Facing the power of heaven's sublimation.

Yun Ye did not retreat at all, his rainbow pupils were operating to the extreme, and in conjunction with the insight into all things, he could see through the sublimation power of the Heavenly Road that was about to be born.

Then he activated the holy clothing, ran the evolution method, and calculated the bloodline most suitable for this battle.

"Fortunately, Shui Weibai himself is not even in the spiritual realm. Even if this ice girl self-destructs, it is impossible to explode the power of the real person realm."

"Sublimated form! Evil Spirit God!"

His power also soared, reaching its peak in an instant. Yun Ye, who had mastered the infinite circle method, found a spiritual method to completely restrain this move on the spot.

at the same time.

The re-created Ice Girl completed the sublimation of the Heavenly Road. With one point of view, it was like the sky and the earth shattered. The entire battlefield exploded. Infinite power locked onto Yun Ye. Even if she was in a different space, she could not stop this power from obliterating Yun Ye.


This power affected all the captains who were watching the battle from a distance. They had to break into sublimated forms to block it, and their hearts were shocked.

This power...

None of them can take it head-on!

Shui Weibai is one of the few captains who can survive until his death. He is indeed the strongest among the four captains at this stage. With this move alone, no one can beat him!

"It's over. Shui Changdong is not dead or disabled after this blow. He is far from the level of using the holy blood to resurrect him. This can still be felt!"

Shui Riyue, Shui Qingya and other human beings.

The Pilgrim steps are clearly visible to them who are also saints. If they can't use it, they can't use it. There are no miracles.


However, after recreating the Ice Girl's moves, there was another violent spiritual wave sublimation, which obviously did not belong to Shui Weibai.

"Shui Changdong can even catch this move. Does he still have the energy to counterattack?"

Even Shui Suqing looked shocked. Shui Changdong was only eight years old, and he had grown so far?

"You actually blocked it! The blow just now was impossible to resist without the Heavenly Road Sublimation. What on earth did you do?"

Shui Weibai blocked her body with her right hand, and a bloody hole appeared. The air in front of her showed a dark straight line, and the power lingered for a long time.

She stared at this mark for a long time. This was the spiritual method that penetrated her palm.

In addition to injuring her, the spiritual method also avoided the sublimation blow of the recreated Ice Girl in some inexplicable way.

She was puzzled as to how this was done.

Could it be a more powerful spatial ability?

"If I can't block the Ascension of Heavenly Road, why would I choose to fight you?"

Yun Ye, who entered the evil spirit god state, revealed his true form.

His face is covered with a pitch-black mask, his eyes reveal seven colors of light, his chest is open, and black lightning-like cracks gather into a circle.

This circle forms a flowing dark vortex, and just looking at it makes one's soul seem to be swallowed up.

Behind it, there is a black sun hanging in the sky, which is the domain power after the sublimation of the holy dress.

Yun Ye stood in the sky, but at this moment, his aura completely disappeared.

Regardless of the scanning of spiritual consciousness, life detection, or energy perception, its existence cannot be detected, and it has become a life that can only confirm its existence with sight.

This change made Shui Weibai feel strongly uneasy. She spat out a mouthful of blood again, and two more recreated ice maidens appeared.

"I can take one blow, but what about two?"

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

Shui Weibai looked a little pale as he watched the two ice maidens use the Heavenly Road to sublime again.

There is a price for her use of the triple spiritual method. As a price for her lack of spiritual control, every time she uses it, she consumes her life force to barely complete it.

Although she has no realm, her life essence is extremely strong. In theory, she has so much vitality that she can live to be a hundred years old if she uses it a dozen times.

The biggest problem with this move is actually consumption. She can use it up to three times in a short period of time. If it fails three times, she can only use the power of the Eastern King.


Yun Ye didn't answer, all the remaining energy in his body evaporated, and even the power continuously supplied by the holy clothing was drained away.

"Do you think I'm bluffing?!"

Shui Weibai became slightly wary.

Not surrendering?

Any trump cards?

"Let the unfinished business begin and end!"

Yun Ye said calmly, he spread his arms, and the sky darkened.

Dusk approaches the night.

