Two streams of light flew across the scene, crossing dozens of miles in an instant to find a more suitable battlefield. From time to time, they would kill the anti-world disaster beasts that were worth conquering. Yun Ye's values ​​were growing steadily.

"Divine method 85%, physical method 82%, the results of the second day are not bad."

Yun Ye did not slack off, but the growth rate did slow down in the later period. There seemed to be experience penalties for high-level killing low-level. Although there was still growth, it was weakened a lot. Dongwang City has been cultivating high-level foreign warriors, probably for this reason.

After this day, Yun Ye finally felt the burden of the holy suit, but Shui Wu Ge's use of the holy suit was obviously much higher than his. It can be used for a long time. According to her, it would be no problem to use it for a few more days. I am afraid it is not far from the sublimation form.

"Is that... a drought beast?"

Shui Wu Ge suddenly stopped. Ten kilometers away, there was a disaster beast that slowly walked across the river, similar to a sheep.

This disaster beast named Drought Beast has fluffy white hair all over its body and a pair of horns on its head. It looks very similar to a sheep. It exudes a strong aura of death. Wherever it passes, the river stops flowing for no reason. It is very ominous.

"Why, is this a precious disaster beast?"

Yun Ye asked. He really didn't know it. Tomorrow Country hadn't seen this disaster beast for 500 years.

"The anti-world body and the real body have the same ability. This drought beast has the power to dry up the water source in reality! It is said that before it was transformed into a disaster beast, it was a beast of good fortune that brought water sources, but now it has gained this destructive power-"

"This power is also useful for humans. Ordinary people will die of lack of water when they walk into the effective range. Outsiders have resistance, but the closer they get, the faster they die."

Shui Wu Ge's armored eyes are glowing.


Yun Ye didn't understand.

"The materials on it can be used to make spiritual clothes. At that time, the water paradise may be able to go further."

Shui Wu Ge stretched out the wings behind her to Yun Ye. It turned out that each of her wings represented a water ability. Now there are six.

Each ability is not chosen randomly, they complement each other and can be combined into the ultimate ability "Water Color Paradise".

"What are you waiting for? Return to reality and hunt!"

Yun Ye said.

"You can do it in the anti-world. First, severely injure it in the anti-world, and then go to reality to recover the body."

"Water Color Paradise!"

A new figure appeared beside Shui Wu Ge. It was another Shui Wu Ge, but without a shadow. It was the anti-world body.

The Water Color Paradise Holy Suit can imprison and control the anti-world body, allowing the anti-world body to open the anti-world door and return to the anti-world.

When the anti-world body returns to the anti-world, it will not create a real body Shui Wu Ge, and finally form a clone with all the combat power of Shui Wu Ge.

Unfortunately, neither the real body nor the anti-world body can die or be injured. They are one, and any influence will be updated synchronously.

"If the anti-world body is injured, will I be injured too?"

Yun Ye looked at Shui Wu Ge with a strange expression. She was wearing gorgeous armor, plus a clone floating beside her. She really had all the elements.

"Don't worry, the anti-world body will copy the holy clothes together, so we can all use the holy clothes, and it's hard to get hurt." Shui Wuge is still confident in her own strength. "Then let's do it." "Earth Clay Doll!" Yun Ye stretched out his hand, and the earth-yellow spiritual power with emerald green flowed to the ground like liquid. In a blink of an eye, the earth seemed to come alive, shaking and surging. Since it is a water-type disaster beast, it is natural to use the corresponding restraining spiritual method. The restraining power of the zodiac is actually very strong. The spiritual method composed of earth and wood extreme spirits, the earth clay doll is the first choice, and both zodiac signs restrain the water zodiac. The earth rolled, and gradually stood up a five-meter-high clay doll puppet. Although this puppet cannot be made too big due to the concentration of spiritual power, its strength is still considerable, and its all-round qualities are very strong. As soon as it was born, the earth clay doll surged on the ground, moving at high speed without walking on its legs, and its arms turned into huge lances, stabbing at the drought beast. The size of the drought beast was not small, not weaker than the earth figurine. It glanced at the earth figurine, stretched out its hoof and hit the ground, causing shocking damage immediately.

The demons themselves are known for their strong bodies, and their various magical powers rely less on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is difficult for the spiritual methods of the current era to pose a threat to them.

But it obviously misjudged the strength of its opponent. The earth figurine passed through the storm as if it was not damaged at all. The lance directly stabbed the drought beast, and the huge force made the drought beast sink into the ground, and the demon power and spiritual power collided violently.


The drought beast roared after reacting, and a dark blue flame surged all over its body, directly lifting the earth figurine, but then it was hit by a hammer again, and a large amount of dark blue flames were shattered, as the price of defensive attack evaporated.

"The power is very high. The earth figurine can borrow the weight of the entire earth, and it can actually be lifted up in one breath."

Yun Ye was surprised. It seems that his basic strength is still too weak, otherwise he should be able to split the drought beast in two with one shot.

"You are already very strong to be able to do this, brother. Not everyone is as perverted as you." Shui Wuge said helplessly. "Look." A white vortex appeared in her hand, and a large number of cutting water lines shot out, but they disappeared visibly as soon as they approached the drought beast, and could not cause any harm at all. "The demons themselves have physiques and vitality that surpass spiritual equipment, and they have powerful magical powers. In addition, they have died once, and they will not die until their bodies are completely destroyed. They are simply the most terrifying killing machines."

"Facing the Dry Beast, most of Shuishe Paradise's moves won't work, so you can only use divine magic——"

"The divine magic sharpens the edge!"

Water-flowing spears appeared in both water dancers, compressed into entities in an instant, and their bodies gradually became hazy, shrouded in a layer of divine power that shattered matter.

She showed off her power, drawing arcs from left to right and killing the Drought Beast.

The drought beast suppressed by the earth puppet was unable to fight back with its body, so it had no choice but to explode its demonic power and use magical powers!

Huge demon power is condensed between the two horns, and a large amount of water elements are condensed. This is the power it has to decompose a large amount of water source accumulation, which can be called a massive amount.

The moment it was released, the upper body of the Earth Doll was completely evaporated. The remaining power spread for dozens of miles, penetrating all objects along the way and giving the Earth a center cut.

It broke away from the control and burned with blue flames again. All the water was eliminated with one step. Shui Wuge's spiritual power fluctuated violently to resist the power to control the water source. The spear in her hand was quickly destroyed in the trembling, but the divine magic Sharpening has no effect.


Two divine bladed spears stabbed out one after another, colliding with the Drought Beast's body. The Drought Beast roared and spat out water cannons, but they were all dodged. The blue flames were continuously destroyed by the two divine blades, gradually dimming.

Most of the six wings and rings behind the two water dance songs lit up, and then, the body of the dry beast expanded everywhere, and the blood in the body was being controlled.

"Fourth degree of water explosion!"

"Boom boom boom!"

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