A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 445 Catastrophic Spiritual Zombie

Power comes from contrast.

This spirit zombie's body is hundreds of times stronger than the original one, and its eyes are burning with pure black flames, which are extremely spiritual ghost fires.

As a zombie, his blood moves like a torrent, creating an energy cycle in his body and concentrating huge demonic power, so that pale texture is densely covered around the heart, covering half of his body.

The dead heart beats once for a long time, but it bursts out with substantial energy, which makes people's heart rate accelerate and make people break out in cold sweat.

Although the spiritual zombies are still called zombies, they are actually not stiff at all. They are evolving step by step and surpassing the shackles of the original race.

With an immortal and indestructible body, he can master the flames that touch the netherworld, and can even activate his true body's magical powers to further evolve his power.

Lingzhi, who has extremely high basic quality, is very powerful and is equal to the demon in the catastrophic field of the old era.

Is the vice-captain level equivalent to the catastrophes of the past?

To be precise, he is close to the vice-captain level.

Theoretically, a monk can destroy hundreds of lower-level monks with a wave of his hand. If the same is true in East King City, the deputy captain level may be much stronger than the average catastrophe.

In any case, a catastrophe-level opponent is too exaggerated. This is an era without spiritual energy, and fighting is purely based on natural strength!

Even a cheater like Yun Ye would have to use all his strength to fight against him. The rest of the passers-by are truly born to be sacred...

If the Shui family hadn't come from a real family, and monks with S-level talent and above were often found a hundred years ago, it would indeed be impossible for a few people to defeat such an opponent.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sealing chain broke, and Lingzhi opened his eyes.

"Haha, another one who died..."

As soon as Lingzhan opened his eyes, he regarded the trial field as his home and stretched his body with great satisfaction.

It's familiar here, so there's no rush to do it, since the tester won't run away anyway.

"Listen to what you said, you have killed many trialists before?"

Yun Ye asked curiously.

He also felt that this spiritual zombie was too powerful. It would be understandable if it killed many testers and became stronger and stronger.

"Yes, most of them died, but a few cried and begged for mercy and survived, such as..."


Before Lingzhan could finish speaking, his whole body was suddenly pressed into the ground. Some kind of force made it unable to move, let alone spit out the follow-up.

The woman on the stage opened her fan and covered half of her face. Only a pair of cold black pupils were exposed, with a large number of runes rolling in them.

"It's just a trial item, but you dare to gossip about me? If you do it next time, you should give it up!"

She was very unhappy and directly took action to punish Lingzhan.

Yun Ye turned his head to look at her, then turned back silently without saying anything. Although Ling Zhan didn't finish what he said, he knew it well.

Shuimingqin's face suddenly sank, feeling that her face was being challenged. She hesitated to speak, and finally felt that talking more would only increase suspicion, so she gave up.

"What a stinking bitch. I have lived much longer than you. I really have no respect at all. Roar!!!"

Lingzhi lay on the ground, his body suddenly expanded, and he roared into a giant zombie with a green face and fangs.

The only thing that is different from a normal zombie is probably the white texture on its chest.

This texture accumulates on the chest and spreads to the back, vaguely like a pair of wings.

True body and magical power!

Lingzhan stood up little by little under the pressure. It was very difficult. He tried his best to get up, but he was completely unable to compete with Shuimingqin.

"Kill it, Shui Changdong."

Shuimingqin didn't care about Lingzhang's teasing, and directly dissipated the pressure.

Ling Zombie was relieved of the pressure and took action simply. As a zombie, its thinking is fundamentally different from that of humans, and it has no such emotion as anger.

The Nether Fire flashed past, and it appeared in front of Yun Ye, completing a space shuttle and directly hitting Yun Ye's vitals.


Yun Ye only had time to block it and was thrown away violently.

To be honest, it is impossible to withstand and defeat a major disaster with the life force and consciousness of the mortal realm. Even Yun Ye has to use the ethereal method to do it.

After several lifetimes of accumulation, Yun Ye has mastered many powerful divine and physical techniques, many of which are comparable to the triple spiritual techniques, but they are still too abnormal to use.

The entire Shui Clan did not teach the so-called "Dharma". They only asked Yun Ye and the others to improve their spiritual control and use the power of blood.

For example, Yun Ye's most notable features in the eyes of everyone in the Shui clan are his "flawless body" and "colorful eyes", followed by his "seven wisdom hearts", "extraordinary combat intuition (insight of all things)" and "perfect learning ability" 』.

As for the three major evolutionary potentials, the potential of the Xuan-level high-grade ethereal body, and the top-level true identity, these are impossible to know, and Yun Ye is indeed difficult to use.

On the surface, all Yun Ye can use is his extraordinary spiritual control, and his flawless body, colorful eyes.

The flawless body allows Yun Ye to have less side effects when using his spiritual roots, and the colorful pupils are his reasonable and powerful means of attack.

"Three colors!"

Yun Ye suddenly injected the three powers of divine fire and water into his pupils. The two eyeballs were stimulated and immediately awakened the delicate internal structure, showing black, red and blue colors.

Black rainbow pupils, with unparalleled insight, can see through and see all kinds of energy, as well as space fluctuations and time rhythms.

Ling Zhan's movements were immediately slowed down countless times, and Yun Ye was like lifting a high-speed camera and dismantling the movements frame by frame.


Taking a step sideways to dodge Ling Zombie's claw in pursuit of victory, the entire training ground was split into two, extending out in an unknown direction.

The red rainbow pupils immediately started to operate, Ling Zhan suddenly leaned back, and his eyes and bones were directly burned.

"You can even burn my uncle's indestructible body? Your eyes are better than mine, hehehehe, I want them!"

The spirit zombie regenerated at super speed, and its figure disappeared, swallowed up by the netherworld fire.

"With both eyes destroyed, can you still use Nether Fire?"

This was the first time that Yun Ye encountered Ling Zheng who could use Nether Fire without relying on his eyes. This world was constantly breaking his understanding.


He had seen the spirit zombies using the extremely spiritual ghost fire in the past.

Since there are rumors of Nether Fire coming in and out of the Netherworld, it is naturally because Ling Zombie has used it before, but it is an extremely rare variant and is generally an ordinary Nether Fire.

The spiritual zombie in front of him should be in the ordinary category, from all aspects, but some of his powers have been enhanced without logic.

Ling Zhan suddenly appeared from behind, swung out a claw, and the explosion was raging, trying to tear Yun Ye into pieces, but Yun Ye swayed and dodged it in an instant.

Surprise appeared on its face. The position was wrong? It clearly wanted to appear in front of this "death seeker", but it ended up being five meters off?

It suddenly saw where Yun Ye's eyes were looking, where blue water was flowing, like a looming ocean. It immediately tried to get closer, but the huge resistance blocked it. Although it was not impossible to cross, it would not matter if it used Nether Fire. There will always be deviations.

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