Fate: EX, Constitution: EX, Divine Awareness: EX, Comprehension: A, Spiritual Root: EX, Dao Instrument: 0, Strength: EX.

This is the Dong Wang panel that Yun Ye saw. There is no doubt that he is very strong. Except for not awakening the Dao Instrument, he is impeccably powerful.

His talent is almost the first in all aspects of the Luo Dynasty. Only his comprehension belongs to the ranks of super geniuses, but it has not reached the most outstanding level.

The most important thing is that his strength is also EX level, while Yun Ye is only A+, not even S level.

This is an overwhelming gap.

Even if Yun Ye uses the Red Sky True Immortal Method, it can only narrow the gap and there is no possibility of reversal.

The real person who has surpassed the Luo Lord is not weak. If you want to defeat him by almost crossing two realms, the power required is difficult to measure.

"He only consumed 10% of the black tide. He still didn't use his full strength. The real essence he used definitely did not exceed 1% of the total amount..."

"With the present Red Sky, I can compete. I must take this opportunity to create a crack and escape."

In the despair of everyone, the majestic world emerged, and all the pressure disappeared.

Shui Wu Ge couldn't help but cover his eyes, unable to look directly at the dazzling light.

Is this the power of his brother?

How warm!

How domineering!

"Everyone get ready!"

Yun Ye's voice sounded, and he immediately activated the present red sky.

The majestic world was completely condensed in his hands. At the same time, he tried his best to analyze the world in front of him, even if he used up his eyes.

Although he had seen the mystery of the world and the composition of the present red sky many times in his previous life, he now had a new understanding.

His foundation is different in this life.

The next second.

The present red sky spread.

The realm of no life and death arrived simultaneously, the two major forces annihilated each other, a large number of space cracks appeared, and the entire anti-world was unstable.

Yun Ye did not hesitate to operate the Dafa, and the overloaded pressure directly made him spit out blood, but he still yelled: "Dafa Fourth Turn-Tayin Singularity!"

The dark singularity was shot out, rotating to open up a new path, directly shattering the first day barrier, but the second day barrier was hard to say, and it was deadlocked for a moment.

In response, Shui Wu Ge stuffed some pills into her mouth and immediately used the Heavenly Road Sublimation for the second time.

His breath was swaying, and he sublimated with only one strike.


The double sky broke in response, and the dark singularity turned into a space gate. Yun Ye slapped Shui Wu Ge on the back and activated the reverse evolution method to let her recover as much strength as possible.

Then, with a rosy glow, he led everyone to turn into a light to escape through the space gate.

And this entry process seemed to be infinitely far away. When Yun Ye realized that there was something wrong with him, Dong Wang was already close at hand. He stretched out his palm, so fast that even Yun Ye couldn't react, and directly dug out Yun Ye's heart.

"This is Gu's world, I should have said it just now."

"Ah chi——"

Dong Wang bit on the heart, and the rosy glow emerged, as if he was eating a fairy fruit, with endless aftertaste.

This is also of course, the heart is one of the sources of spiritual power, polishing is naturally perfect, Yun Ye practiced infinite perfection, and the body is the purest power.

With just one mouthful, the King of the East understood how much the young man in front of him cherished him. He could feel that his physique, which had not evolved for many years, had begun to evolve again.

"Interesting, if I completely refine you, I might be able to complete this dead body."

"All spirits gather, half alive and half dead, haha, if I had your power, why would I want to kill myself?"

All communication was spiritual consciousness.

Highlight the word "fast".

"Shui Changdong!"

It was for this reason that Yun Ye heard Shui Mingqin and the others' shock.

He did not answer, but silently led everyone back, then took out a treasure pill and swallowed it. When the huge mana emerged, Yun Ye put his hand on his chest, a green light flashed, and the blood hole disappeared immediately, and even the gap in the holy suit was repaired by him.

The King of the East did not want to kill Yun Ye, so the power of truth was not used to attack Yun Ye's essence, otherwise ordinary spiritual methods would not be able to repair the conceptual damage.

"Without tomorrow, I really can't fight a real person by myself. It seems that I can only use that..."

Yun Ye looked at the King of the East, his emotions completely returned to zero, and he entered an absolutely calm fighting state.

