A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 460: The Tenth Level of the Heavenly Road: The One Who Bears the Mountain

The Infinite Circle Perfect Method has a strange name, but it is indeed the ultimate complete method calculated by countless geniuses in the Kingdom of Tomorrow. It is impossible for any method to surpass it unless the opponent jumps out of the three major methods.

Because this method is so important, except for researchers and the chief, all monks including Zhuo Qilian are not allowed to know about it.

All methods to prevent leaks were used, as long as they could be thought of, and the precautions were taken to the extreme.

The reason for attaching so much importance to it is naturally because the concept is too powerful and too advanced.

Powerful because it is possible to achieve the ultimate fusion of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

We still don’t know if this complete method can be realized.

In other words, how long will it take to achieve it.

The basic concept of the infinite circle perfect method is to practice the single complete method of yin and yang and the five elements respectively. Without any modification of nature, it is just a simple practice of the seven powers of life force, spiritual consciousness, metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

In other words, the Infinite Circle Perfect Method only increases the quantity and quality of energy, and preserves the original forms of the seven powers.

What's the benefit?

It's simple, it can amplify all spells.

The Zhuanyin Eternal Silence used by Yun Ye during the Kingdom of Tomorrow essentially does not have the blessing of "Spiritual Method Meridians" and "Nine Transformations of Dafa".

This leads to the fact that Zhuan Yin Yongji is obviously far superior to the ethereal method, but the actual expressive power does not match it, and it cannot achieve the effect of complete crushing.

However, the results of practicing the Infinite Circle Perfect Method are different. This is the foundation of practice that is adaptable to all spells and can be enhanced no matter what spell.

This characteristic alone is enough to illustrate the lofty intention of the infinite circle perfect method.

The only problem is that this technique is so difficult that it has reached the limit of the universe, making it almost impossible to complete it perfectly.

Even Yun Ye, a reincarnated person, had no confidence, so he hesitated for a long time at first, and did not make up his mind until he confirmed that the spiritual energy was monopolized.

He needs strength!

And this technique has the potential to achieve invincible power!

"Let's start the pilgrimage. The infinite circle is perfect. It's too difficult to calculate it by myself. Even with the spiritual gene formula, I can't calculate it."

Yun Ye stepped onto the Heavenly Road and faced the challenge of the geniuses from all over the world at the first level of the Heavenly Road.

He has been here many times and passed the ninth level with ease.

Level 10.

Before the person appeared, the infinite mountain appeared in the world first. The earth cracked and shattered in front of his eyes, and its huge weight crushed everything.

The entire space was swaying like a residual fire, and the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

"This power is in the mortal realm?!"

Yun Ye encountered the most powerful mortal realm ever challenged by the Heavenly Road. He instantly entered a state of spiritual root sublimation. The five-color spiritual root marks formed a circle. With this as the center, the five colors spread and returned to their proper places.

The body is boiling and sublimating.

Yun Ye crushed the ground, but still felt that he was unable to do anything. He had to activate three spiritual methods to increase his physique to offset this huge pressure.

With the power of the three-level spiritual method, he finally relieved this pressure and had enough energy to pay attention to his opponent's situation.

I saw a strong black-haired man wrapping a chain around an immeasurable mountain, carrying it on his back, and getting closer step by step.

His forehead flashed with spiritual root marks that were completely different from the five elements, and there were two of them, one like a dark vortex, and the other as bright red as blood.

This person possesses two fused spiritual roots at the same time!


Although Yun Ye was a little shocked, he had even done such things as crossing two realms, so what could he be invincible if he was both in the mortal realm?

He struck first and enveloped the world with the power of space!

Simply relying on divine magic to activate the power of space is far inferior to ethereal roots, and as your attainments in divine magic increase, your ethereal magic will also be strengthened simultaneously!

Once the Yingtian Xujie is unfolded, the world becomes something in the bag, which can be kneaded at will.

Boom boom boom!

But the Mountain Bearer doesn't think so. The infinite mountain phantom confronts the imaginary world reflecting the sky. Its heavy weight distorts the space and cannot be easily controlled.


