A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 436 The setting sun is like blood, and the stars fall into the wilderness (End of the Fifth

There are many high-level monks today. Even if a large number of sacrifices are made due to sacrifices, they can still clean up the traces of the war effortlessly.

The abyss was purified by the water spirit method and the remaining power was then filled up by the earth spirit method.

The pollution in the atmosphere is swept away by the wind spirit magic monks, and is either buried deep underground or treated harmlessly using spiritual magic.

In this world of physical power, reconstruction is extremely fast, and soon the area around Dahuang Lingze was restored to its original appearance.

After the pollution was dealt with, the barrier of Dahuang Lingze was finally lifted bit by bit, and this wasteful use of spiritual power was stopped.

Tens of thousands of Dharma Realm monks were killed and injured in this war, and the people of Tomorrowland once again had a strong sense of crisis towards the two major forces.

The appearance of the real Feng Dynasty broke the illusion of stability created by the top leaders of Tomorrow Kingdom. News about the Immortal Dynasty was no longer restricted within Tomorrow Kingdom, and rumors about the Immortal Dynasty and the Time of Reincarnation were allowed to spread.

As several years passed, the people finally understood that what the chief said was true. In fact, their country of tomorrow will never have peace!

In the past, although they knew that there were other dynasties around them, they never regarded them as an imminent threat. They believed that as long as they stayed within the boundaries of these three states, outside dynasties would not bother to interfere and they could continue to exist peacefully.

At this time, tell them that the time of reincarnation has arrived, and the Immortal Dynasty will surely unify the Red Heaven Realm and eliminate all threats...

Naturally, they were confused, and indescribable fear arose. When they thought that the Kingdom of Tomorrow might be annihilated by a slap from the emperor at any time, the unstoppable fear spread. After many years of comfortable life, Most ordinary people have already tasted the sweetness.

It is too difficult for them to accept death. After death, there will be nothingness, and they will be far away from all the enjoyment they have now. Just thinking about it makes them extremely scared.

As a result, as expected, the hearts of the people of Tomorrow were floating, and the support for Tomorrow Daoqi plummeted, eventually falling below 50%, and Tomorrow directly returned to the red form.

Fortunately, Lord Luo, who was injured during this period, needed to recover from his injuries. The other real people also consumed a lot of real energy and needed time to recover, so there was no problem in a short period of time.

In order to cope with the possibility of comprehensive borrowing between the two dynasties, Yun Ye did not absorb the Taoist tools of Master Linglu, but handed them over to a new generation Taoist user with ethereal roots.

This new generation Taoist user is called "Borrowing Light". It is a product of genetic evolution technology. It is a fusion of the genetic samples of Zhuo Qilian and Ming Weiyang. He is born with ethereal roots and extremely powerful magical talents.

The reason why Zhuo Qilian and Yun Ye's samples were chosen for fusion was mainly because Zhuo Qilian studied more of his own genes and had a higher fusion success rate.

Moreover, the ethereal root also happens to require the talent of divine magic, which is quite suitable.

It is precisely because his talent is comparable to that of Yun Ye that he has entered the Xuan Realm by borrowing light and has considerable strength. As long as his cultivation level is improved step by step to perfection, even if his spiritual control is not as good as Yun Ye's, his combat power can be surpassed...

However, spiritual control is not as good as Yun Ye, which means that the power of using light to control the super formation is far weaker than Yun Ye.

In addition, the True Immortal Technique is a kind of memory instinct and cannot be taught. If Yun Ye's life is over, Borrowing Light will need a lot of Xuan Realm assistance to defend Huangzhou.

It is difficult to defend, so attacking is naturally out of the question.

"You must strike first..."

Yun Ye immediately began to prepare for the sixth war. Before his death, everything was far from giving up!

A large number of unique weapons have been manufactured. Currently, the most commonly used unique weapon in the Tomorrow Society is Yangxing. It has complete theory and mature technology, and has the ability to produce large-scale batches.

The only problem is the raw materials.

Although there are many demons, there are very few that meet the requirements of Yang Star, and hunting a large number will have unknown consequences, which makes Tomorrow Society have to research the raw materials on its own.

That is, spiritual mines and spiritual plants.

Dahuang Lingze also has a large number of yang zodiac spiritual plants. After being picked, the researchers, with little knowledge, forcibly used exhaustive methods to fuse and recreate them. It took one hundred and fifty years to finally complete them.

