A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 450 Fishing Principles: Don’t Fish Small

"Chasing darkness at dawn? Holy attire?"

Yun Ye said to himself.

He really didn't know about this thing. When he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, he just felt that the key was connected to a different space, but what exactly needed to be activated actually.

"Master... no, captain, when we carry out missions, we must have spiritual equipment, which can protect us from being eroded by demonic disasters. Holy equipment refers to the ten most powerful spiritual equipment, exclusive to the Holy Force captain-level foreigners. "

"The holy attire you have obtained is the second holy attire called Dawn Chasing Darkness. It is said that it can have inexhaustible power during the day. In the short period of time when day passes to night, it can explode dozens of times in power, hence the name. Dawn chases darkness.”

Li Jianbing said quickly.

"Magic disaster?"

Yun Ye asked endless questions.

"You will know these problems in the future. Get to know your teammates and celebrate. This is your highlight moment. If you miss it, there may not be a next time."

Shui Suqing chuckled, and his figure turned into water splashes and disappeared.

"Minister...it's really difficult."

Li Jianbing took a breath. Just now, she felt that the young master was Tianhu's tactic, but within a few words, the entire Holy Ministry became enemies!

The four captains would never allow anyone else to take the position, and the young master also staged a group mocking provocation, which filled him with hatred!

And Minister Shui Suqing is also the old enemy of the young master's mother, so it is impossible not to suppress the young master!

Now there really is no place for the young master in the entire Holy Ministry, but fortunately the deputy minister is not here, otherwise he will be ridiculed by one more terrifying enemy.

"It doesn't matter, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs. Shui Suqing is just a defeated general under his mother. How dare a prodigal dog bark?"

Yun Ye maintained his taunting power and directly defeated Li Jianbing.

Not to mention Li Jianbing, no one present felt that Yun Ye was a normal person. He looked like he was polluting the air and was even more arrogant than them.

They usually maintain politeness no matter what they say, and hide cannibalism under their skin. Even if they say harsh words and are arrogant, it is still on the eve of victory.

But today, they were jumped in the face, and they realized how disgusting they were before. The most disgusting thing was that because of their identities, they really couldn't make a move on the spot, they could only watch each other dance, as disgusting as they wanted.

Of course, this is the possibility of cloud night simulation.

The real situation is that the twins are each meditating, drinking drinks or eating fruit, and then simulating how to cut him to pieces so that he cannot jump.

The rest, nothing at all.

The rest of the people's mentality was pretty much the same. They had already begun to stare at Yun Ye, burning with anger.

"Brother...are you seeking death?"

Shui Wuge walked up to Yun Ye, her expression completely frozen, and she asked sadly, even though she had already come to a conclusion.

Directly mocking the entire Holy Ministry, isn't this asking for death?

Do you want your mother to support your brother?

"Ah? I'm serious. Some chickens and dogs are not worth mentioning."

Yun Ye said seriously.


"I just can't bear it. Do you think we are wooden people? Do you really think we are made of clay and eat dry food every day??"

"Let me teach you... how to be a human being!"

A fist suddenly enlarged. Before the fist could reach, the tearing feeling spread to the entire banquet hall, and the nearby tables and chairs were instantly shattered.


Li Xiaoxian and You Guanglin instantly mobilized their power and wanted to compete. Metal pillars protruded from all directions to block them.

But this fist did not stop, and it was shattered in an instant. It just missed the edge, and the two of them were directly swept away, and their bodies were even about to be torn into pieces.

"Unfold the spiritual equipment!"

Li Jianbing's pupils shrank and she stood up. She shouted loudly and pulled off the small sword necklace. A strange space enveloped the area, and a white torrent erupted. She resisted the punch and dispersed its terrifying cutting power.

On the other side, Yun Ye waved his hand to pull You Guanglin and the two back, keeping them from being harmed. Shui Wuge did not pay attention to the two spirits, but stood solemnly in front of Yun Ye, holding the crystal key on his chest.

