A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 402 Fifteen years later! Must we start a war?

"Deduction of five-color rainbow pupils!"

"The deduction begins..."

"Five Color Rainbow Eyes"

"Bloodline level: mid-grade Xuan level. 』

"Physical Burden: Mortal (Mortals can use the power of blood). 』

"Initial level: Unawakened → One-color rainbow pupil (form at birth). 』

In order to preserve the potential of the five-color rainbow pupil and reduce the physical burden, Yun Ye set the five-color rainbow pupil into a growth type and awakened it in stages.

Pilgrim deduction is strengthening this setting.

Unlike the original method, the spiritual method has extremely high universality, and the effect of Tianlu's deduction is also excellent, achieving a breakthrough from zero to one.

At the end of the deduction, Yun Ye stood up and turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the capital.

When you reach the Dharma Realm, your body has been transformed into half energy, and you can turn it into a rainbow of energy in a short period of time, and the speed increase is quite astonishing.

He will continue to hunt demons, and he is about to break through Zhuanyin Yongji, but he only lacks materials!

Yue Xin also received the good news. She whispered quietly: "One-seventh of the power of freedom has been consumed. I hope there is still enough time."

Large ceremonial venues have sprung up from the ground.

Since the expansion of Zhentianyi, tomorrow we will once again mobilize the whole country to build strategic weapons facilities.

A large amount of materials were refined and purified to create this facility with an unimaginable weight even for two items, raising all performance to the limit.

The large amount of scientific knowledge contained in it also exponentially increases the effectiveness of the facilities.

If possible, Yun Ye hopes to bombard Luozhou and Shuizhou with intercontinental missiles, but the sky in the Red Sky Realm is too high and cannot reach outer space. It may have something to do with the three days. In short, the intercontinental missile cannot be completed and can only be It is produced in the form of a space strike.

The disadvantage of space strikes is that they consume a lot of money and will definitely be intercepted. How to avoid interception is also a problem.

Although intercontinental missiles can also be intercepted, physical strikes from the sky, as long as they are fast enough, will not easily attract the attention of the monks.

Nowadays, the secret of heaven is in chaos. No magical method can predict the future, let alone the line of cause and effect. It is obvious that physical strikes are more efficient.

But for space strikes, before the space door is opened, the real person on the opposite side is probably already waiting. He can only attack head-on. This is really not in line with Yun Ye's style... Now it is the style of Tomorrowland.

Fortunately, the Tomorrow Society is not without its advantages. The Ethereal Method and the Transforming Yin Eternal Silence have the same origin in space, so they are more efficient in space strikes.

At least, there is no danger of being countered.

"Mechanization and assembly line production templates have indeed increased efficiency a lot. It can be completed in up to two years. It is worth celebrating!"

Dong Baicao, who manages the Zhuan Yin Yongji project, smiled and reported to Yun Ye.

After so many years, Dongbaicao has become even older and is approaching its end.

After completing the project of turning into eternal silence, he should be relieved.

"Dong Lao, you go to the seventh group. Your abilities are very good. You should be able to advance to the spiritual realm and fight for another hundred years without any problem. The Kingdom of Tomorrow cannot afford to lose you now."

Yun Ye put down the document and said.

"Haha, Chief, I'm serious. I don't mean to die. If I'm not afraid of death, there's no point in keeping me aging... It's precisely because of fear that I unleash my potential. I must complete it as soon as possible and survive."

Dong Baicao laughed, and he readily accepted Yun Ye's arrangement.

Group 7 is a group managed by Zhuo Qilian. Logically speaking, the scientific research strength should be the strongest. However, due to status reasons, few outstanding researchers join. Most of them are more profit-oriented researchers. What they study the most is The business of advancing to the spiritual realm.

Although most of the money earned belongs to the department, part of it will be used as performance incentives to motivate them to work.

In today's Kingdom of Tomorrow, the first driving force is definitely to earn enough money, and then complete the origin method deduction and advance to the spiritual realm in the seventh group!

An extra hundred years of life is too tempting.

This burst of creativity has allowed the Kingdom of Tomorrow to complete many leaps and bounds within a few five years. The transition to Yin Yongji has become fully operational, with the emergence of small-scale sole weapons, and at the same time, today's giant sole weapons and ritual facilities have appeared. .

Tomorrow Club celebrates its 60th anniversary. Fifteen years have passed since the implementation of the career system. Relying on the job system, it is natural for Tomorrow Club to develop like this. Skill deduction can eliminate a lot of repetitive work. If you have a clear direction, study a subject. The skill points required for technology will plummet.

Today, the population of the Land of Tomorrow has doubled to more than 40 million, and the new generation has fully grown up. It can provide a large number of responses every year, ranging from tens of thousands to close to one hundred thousand.

Similarly, the technology of magical medicines has finally made progress, and various types of extremely powerful magical medicines have been forcibly cultivated.

Sometimes there are buildings, and there are secret realms, and the difficulty of breeding and evolution is greatly shortened.

Yun Ye ascended to the eleventh level, which also expanded the secret realm and made it easier to accelerate the growth of magical medicines. However, too advanced magical medicines still cannot accelerate much.

Perhaps if you climb to the twenty-first level of the Heavenly Road, you will be able to carry top-level magic medicine.

Everything is thriving.

Then the annual National Congress convened.

This is the parliament that changes laws and discusses policies. Its importance to the country of tomorrow is self-evident.

The meeting lasted for a long time. At noon the next day, Yongfa suddenly stood up and said: "Chief, it's time to start the war. How long do you have to wait? Today's country of tomorrow has no capital to continue to be peaceful!"

"Three-sevenths of the power of freedom of the four seats has been consumed, and it will be completely exhausted in at most fifty years. By then, there will not be a large number of Dharma realms and Xuan realms born tomorrow. How are we going to face the entire Luo Dynasty?!"

This meeting was supposed to be broadcast live nationwide, but as soon as Yongfa's words came out, the expressions of all the senior officials changed drastically and they had to forcibly cut off the live broadcast.

This topic must not be announced to the outside world!

Yun Ye crossed his arms and sat silently at the head table. He didn't answer for a long time, thinking and weighing whether to make a choice as a ruler or to wait for death as a leader...

Yongfa glanced at everyone present.

His aura was very grand, and he was no longer the playful person he once was. The heavy pressure forced all senior officials to face him.

"Yongfa, everyone knows your considerations, but... this is really cruel."

Tian Jialun spoke with a difficult expression. He really couldn't make a choice.

"How cruel, this is reality! If the Kingdom of Tomorrow continues to develop, it will not be able to obtain the power to match the two major forces!"

Yongfa retorted mercilessly.

He is very determined, the war must start, otherwise the country of tomorrow will be destroyed... it may be absolutely certain that it will be destroyed, but it should be said that there is at least a 90% chance of destruction!

"The situation is indeed too critical. After so many years, Wei Young has only cultivated to the seventh level. It is not that Wei Young's talent is insufficient, but the calculations required for perfect advancement are too amazing. In order to rule out an absolutely correct path, too much time has been spent. ”

"If there are more Dharma Realm monks and more data are obtained, the deduction time should be shortened."

Yue Xin said softly, keeping pressing her forehead with her hand, feeling very depressed.

Even if the silver glow shrouded her and it had become the norm, it could not stop this kind of depression that should only be caused by the body...

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