The Mountain Bearer also took action. In the moment he raised his hand, the phantom of the Infinite Mountain Range was compressed into a single point. As he threw it, the terrible gravity directly shattered everything. Yun Ye could not help but be forcefully pulled over, even if he was in the body. There is no use in different spaces, even the spaces are flowing!

There is no doubt that this is a spiritual method at the same level as Zhuanyin Eternal Silence!

"The Mystery of Water and Fire: Nirvana!"

"Turn into eternal silence!"

Yun Ye had no choice but to forcibly activate the secret annihilation to level Wuliang Mountain, and then the destructive force of darkness swallowed up the space washed away.

Immediately, the bearer of the mountain was suppressed. He tried his best but could not resist. The shadow of the mountain collapsed, and was finally wiped out by Zhuanyin Eternal Silence.

Messages flashed by.

In this tenth level, Tianlu's evaluation is: Dragon and Phoenix of a Region, which refers to the only true dragon and true phoenix level peerless talent in a fixed state.

At the same time, information about the Mountain Bearers was also revealed.

"The first person to fuse the dual spiritual roots multiple times."

"The founder of the secret art of true appearance."

"'Negative Mountain'."

A lot of pictures flashed by.

In the prosperous Immortal Dynasty, there is a Supreme Emperor who coordinates the human world. The world is stable, major families develop, and intermarriage occurs on a large scale.

Fushan's parents are both possessors of double spiritual roots, and their cultivation is unparalleled. It took ten years to conceive Fushan, during which he used countless secret foundation-building techniques of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

This top-notch environment gave Fushan an extremely superior foundation. He was able to carry mountains on his back as soon as he was born, and could control gravity, which can be described as Tianhu's start.

The young Fushan was very unruly, defeated all the opponents in the dynasty, and had unparalleled self-control talent, so he went north to enter a bigger stage and show his talents in the two continents.

As a result, there are people outside the world, and he suffered a disastrous defeat before leaving the border state where he was, and was suppressed by the invincible young man with one hand.

Suddenly awakened, he went up to the mountain and worshiped a certain Tianzong at that time, and studied hard, hoping to go against the will of heaven and overcome the obstacles of his talent.

Hundreds of years later, he suffered repeated defeats and fell into death situations many times, but he also grew rapidly because of it. In a desperate situation, he finally achieved a breakthrough and used the unheard-of "Secret Technique of Fusion of Double Alien Spirit Roots".

Powerful enemies were killed by amazing secret techniques, and Fushan's strength increased dramatically, making it possible to compete on the same stage with truly invincible creatures.

But it is a pity that he also damaged his foundation and could not make any progress. Unwilling to do so, he went to the mountain to study spiritual roots with great concentration, hoping to repair his own foundation.

After repeated deductions, Fushan completed a secret technique that completely awakened the spiritual roots, allowing the various ancient information contained in the spiritual roots to be reproduced.

But this secret technique can only temporarily awaken the spiritual root information, and cannot truly repair his spiritual root.

After countless attempts, he died of regret, unable to change his fate against the odds.

But the two paths he created are important legacies. They were gradually improved in later generations and became a useful means to expand the upper limit of the spiritual law system.

"Foreign spirit root fusion, these families in the Red Sky Realm are all on a path to extreme strengthening. There is actually a genius who possesses two kinds of alien spirit roots at the same time and has completed the fusion astonishingly. In this endless history, there are really many talents..."

Alien spiritual roots refer to all spiritual roots except the five elements spiritual roots.

Without the extremely spiritual method, even the integration of the five elements would be as difficult as climbing to the sky. The natural mortality rate of the fusion of alien spiritual roots is extremely high. Fushan is the first successful person recorded in the Heavenly Road.

"A hero from Bianzhou?"

Bianzhou is the continent where the Luo Dynasty is located. According to the records of the Luo Dynasty, there are ninety-nine states in Bianzhou, and there are many large and small dynasties in Bianzhou. It is not surprising that there are some invincible beings in such a huge area. In the era of Fushan, although he was a large dynasty The most talented people in the world can't even conquer the border continents, let alone the strongest heaven and earth continents.

Yun Ye sighed.

"Every era has its own scenery."

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