A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 414 Trying to Advance to the Mysterious Realm

With power in hand, the possibility of rebellion at the bottom level is much greater, but because the Taoist weapon is in the air, there is almost no room for display.

Yun Ye and other high-level officials are, after all, Taoist envoys and have absolute control over the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

No matter what kind of rebellion, it can be easily suppressed with the effectiveness of Taoist weapons, making it easy for the whole country to execute orders.

The fuss only lasted a short time and soon subsided.

But even so, Tomorrowland has still been affected, and the response it received has declined every year. Although it is not much, it is still about 8%.

This kind of price is not unexpected. No matter how correct the truth is, it cannot cover up the fact that the interests are damaged. It is useless for Taoist tools to lie to themselves.

The response increased and decreased, which affected the development and growth rate of Tomorrow Country.

Originally, the purpose of starting the war was to make room for professional quotas. Now that the response has decreased, more people need to sacrifice. It is a vicious circle to a certain extent. Unfortunately, there is no solution. If the Kingdom of Tomorrow is not strong and does not enter a period of peace, , the response will inevitably continue to decrease.

Reality is so fucked up.

For this reason, Tomorrowland officials have to reflect.

They always thought that the true name of Tomorrow's Taoist weapon, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, was enough for the people to follow the Tao of Tomorrow, but the reality was greatly deviated.

Even the True Name of Tomorrow and Tomorrow, which strengthens faith, cannot completely brainwash people. It can only make people who already believe in it believe even more.

It is precisely because of this that the response dropped by only 8%. Under normal circumstances, it should be a boycott by the whole people. This influence will even last for decades, and it will not be eliminated until the Kingdom of Tomorrow has completely risen and is not afraid of all powerful enemies. .

Yun Ye made a decisive decision, established a new department, stepped up the public opinion offensive, carried out bombing propaganda, and issued a decree prohibiting any non-mainstream views from appearing in the media, and arranged various documentaries and war stories.

This publicity strategy, combined with the real name of Tomorrow Daoqi - Tomorrow for Tomorrow, was almost immediately effective and greatly alleviated domestic conflicts.

After all, the environment in Tomorrowland is much better than the outside world. Ordinary people have a guaranteed life, no worries about food and clothing, and abundant material enjoyment.

After ordinary people see countless tragedies in documentaries, even if they don't want to, this resistance will weaken a lot. As time goes by, the habit becomes natural, and they will not be so forced to cultivate immortality.


After Yun Ye solved this problem, he focused more on mastering Dafa and practicing.

Among the three major methods, practice is to improve basic strength, but mastering the usage of Dafa is to broaden the upper limit. Both are crucial.

All three paths of Tomorrow Society have developed complete bodies. Theoretically, they can continue to practice to the ninth level and step into Xuantian.

After Yun Ye entered the legal realm with both spiritual and divine methods at the same time, he began to prepare for the advancement of physical methods.

After nine turns.

The void in Yun Ye's body has covered a one-meter radius around his body, and the sustenance has been completely decomposed and turned into a part of the void.

To be precise, the void in the body today should be called the "Nine Transformations Foundation".

The foundation of the nine-turn physical technique is like nine interlocking red rings, constantly rotating, wiping out a large amount of spiritual energy and converting it into life force.

The foundation of the Nine Revolutions decomposed the ancient bell of an extinct volcano that entrusted the treasure. The red ring covered the energized material of the treasure and acted as a medium for the flow of energy.

And this nine-turn foundation is wrapped by the twelfth-grade golden lotus of great destiny. The two are harmoniously combined, like an "egg" that breeds life.

Dafa was ordered to be buried.

There are three layers of structure: ordinary law, extreme spiritual law, and unique law. The first layer rushes higher. When it is the outer layer, it has reached the peak of the peaks.

But at this stage, there is no way to repair it and you can only advance.

When Yun Ye was in the ninth stage of Dafa, his senses were greatly enhanced, and he could vaguely perceive some of the more core things in this world.

Space power is just one of them.

In the hazy cloud night, I also saw some lines of cause and effect, but it was limited by the power. I only saw the lines, but I didn't understand what they represented.

Presumably, it is a power that can only be seen clearly in the mysterious realm.

"Advancing from the Dharma Realm to the Mysterious Realm is actually not complicated."

"The density of energy like mana has reached its peak after the ninth revolution, which is enough to achieve all kinds of incredible phenomena, but it is not enough."

"Advancing to the mysterious realm is to use magic power to open a residence in a higher dimension that can accommodate oneself on the basis of the Dharma realm, so that one can completely upgrade oneself to a high-dimensional existence. When the body is in a higher dimension, it can naturally use the naked eye See the difference in space, cause and effect and destiny.”

“And the so-called higher dimension is named ‘Heaven’ in this world, and the corresponding one in the Mysterious Realm is Xuantian!”

"It penetrates for three days and completely lands on the earth, which is the holy way."

"Lifting into the sky and rushing into the outer world in three days is the imperial way."

"Xuantian, Qingtian, Hongtian, advance in this order and rush into the outer world, you can reach the imperial path and open up the fourth heaven. In theory, this is the easier path. Although Xuantian is the highest level "Heaven" represents cause and effect and can control people's destiny. Starting with Xuantian, it is easier to penetrate through the three days."

"On the other hand, starting from the red sky on the first day, running through the blue sky and Xuantian, and choosing to land on the earth instead of rushing out of the outer world, it is the holy way. The holy way is different from the imperial way and will not form the fourth day. It will not prevent future generations from becoming enlightened. When the Holy Way exists, its power will bless the world and all things will be convinced. It is the power closest to the Taoist instrument."

The Great Code of Nine Lives Divine Law is a classic of the Imperial Way. There is not much description of the Holy Way, and it is also very vague. Yun Ye cannot see what the Holy Way is.

Moreover, all things are sincerely convinced, which is the power closest to the Taoist weapon?

Yun Ye shook his head. He only mastered the method of the imperial way now. He didn't know where to start if he wanted to take the so-called holy way. This was not what he needed to pay attention to.

"Start advancing!"

Yun Ye mobilized all his magic power and entered the extreme operation stage of the nine turns of Dafa.

The boiling power is enough to cover dozens of miles.

But Yun Ye did not release it, but kept it tightly imprisoned within one meter of the surrounding area.

Only operating within the Nine-Revolution Base, this power almost destroyed the Nine-Revolution Foundation, shaking the space, and gradually opening up to higher-level worlds.

The hazy veil gradually appeared, but Yun Ye knew that this was only the first step!

If you want to enter Xuantian, sensing is only the first step. You also need to find its location and obtain Xuantian's permission to enter. Finally, you can open up Xuantian and completely upgrade yourself into the realm of Xuantian.

Yun Ye uses Dafa to continuously inject his power into higher dimensions to find Xuantian's location.

This is like a drop of perceptible ink dropped into the ocean. This ink continues to spread and will eventually come into contact with the corresponding realm and become a positioning coordinate.

This is an extremely long process. During this process, even those who do not originally know how to sense space and cause and effect observation will gradually learn it.

In the mysterious realm, it is completely sublimated into instinct.

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