At this moment, he has already turned to the Nine Stars True Heaven Instrument to replace himself, and the next power cannot be relied on by him alone.


A loud noise suddenly came from the sky.

The divine thoughts of Yun Ye and the King of the East swept over at the same time, and as a result, the hole made by Yun Ye suddenly exploded, revealing the scenery of the outside world. The strong wind blew in, making the air of the anti-world turbid, and behind this turbid space, there is something, something terrifying...

One eye suddenly opened and looked in from the hole, with blood red in the black. Even if there is only one eye, everyone can understand its emotions from it.

"Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

"Kill kill kill kill!!"

Endless killing intent poured into this world, and its aura was not weaker than that of the King of the East.

"It turned out to be a disaster beast of the annihilation level?"

The King of the East's expression also changed.

How could it be such a coincidence that he encountered such a difficult thing when he was hunting?


The owner of the giant eye didn't care about anything, he only had one thought.

Kill! Become stronger!

As soon as the disaster beast peeked into the anti-world, Yun Ye tried his best to eliminate all the aura of the True Immortal Law and covered it with the Complete Law.

Of course, in the eyes of the King of the East, it was just entering a combat state, and there was nothing strange about it. It would be strange if he didn't react to such a disaster beast...

A nation-destroying disaster beast, even a real person can be infused with demonic disasters and turn into a new and terrifying disaster beast!


After Mie Guo once again bombarded the counter-realm, the world collapsed, revealing the original appearance of the real world. Yun Ye did not hesitate to activate the most powerful space technique.


Dong Wang can naturally feel the rhythm of space, but he has faced all the pressure of the country-destroying beast. If he tries to stop him but is attacked by this beast, even if he stops him, his losses may exceed his gains.

Yun Ye's size finally had a positive meaning at this time. Compared to a real person, he was just a firefly. As long as Dong Wang existed, the country-destroying beast would inevitably focus all its attention on Dong Wang. Yun Ye It has no interest in this little bug.

"Sorry, I can only send clones. Is this luck?"

"No, he can't compare with me. What did he do to cause the destruction of the country?"

"These monsters should have been killed at the beginning. I was still careless about the system of the Eastern King City. I should have cut out all possibilities..."


"Tomorrow must be found immediately!"

After Yun Ye escaped, he led everyone in a mad rush in the direction he vaguely felt.

With his three-turn space technique, every second is thousands of miles away, approaching rapidly.

During this process, as soon as his mana was reduced, he would immediately take medicine to replenish it. The speed never slowed down from beginning to end, but became faster and faster.

Only after he lost Tomorrow did he realize how important Tomorrow is. As a Taoist tool that defines the rules, as long as Tomorrow exists, he will not be afraid of the real person. A little cultivation is enough to use the Taoist tool to obliterate him.

Taoist tools are the foundation of everything and the only power that will not be reset!

Perhaps, he was already born divine.

Holding a Taoist weapon, he is able to divide order as soon as he is born. What is the difference between being born sacred?

When passing through Huangzhou and arriving at the territory of Feng Dynasty.

Yun Ye stopped.

"found it……"

Everyone looked along Yun Ye's line of sight, but saw a tiny black spot at the end. The foreigner with spiritual eyes injected spiritual power, and the scene in front of them gradually became clearer.

It was a floating square, about ten thousand meters long, blocking out the sky and the sun. It was motionless at the end of the horizon, as if dead.

It is surrounded by a large number of disaster beasts, fighting and seeming to be worshiping. The most eye-catching thing is probably the top side of the block, where there is a beam of light rising into the sky, but it is locked by a large number of black chains.

"What is going on! I have been unable to sense the Dao realm. Is it because of this reason?"

Yun Ye was frightened and angry.

The others could not understand the scene in front of them, but as the Taoist weapon of tomorrow, he could clearly feel that the beam of light was the embodiment of the power of Tomorrow's Sword!

What is this cube that locks tomorrow? Even the Dao Domain will not be able to expand tomorrow. This is definitely not normal!

Yun Ye stretched out his hand, wanting to take back tomorrow.

But nothing happened.

"Can't take it back..."

"This block turns out to be the power of rules of the same level!"

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