, kill God!"

Yun Ye said.

In terms of power, it is naturally impossible for him to defeat the gods, but language is so interesting. Sometimes it can not declare, but show determination.

How powerful the enemy is is beyond their control. All they can do is to strive to become stronger and fight against the darkness without fear.

If a race or civilization has hope, it must have a group of people who are willing to sacrifice and contribute.

He, the reincarnated person, actually plays the role of a guide. If he cannot make people awaken, then everything is still powerless. How can one person fight against the world?

How to fight against the rulers who have been accumulated for countless years?

"The courage is commendable, I hope you can continue...Next, many people will die. You must also know that your power is far from strong enough! You have not yet mastered the power to save everything, so you still need to make choices. You can’t stop until you have the power to save everything.”

Yue Xin looked sideways at Yun Ye, her eyes full of seriousness.

Her talent determines that she will not be the hope of tomorrow. Even if she studies it with all her strength, the mysteries of the five elements and yin and yang still cannot be solved.

The current Tomorrow Society can indeed only use the ready-made power passed down by ancient monks.


Yun Yechen thought so.

He is still too weak!

The Xuan Realm has the power to reach for the stars and the moon. In troubled times, one can go back in time and space and swallow up many Taoist masters.

This is only Huangzhou's top combat power, and it does not have the assistance of a super formation.

Compared with today's Tomorrow Club, they are much stronger.

It will take some time.

Only by completing the Transformation to Yin Eternal Silence as soon as possible can the Tomorrow Society gain the power of intimidation and be qualified to enter the game.

Otherwise, we can only struggle in secret and cannot launch challenges openly. Sooner or later, the spirit of tomorrow's meeting will be wiped out.

After taking over Luo Yun Town, Yun Ye and others came to the location of Ying Yue Secret Realm, which had been taken over by the Tomorrow Society and all the defenders were killed.

A large number of members of the Tomorrow Society are adjusting their formations to prepare for the forced opening of the secret realm.

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