Looking at Li Jianbing in the white torrent, Yun Ye's eyes lit up.

"It turned out to be a transformed armor. Is this the battle equipment of the Eastern King City? It is completely different from the era of magic weapons..."

Li Jianbing had changed his attire and was completely wrapped in white armor, which seemed to be made of white ice crystals. A scarf was fluttering in his neck. He looked extremely handsome and handsome. His huge ice spiritual power was stimulated by the armor to fight against the intruder.

However, handsomeness does not equate to strength. When the opponent punched him, Li Jianbing couldn't hold on even with his spiritual equipment, and his armor shattered as he kept retreating.

"Vice Captain Shui Gongque! Do you want to fight in the Holy Ministry Building?!"

Li Jianbing shouted with difficulty.

"Shut up, weak people have no right to speak, including you, Shui Changdong! The minister is not something you can insult. If you have the ability, speak in front of the minister, show your so-called strength, and see whether it is the minister who slaps you to death, or the minister who kills you. You go down!"

Shui Gongque was a green-haired man. He waved his hand coldly and knocked Li Jianbing directly into the glass wall. The spider web cracks spread, but it was not completely broken. He controlled the force very powerfully. He said: "Shui Changdong , wait until next time to be hung up and hammered."

The color of his pure white fist dissipated. This power seemed to be life force, but in fact it was the wind spirit power compressed to the extreme, close to the fourth level realm.

If Yun Ye is asked to give an evaluation, I can only say that there is something.

He turned and left.


Yun Ye smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I became the captain after passing the third level, right? In other words, I actually have deputy captain level strength?"


"Hahaha, Shui Changdong, do you think you actually have deputy captain level strength?"

"That zombie is just close to the deputy captain level. And you don't think that the deputy captain of the Holy Ministry can be compared to the deputy captains of the fourth division, right?"

Some people couldn't help laughing, because it was so fun, it was a surprise, and it was a great show.

"If your confidence comes from this, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. You are very weak now. You are so weak that I can hold you to death with one hand."

"If you were not the son of the king's envoy, just what you said would be enough for me to sentence you to death!"

Shui Gongque did not turn around, but said sideways.

Precisely because he is the son of the king's envoy.

If he was hung up and hammered, it would actually be more serious than being killed directly. This would be a slap in Suimeikoto's face.

If he did this, he would be dead. Shui Mingqin wanted to kill him, but Shui Suqing couldn't save him.

Similarly, it is difficult for a candidate who has been hung up to be qualified to continue to work, and there is a high probability that he will come to an end.

Originally, Yun Ye just mocked a few words to explain the cause and effect, giving them a reason to take action. I really didn't expect that someone would be so reckless and directly escalate the conflict to the level of casual action. The reality is really surprising.

"This is your position. You are a subordinate and cannot kill me. As for insulting me, the price will be even greater."

"As for my position as a candidate for the head of the family, if you offend me, it is reasonable for me to kill you, right?"

Yun Ye's somewhat pale face showed a smile.

"The premise is that you have the strength, Shui Changdong! Even defeating a spiritual zombie will hurt you. Do you have the strength?"

Shui Gongque sneered.

He is an elite of the Shui Clan and has reached the level of vice-captain. He is not comparable to the weaklings of the Spirit Clan...

"Oh, don't I have this strength?"

Yun Ye was thoughtful, and slowly raised his hand towards his eyes. At this moment, Shui Gongque's whole body froze for some unknown reason, and a terrifying feeling of horror hit his heart - he would die, die, die, die, die. die! ! ! !

He will definitely die!

He didn't know where this idea came from. He was completely frozen and unable to move. He could only watch Yun Ye's hand rise.

"Oh, I really don't have the strength yet. I'll come back to take revenge after I kill a few more monsters. Please feel free to live for a few more days."

Yun Ye still gave up. Now that the genes are unstable, if he uses the evolutionary method again, he can only use the true spirit change or the good god change. What should he do if he scares away the real big fish for the sake of a deputy captain?

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