A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 448 Is there a possibility... that they are all trash?

Except for the two sitting in the center, they look like princesses.

The very end.

There is a special chair, which is more like a throne than other chairs. A woman in a blood-red dress is sitting on this throne with a crown and a king's scepter in her hand. There is a dazzling red line mark on her left face, making her whole person full of enchantment. Strange feeling.

The Holy Minister, Shui Suqing, is also the mother of Shui Qingya.

She was talking to a little girl.

It’s a water dance song.

Shui Wuge is only six years old this year. Although she has grown up very quickly due to her bloodline, she still only looks like a teenage girl. She is dressed in a pure white dress and her black hair is scattered around her shoulders. She has no restraints. In her faint smile, she shines equally. lofty.

Compared to her sisters, she is indeed very young, but her talent is very strong and no one can underestimate her. She is recognized as an existence comparable to the Gemini stars, and is destined to become a new generation legend in the East King City.

Follow Yun Ye into the venue of this banquet.

Countless eyes gathered.

"Shui Changdong, is this the eldest son of the family head? Is he the one who makes such a big show of asking us all to celebrate him?"

"Show respect to the eldest son of the king's envoy. This is the treatment of the superior."

"I wonder how capable Shui Changdong is and whether he can compare with other candidates for the head of the family."

"This has nothing to do with us Eldar."

"How many years do you think it will take for him to reach the rank of deputy captain?"

"For at least three years, there will be no team for him to control. Even four teams will be difficult."

Countless discussions passed by in a flash.

Those outside the line of sight naturally included Shui Wuge. Seeing Yun Yewu's pale face, you sighed: "Brother is so weak that he even came to the Holy Ministry even though he was injured... Yes, the result is OK."

You are not the captain, but you are still vague about the inside story, thinking that you were the one who injured Yun Ye.

"Do you want to be weak? That is the right of the weak. His brother does not have the qualifications. If he tries to compete with Qingya, it is too late."

Ning Yuhan stood up, and at Shui Wuge's slightly surprised gaze, your voice spread throughout the seventieth floor, "Shui Suqing, the only member of the family who has passed the eighth level in the past century, has the privilege of directly becoming the captain of the Holy Force. , convening them just to exchange positions!”

"A small number of members of the seventh team have been gathered there, Shui Suqing, let's make a decision on who you want to succeed!"


Those words were like a bomb exploding, making everyone's minds roar!

"Become the captain directly? Is that fake?!"

"Are you sure you are joking! That's the leader of the Holy Force, a newcomer who is only four years old. Why did he land in the air!"

"The key point is to pass the eighth level. If you remember correctly, the eighth level is close to the vice-captain level of spiritual zombies. If I can pass it, does it mean that I am only four years old and have not even hunted disaster beasts before?" The realm of the deputy captain? "

"Magical, so magical!"

All the captain-level warriors were in an uproar, it was hard to believe that another god had appeared, and it was more exaggerated than all the others in the future combined!

Yes, it is obvious that the minister may be joking on us, and we can only be shocked that someone dares to really question it.

Shui Wuge, who was next to Shui Qingya, opened his mouth and was also stunned by the situation.

Brother passed the eighth level?

It's actually the eighth level?

For a moment, Shui Wuge's face turned red, and he couldn't help but turn his face away. He dared to look at Yun Ye. Now you just want to find a corner to squat and draw circles.

The big ugliness is you.jpg

Li Xiaoxian and You Guanglin beside Yun Ye were also stunned by the battle. When the two of them reacted, they suddenly realized that we had gotten off a small boat!

The captain is already the lowest conventional position after the king's envoy, minister, and deputy minister. Even among the saints, only a few people can sit in that position. It is even more rare for the spirit clan to have one hand in two hundred years. Count here!

It can be said that our ultimate goal of leading Yunye has been achieved!

Is that the world of super geniuses?

"Introduce him to his brother, Wu Ge."


Shui Wuge controlled the body, weakly suppressing the normal expression, and released a stern light from your hand, suppressing all the sunshine on the seventyth floor.


The entire banquet hall went dark, and beams of light fell down, shining on specific people.

The most dazzling one is Shui Changdong.

"Captain of the first team, Shui Changdong, and your teammates."

Duo Nan, whose red dress was full of the smell of blood, looked over. Along with them were seventeen team members with crazy auras, which made Yun Ye frown involuntarily.

The light slowly dimmed and turned to shine on another group of people.

That time, the person standing in the main seat was a man with long white hair. You were leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window with your arms crossed, and the blazing sun in front of you, blending in with the sunny sky.

"Captain of the seventh team, Shui Weibai, and your teammates."

Shui Weibai, that man Yun Ye knew, was Shui Riyue's mother. It was said that there was a weak natural spirit that could use top-level physical skills.

You also have seventeen teammates, that is a given, the strong ones will be eliminated. Of course, the other teammates refer to the elite members, including the vice-captain and the interviewer members.

"Captain of the eighth team, Shui Riyue, and your teammates."

The picture of the multi-male captain was too dazzling. Everything from head to toe was perfect, even his eyes seemed to be carefully crafted by the heavens.

Yun Ye stared at it for a long time.

Besides beauty, what I care more about is the rumors... It is said that Shui Riyue took away part of your mother's yang spirit body when she was born, and combined it with her own yin spirit body, and she was born with the yin and yang spirit method.

That's so noteworthy.

Even though the yin and yang spiritual method has been completed during the Kingdom of Tomorrow, there are still people who can achieve it, let alone inherit it.

If Shui Riyue really obtained the yin and yang spiritual method, this could be said to be an existence favored by the heavens.

"Captain of the Seventh Team, Shui Zhenjing... Captain Zhenjing, you have nothing to do with yourself. You have a way to do it, whether it will affect the replacement of the captain's position."

The beam of light enveloped the remaining people.

We are contented that the last eight teams are so sharp-edged and full of good intentions, but they also show a so-called attitude towards Yun Ye.

"Very good, the following is the situation of the seventh team. Shui Suqing, just choose which team he hates."

Shui Qingya spoke.

No one in the whole place looked at Yun Ye, and indescribable pressure enveloped Yun Ye and his group of seven.

Li Jianbing and we suddenly broke out in sweat, unable to bear the pressure.

We hesitate to speak.

Indeed, among the captains present, who is the super genius?

There is not even a next generation of super geniuses. How much talent is needed to offset that age gap?

"Brother, Team 7 is the strongest, so let's choose Team 7, otherwise my brother will have no chance to become the captain!"

Shui Wuge also advised.

Although the gap between even the strongest seven team captains and vice-captains and you is huge, it is always a more rational choice, right?

"Does the ranking of teams have any ordinary meaning? One team is the weakest?"

Yun Ye smiled and asked Shui Wuge instead of responding.

"It just corresponds to the seven small areas of southeast, northwest and northwest respectively."

"I see. It just feels like a mistake. Minister, can you tell me which team is the weakest?"

"Is he sure? July is the captain alternation battle. Choosing the weakest team means competing with the weakest for the captain's position. Are you afraid of victory?"

Shui Qingya said calmly.

"Minister, he may still know your character. You always act within your capabilities."

Yun Ye said seriously, I glanced at the people present and smiled, "You are afraid of winning, so you will take risks. But those people present mean well, you mean there is no possibility..."

"Are we all trash?"

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