The final product is a high-level magic medicine "Sun Tree". This sun tree is decomposing matter all the time, like a sun emitting a huge amount of heat on the earth. Where it takes root, there are only top-level fire zodiac elixirs. able to survive.

In order to make a large number of sun stars, Tomorrow Kingdom also set aside a large area in the secret realm to plant sun trees, and finally used them in the sixth battle.

Almost every day, thousands of Yang Stars are produced and shipped to the front lines.

When the number reached 100,000, six wars broke out.

This time, the main strategic target of the Kingdom of Tomorrow is still the Pure Land, and the purpose of the battle is to destroy it at all costs.

Spiritual veins?


Give it all away!

As long as the threat of the Luo Dynasty can be eradicated, the Kingdom of Tomorrow can temporarily ignore its future development. After all, if there is another encirclement and suppression, the Kingdom of Tomorrow may turn from prosperity to decline irreversibly. The error tolerance rate is too low, and the Kingdom of Tomorrow cannot tolerate any further hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Yang Star, which was comparable to a strategic forbidden weapon, continued to explode. This kind of carpet bombing directly flattened the entire periphery of Baichuan Lingdi.

Even though the super formation sheltered the Baichuan Super Spiritual Land, both the spiritual veins and the spiritual rivers from the outside world were all blown up, making it impossible to enter the Super Spiritual Land. The aura content of the Baichuan Spiritual Land had plummeted almost to the point of being felt.

Originally, the mist of spiritual energy was almost dripping with water, but as soon as the war started, it was immediately diluted, and it didn't take long before the distance completely disappeared.

The Holy Son of Pure Water and the Holy Master wanted to eradicate the Tomorrow Kingdom's position, but originally launching the Yang Star was propelled by space techniques plus kinetic energy. It was very far away from Baichuanlingland, and they had to leave the super formation to intervene.

However, as long as they dare to come out, God's will will immediately turn to Yin Yongji to carry out an air strike. If necessary, Yun Ye will also activate Dark Night Dawn.

During the battle, Yun Ye had no intention and no way to save spiritual power. As long as the super formation itself was not damaged, he would use all his strength to provide spiritual power with the true immortal method!

Both Chunshui and Shengdu were helpless, their power was not enough to break the situation.

Under heavy pressure, the Pure World Holy Land was retreating steadily, and the super formation's spiritual power reserves were quickly stretched.

The two sects consumed each other's spiritual power for about twenty or thirty years, but they were two equally matched forces. Today, the Kingdom of Tomorrow surpasses the Pure World Holy Land by a lot. After calculation, it will take up to six years for the Pure World Holy Land Super Formation to last. The spiritual energy reserve will be exhausted!

When the time comes, Lord Luo and Chun Shui will either fight or flee, and they can no longer stand firm!

After the defeat of the Pure World Holy Land was revealed, neither the Luo Sheng Clan nor the Feng Dynasty planned to sit idly by and do nothing. They both sent monks to assist and fight with the Kingdom of Tomorrow to delay the defeat of the Pure World Holy Land.

With many obstructions and the fact that part of the super formation was damaged during the siege of the ten real people, Yun Ye finally destroyed the super formation in the Pure World Holy Land, but failed to complete the last step. Can return to the deserted state again and accumulate strength again.

However, this time he failed, even Yun Ye himself knew that this was his last chance.

Sure enough, since the spiritual veins have been greatly damaged, the two dynasties will come to encircle and suppress the country, consuming the spiritual power reserves of the Kingdom of Tomorrow.

In the next two hundred years, the Kingdom of Tomorrow had almost no room for development. Its resources were locked up, wars continued, and countless high-level monks died in battle.

Each time, they relied on technological breakthroughs to accumulate some advantages, and launched the seventh and eighth battles against Shuizhou in an attempt to break the deadlock, but they all ended in failure. The most glorious victory was just the water that reached the Holy Land of Purification. He went down to the temple and forced the Holy Lord to self-destruct, causing the Holy Son of Pure Water to burn his blood again, and his strength further plummeted.

But it is too late. Even if the Pure Land is completely destroyed now, there will be no power to occupy it tomorrow and turn it into our own war potential.

Tomorrow will be 530 years, and after nearly 500 years, Yun Ye’s time has finally come.

In Yuntian Dao Palace, the rich spiritual mist that used to be there is now gone.

A large number of members of the Kingdom of Tomorrow stood in front of a white-haired man with heavy and sad expressions, but it was Yun Ye.

