A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 430 Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation

Long time is nothing for cultivators.

It has been three hundred years since Tomorrow.

At this point in time, tens of millions of people have died. They are all ordinary people who were protected when they first fought against the two sects. It is hard to say how high their talents are. They can enter the spiritual realm and live longer because the career system came too timely. It is indeed impossible to enter the realm of law.

Yun Ye sat in the Yuntian Dao Palace, controlling the entire super formation, and all the scenes of the Great Wilderness Lingze came into view.

In this hundred years, he saw too many births, old age, sickness and death.

Many new generation geniuses watched their parents grow old and closed their eyes. Too many familiar people are leaving and can't keep up with their pace.

A natural barrier called time makes these geniuses and ordinary people clearly separated and difficult to blend.

"We should unify as soon as possible and accumulate strength..."

Yun Ye looked at the stars in the sky and sighed, but it was not as we wished. The four wars were fruitless. How much hope is there?

He could clearly feel that Tomorrow's power was fading little by little.

Tomorrow's Dao weapon can only burst out the strongest power and break the Dao weapon across a level when it obtains the support of the vast majority of people.

According to the current form of decay, if you don't fight in the strongest state, how can you change your fate and sweep away the old world?


Yun Ye suddenly coughed, and a strand of blood with a dark aura was coughed out and evaporated in the air. He frowned and looked at his left hand.

He didn't use too much of the power of the Yingyue Mark, but it still infected his body.

After advancing to the Xuan realm, his blood is no longer a substance, but an energy body with a dark aura, with a very strong ethereal nature.

The pollution of the Yingyue Mark is actually a silver energy, which can still be covered by the power of the ethereal body.

For so many years, although he has not used the power of freedom again, this power seems to have discovered something and began to erode spontaneously, making his state much worse.

Under normal circumstances, Yun Ye can use the mystery to suppress this erosion, and it is difficult to cause too much impact, but now he needs to maintain the super formation for a long time.

The pressure of the super formation, coupled with the erosion of the power of freedom, has indeed seriously eroded his condition in the past hundred years.

If it continues, the hidden danger will probably erupt in one or two hundred years at most, which forces him to improve his cultivation, otherwise there is a possibility of falling.


Yun Ye frowned and looked up, looking into the distance.

"Is this... a new Dao domain?"

He was thinking a lot, guessing the possible situation, and his face changed immediately, and issued a notice to let all cultivators return to the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze immediately!

A large spiritual mine somewhere in the Wilderness State.

"Return to the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze immediately? Abandon all facilities? What happened!"

Many Dharma Realm cultivators were surprised.

This was the highest level order issued directly by the chief. They looked at each other, waved their hands to put a large amount of equipment into the space magic weapon, and then took everyone else to prepare to return to the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze.

After all, it was the highest level order, they had no room for thinking, and they just executed it directly.


Even so, it was a step too late.

As soon as they turned into rainbow light and walked a few steps, the world slowed down, no... to be precise, the heartbeat of the body slowed down!

Until it stopped completely.

Everyone, including the Dharma Realm, was in a state of silence. They were unable to control themselves. The Rainbow Light Escape Technique also stopped. A large number of Spirit Realms fell from the sky like dumplings. Although for spirits, a few hundred meters in height did not matter, the premise was that the protective power was turned on.

At this moment, their minds were chaotic, their heartbeats stopped, and all their powers were not activated. They fell from the sky simply by relying on their physical strength.

Bang, bang, bang!

Blood flowers bloomed one by one.

The Dharma Realm monks staggered and also fell from the sky. However, they flew instinctively, so they did not do anything. However, the results were similar, but they died more beautifully. Their heartbeats stopped, their minds gradually died, and finally they died like statues.

A pure black road extended and spread to the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze.

The woman in the black dress smiled and walked thousands of miles in one step, walking towards the battlefield.

On the other side.

The green road extended, and the handsome existence that made people worship at a glance also walked towards the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze.

Wherever he passed, all the monks' bodies rotted and were corroded by fierce poisons, and they died in great pain.

"The thief of the true immortal law, everyone has the right to kill him, today I will enforce justice on behalf of heaven."

The man covered in white mist crushed the land of a hundred miles with one step, and leaped a state. The atmosphere was stirred, and the storm spread across the sky. Countless cultivators of the Tomorrow Country were directly rolled into pieces.

He was the first to attack. With one punch, nine stars gathered together, and burst out the peak true essence belonging to the real person. His power was too concentrated. With one punch, the space was broken, and a road was directly penetrated, leading directly to the depths of the super formation.

"Dare to kill into the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze, how brave!"

"Yingtian Void Realm!"

"Yang Xing!"

In the Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze, two Xuan Realm people attacked angrily, one created a closed space, and the other infused destructive power to reverberate in the small space.

Now Yang Xing is not used by the Spiritual Realm, but a genuine Xuan Realm, which already has a sure-hit effect, and the power has undergone a qualitative change.

Moreover, in this Great Wilderness Spiritual Ze, they all have the help of the super formation, which can force their power to match that of the real person.

"Hahaha! It's useless, so weak!"

The man in the white mist spread his arms, and the True Realm Body Method shook the sky and the earth, directly shattering the Shadow Sky Void Realm, isolating the power of Yang Xing's explosion out of thin air.

"Is this... a formation?"

The two Xuanjing monks from Tomorrow Kingdom frowned and saw the traces. Who is providing strength to this real person?

Otherwise, with the blessing of the super formation, the two of them can at least affect the real realm and cannot be destroyed so easily.

The two looked at each other and both yelled: "True Heavenly Instrument, evolved form!"


The two people changed their nature, their bloodline returned to their ancestors, they obtained the strongest factor hidden in their bloodline, and their strength increased steadily.


The white mist man took a step back.

The mysterious ancient characters suddenly rose up densely. The mysterious ancient characters spread rapidly, covering the sky and the sun, and spread to the invisible boundary of the sky.

In fact, ancient mysterious characters appeared in eight directions at the same time. The white mist man threw a mysterious treasure and turned it into a formation node.

This is already the case for the other seven parties.

"Let two dynasties deal with it at the same time, the future is bright."

The woman in black dress smiles and inspires the formation.


The handsome man crossed his chest, communicated with his true energy and Xuan Bao, and completed the formation indifferently.

"This is destiny, Xindao. You are alone and can't stand it. You can see the outcome at a glance."

Lord Luo walked out of the void and sighed.

"It is abnormal to go against the will and let it come to this point."

Master Queyu shook his head.

"Indeed, Shindo, you are done here."

"The Eight Desolations True Destruction Formation!"

Pure Water Saint Son smiled.


As soon as Master Linglu raised his hand, eight real men guarded all directions, and a complete strangulation formation began.

"Mastering the true immortal method is a serious crime and should be punished!"

Chains spread all around the Holy Lord, embellished with complex ancient text, and gradually extended to the entire formation, reinforcing the power of this formation.

Time and space blurred at this moment.

"Real Formation!"

"The Great Wilderness Lingze...is gradually being thrown out of the world!"

The realm of blue sky is related to space. The power of the eight real people's formation is enough to change time and space. The Great Wilderness Lingze is completely enveloped. After being thrown out of the world, the connection with the red sky realm will become weaker and weaker. The direct result of this is the spiritual vein Gradually ineffective!

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