A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 477 Dong Wang Appears

"I'm alive?"


The three captains, two women and one man, all regained consciousness in the chaos.

"You are already dead. Now it is just the memory of your body that I have used spiritual methods to recreate. The effectiveness of the spiritual methods has ended. You must die after death."

Yun Ye broke their illusions.

"Really dead? It feels almost the same as before. What spiritual method is so powerful?"

They raised their hands and looked at it in astonishment.

One of them also turned to look at the other re-enactors, and received a lot of indifferent looks. He thought for a moment and understood.

"No, you weakened our relationship?"

"There are always people who want to be resurrected. If I do something extra because of this, it will be very troublesome for me."

As Yun Ye spoke, his power continued to take effect. The expressions of the three of them became visibly indifferent, and they entered a state of indifference to everything.

In this state, they would not have any desires and would only obey orders. Yun Ye assigned them the three most difficult nodes to conquer.

The remaining reappearers are randomly distributed, and as many nodes as possible are destroyed.

After setting up the tasks, the ninety-three people took their weapons and equipment and were immediately teleported to various places by Yun Ye to wait for the plan to begin.

"Are you manipulating them, or are you not?"

Shuimingqin couldn't help but ask.

"I gave the corpses will, allowing them to move freely without my control."

"My power is limited and I cannot share it with so many people. Letting them gain power themselves is the best choice."

"Due to the reappearance of life, they will accumulate strength in the next few days. It will take about a month, and then they will completely detonate."

Yun Ye shook his head.

"The corpse you resurrected can actually last for a month? Moreover, they can also accumulate power on their own?"

Suiminqin feels absolutely ridiculous.

If you can really do it, what else do living people like them do?

"The essence of power is just that. There's nothing wrong with simulating it. Moreover, this spiritual method is ultimately deficient and can only be awakened briefly."

Yun Ye shook his head.

Life reappearance does not have the power of divine magic, and the limit is to maintain it for one month. Otherwise, he can let every reappearer puppet go back to his cultivation path and accumulate a huge amount of power.

"This inheritance..."

"I didn't expect that they have developed spiritual techniques to this extent."

Ordinary people were abandoned.

In this world, ordinary people who have not grown up have zero value, and protecting them comes at a cost.

Yun Ye can't do it.

Only by surpassing the current Yun Ye can this be possible!

A group of people wearing various armors were waiting at the border.

Among them, Yun Ye sat casually on a rock, waiting for the result.

Time passes little by little.


The ground shook.

"Boom boom boom!"

A massive amount of green light exploded from the sky, and the overwhelming black mist plummeted.

The abnormal black tide space that was originally entrenched at the border also had cracks everywhere.

To be precise, it should be called anti-border.

The world that Shui Wuge enters is entirely composed of negative spiritual energy. It is the projection formed by the accumulation of black tide, so it can emerge from any area, even inside the human body.

"Success, Shui Changdong!"

Shui Mingqin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Sublimated form!"

"Life comes back!"

Yun Ye raised his hand and sublimated his form and life again. The green light wings spread for thousands of meters, directly smashing the black tide in front and opening up a path.

When the black fog encounters the power of rebirth, it is like the ice and snow in summer, melting in an instant.

This is the restraint of the zodiac sign, and the resentful spirit is transcended.

Everyone rushes into the road.

Yun Ye made the final move.

Because in the direction of East King City, a shuddering aura revived, thousands of miles of black tide gathered into a face, and blood-red eyes opened.

"You should be punished with death if you destroy our formation!"

The destructive dark light shot out from thousands of miles away, and wherever it passed, the sky and the earth collapsed together, demonstrating its divine power.

Everyone looked at this blow with a look of despair. This move affected such a wide range that they had no time to even dodge!

This is the killer move that turns quantity into quality!

"Extreme Spiritual Technique - Reappearance of Life!"

Yun Ye's mouth and nose were bleeding, his brain was making crazy calculations, and he forcibly used the extremely spiritual method. The next moment, another Yun Ye was created by him.

This clone flew into the sky, bursting out with endless radiance, colliding head-on with the dark light, and actually came to a stalemate.


Yun Ye roared, activated the ethereal technique, and took everyone directly through space, escaping in the direction he had already planned.

At this time, everyone woke up from a dream, sublimated their power, and formed a large formation to assist Yun Ye, so that his power increased dramatically.

"Want to leave?"

The face of Kuroshio collapsed, and a man in black robe stood in the sky.

This man is almost possessed. Half of his body is a skeleton and half is a human being. He looks extremely weird.

However, he did not turn himself into a demon, but the method of cultivation was demonic power, which was the result of recasting his true body with infinite wronged souls after the road was cut off.

In just over a hundred years, he has become so strong, and this Ten Thousand Spirits Demon Skill is indispensable!

Although they were thousands of miles apart, and the space nodes in various places were blown up, making it impossible to cross the space, it still didn't mean anything to the man in black robe.

"Where all spirits are, that is where I am, can you stop me by destroying the spiritual nodes? How naive!!"

The entire anti-world that was about to shatter suddenly stabilized, and was forcibly supported by Dong Wang. Then he played the magic formula, and the anti-world fell directly from the different space, covering the real world.

Yun Ye and the others were shuttled back and forth in space, but they were shrouded in this different-dimensional space and forcibly stopped.

Just when everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Shui Wuge and other saint women suddenly groaned, and a large amount of black energy emerged. The aura belonging to the East King came and condensed directly into the incarnation.

"not good!!!"

"Stop him!"

Everyone's eyes were beating wildly. How terrifying the East King was. Even if it was just an incarnation, they could never be their opponent!

"Get out of my way!"

Shui Mingqin and others also realized that they could not let Dong Wang do whatever he wanted, otherwise they would most likely be killed by Shui Changdong on the spot. They all wanted to cut off their connection with Dong Wang at the expense of self-harm.

But even so, King Dong still showed an incarnation, half skeleton and half flesh, with a cold and sinister aura.

He looked down at everyone, and the pressure spread. Most people knelt down on the spot and could not stand up.

"Forbidden spiritual methods and cut off spiritual energy, there are still people who can practice spiritual methods to this extent. Even I have to praise you."

"It's a pity that this is the king's ruling area, so these ants will stop here——"

"Soul crushing!"

"Life comes back!"

The two powers exploded. Yun Ye's power healed the injuries of Shui Wuge and others. He raised the rainbow ring with one hand, his murderous aura boiling over!


"Don't block the road!"

The five elements of the rainbow ring flowed, and the power was intertwined and merged. Yun Ye punched out, and the power of reappearing life was like a millstone, completely erasing the demonic energy of the East King.

The Dongwang incarnation had a cold face, and the vision of the dead realm emerged, and he killed Yun Ye, but without exception, he collapsed at the first touch.


Everyone took action and combined with Yun Ye's power, destroyed this incarnation in an instant.

He took one last look at everyone and pronounced his verdict without emotion:

"You can't escape."

"A million miles from now, it will be your death!"

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