Different from the past lives, Yun Ye in this life is showing signs of aging. Even if a mortal sees Yun Ye today, he can still see the feeling of aging in his face of about thirty years old, whether it is the appearance of silver hair that has withered. The pale color and the lingering mist in his eyes are all evidence.

This kind of old age in temperament is even more deadly, because even Yun Ye himself feels that he is old. As a monk in the Xuan Realm, he actually feels that the spiritual platform is dusty and the world is gray...

Is this because the inspiration is so strong that you can directly see your own death date?

Looking at the successors of the Kingdom of Tomorrow who surrounded him in three circles, Yun Ye couldn't help but waved his hands: "Hey, what are you doing? Isn't this day inevitable? Let's leave quickly. It’s hard for me to catch up with a few old friends while you are here.”


Most of the successors shook their heads, unwilling to leave. They would rather be light bulbs and stay here. The chief was about to pass away. How could they walk away, how could they avert their eyes?

Beside Yun Ye, Tian Jialun and the others glanced at each other, and almost everyone they saw had deep sadness and unwillingness in their eyes.

Chief Ming Weiyang, his destiny has arrived and he is about to die? It is difficult for them to accept it. After all, they have grown up under the leadership of Ming Weiyang since childhood and have survived countless disasters. Even if Yun Ye fails to change the outcome of Tomorrow Kingdom, their admiration and respect for Yun Ye will not change.

They know very well the importance of the three words Ming Weiyang. This is the Dinghai Divine Needle of the Kingdom of Tomorrow. Many people even have questions. If the Kingdom of Tomorrow does not have Chief Ming Weiyang, is it still the Kingdom of Tomorrow?

"Hey, that's fine...that's fine..."

"Calm down and take a look at the scenery."

Yun Ye saw their persistence, so he didn't say anything more. He glanced at the many acquaintances present and kept recalling his memories.

Along the way, too much familiarity has passed away.

His parents in this life were stuck in the Dharma realm, unable to break through the natural barriers of the Mysterious realm, and they both died peacefully more than a hundred years ago.

Tang Si herself is not very talented, but if Tomorrow Country invests a lot of resources, it is possible for her to enter the Mysterious Realm, but she did not accept it, so there is no trace of this girl here.

Yang Yu's talent is weaker than Tang Si. She originally hoped to live for more years. Adhering to the principle of "after studying spiritual arts for a lifetime, I still can't enjoy it", she wanted to live as many years as possible, but After Yongfa passed away, she also changed. She did not mention these things again, and finally left the Kingdom of Tomorrow for the last trip of her life.

Among his former companions, Tian Jialun was the only one who has made it this far. He has always insisted on becoming a great person, as radiant as his father Tian Jing, so he has entered the mysterious realm through continuous efforts, and he still has three hundred years to live. .

The same is true for Yue Xin, who still has three hundred years to live. She will continue to protect the Kingdom of Tomorrow and correct possible mistakes.

As for Zhuo Qilian...

She has already retreated to prepare to become a real person. If she fails, she will probably have to accept the reality and return to dust.

After all, she was already two hundred years old when Tomorrow Society was established, and now Tomorrow Society is five hundred years old, and her time has come.

Although Yun Ye said he wanted to see the scenery, he was actually chatting with his old friends or the new generation of geniuses.

He asked to borrow light and never give up. Even if there is no light in the darkness, he himself should become that light.

Facing Yue Xin, Yun Ye smiled and recalled the little girl when she was a child, and said to Yue Xin in Yue Xin's surprised eyes, "Dao" must be very happy about the country of tomorrow today.

He also had a heart-to-heart talk with Tian Jialun and talked about the effect of Tian Jialun's Taoist weapon, which can see through the light of the soul.

"Really? Is my soul as warm as fire?"

"It's really fun..."

At dusk, Yun Ye slowly closed his eyes and never opened them again.


"Chief! Don't die!!"

"Hey... that chief will actually die. Isn't he a true immortal descended to earth..."

The entire Kingdom of Tomorrow is in mourning.

Even the toughest guy, he couldn't help crying after hearing the news of the chief's death.

The importance of Ming Weiyang's name has already surpassed the level of chief leader, and has become a beacon in the hearts of countless people.

On this day, the history books of Tomorrow Country recorded everything in only eight words.

"The setting sun is like blood."

"The Stars Fall into the Wilderness."

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