Here it comes!

Shui Weibai raised her head in surprise, and frowned: "You actually simulated the vision of heaven and earth to activate the Holy Clothes? Shui Changdong, you don't think that the power of the Holy Clothes alone can reverse the strength gap between you and me, right? Even if the Holy Clothes are The power that explodes dozens of times is only the power of the Holy Clothes..."

"You don't understand what it means! Yin-Yang and Five Elements are all-encompassing!"

Yun Ye roared. He was obviously the size of a child, but suddenly he seemed like a god coming down from the earth. Shui Weibai was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

Apart from this roar, what shocked Shui Weibai the most was naturally its power. Yun Ye was telling her with practical actions...

Yin Yang and Five Elements!

All inclusive!

The black sun in the sublimated state of the holy dress suddenly erupted with heart-stopping fluctuations, and then the entire sun collapsed instantly when Yun Ye held it in his hand.


A black hole is born!

The entire earth, whether it was air, matter or space, was distorted at this moment. Unsurprisingly, this was a force comparable to the turning of darkness into eternal silence.

"The only three-level method: Taiyin Star!"

Yun Ye threw the Taiyin Star when Shui Weibai was trembling. She didn't know why she was so scared, as if she saw a natural enemy...

And what happened next made her understand why.

Although the Taiyin Star was about a kilometer away from her, the space around her showed a spiral twist. In just a moment, the two ice maidens were sucked along the spiral orbit in front of the Taiyin Star.

Shui Weibai was horrified. She got rid of her fear in the end and immediately controlled the two ice maidens to unleash all their power in advance.

The two ice maidens were completely copied from Shui Weibai. As the recreated ice maidens of the triple yang-turning spiritual method, they were only slightly weaker than the only yin-turning method of the third level. They were already the strongest spiritual methods that Yun Ye had encountered in reality. Well, even the Saint Clan in its heyday was far from having such powerful spiritual methods.

There is a reason for King Dong to ban the spread of spiritual magic!

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

"The Secret Technique of Returning to Unity!"


The two recreated ice maidens exploded directly, and at the same time a powerful energy burst out that could destroy the world. However, as soon as this power was extended, it immediately seemed to be captured. All of them were distorted by the lunar star, and then directly absorbed and disappeared. Without a trace, as if he had never appeared.

"To completely restrain and re-create the ice girl's extremely spiritual method... No, no, it is the only method. It is impossible for the extremely spiritual method to crush her to this point!"

Shui Weibai held his face in disbelief.

Are you kidding me?

How could a spiritual method of this level be created on the spot?

Shui Changdong had prepared it a long time ago, specifically to target her, right?

That must be the case, right? ! !

Her own heart gave a vague answer, but she didn't want to believe that such a monster existed in this world, so she simply stepped all her efforts into the mud and crushed her over and over again!

Difficult to accept.

Shui Weibai has her own arrogance. She cannot accept that any new generation has surpassed her century-old accumulation in just one month.

She was extremely jealous. If she had this talent, if she had this power, then...

Can she replace King Dong and become the new master, instead of struggling like a domestic animal, waiting for the inevitable day of harvest?

"I don't accept it, I don't believe it, I want you to die without a burial place!!!"

"The Eastern King's favor protects me!"

Shui Weibai suddenly burst out with unimaginable killing intent, and she finally revealed the last card, which was the strongest power of a Shui family woman.

However, Yun Ye didn't care about this power, but frowned and looked at the teleportation building in the distance.

Water is green, water is elegant, water is sun and moon...

One by one, they were all using divine magic to interfere with Shui Weibai's spirit. These three powers combined into one, making it impossible for Shui Weibai to notice.

If Yun Ye had not been in the state of colorful pupils and could see through all things, I am afraid that he would not have been able to detect this strange situation with his insight into all things.

After all, this is the ultimate curse accomplished through the power of the blood of Shui Riyue, his parent and son!

"Death, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die..."

Inexplicable black tide.

From the horizon, from the ground, from the sky, even from the human body, everywhere, it overflowed, and unspeakable resentment broke out.

"The... favor of King Dong? It should be said that it is the favor of the God of Death."

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