A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 490: Take back tomorrow, the power to create the world

What Yun Ye wants to do is to take back tomorrow.

He tore apart the space and reached the black square in an instant.

His landing point was very close to the square, and he almost appeared in the pile of disaster beasts. As soon as he arrived, he saw a giant palm with a face. This giant palm condensed a huge amount of death energy. It was at least a disaster beast of this era. ——The strength was converted to hundreds of years ago, at least at the level of a real person.

It is no surprise that this disaster beast is very strong, but facing the current Yun Ye, this is really not enough. The giant palm shot it and passed through it immediately.

"Killed, or not?"

The owner of the giant palm retracted his hand in surprise. It still had some consciousness, so it felt like it didn't hit.

When he retracted his palm, he saw that a huge hole had appeared in his palm at some point, and it was spreading continuously, swallowing up his wrist in just a moment.


The giant beast roared, and demonic power emerged to forcefully resist the erosion, but this was undoubtedly a wrong choice, and the shatter spread throughout the body without any hindrance.

The ashes scatter in the wind...

Yun Ye suddenly felt his body vibrate, and a kind of power was injected into him. He raised his hand subconsciously, and the shadow of the world appeared, and this power was intercepted by him.

He stood in the sky, among countless disaster beasts, and looked at this power.

Countless disaster beasts came to kill, they roared, demonic cannons, slashes that cut off the space, the domain...

Countless abilities are all added to Yun Ye's body.

But there are no exceptions.

All the power immediately decomposes when it gets close to Yun Ye and disappears completely.

Xuantian has defensive power.

Xuantian, which is made up of countless energy accumulations, has its own energy field, which can neutralize all attacks below a certain intensity.

In the same way, the world naturally has corresponding defense layers, which are impossible to break through in troubled times. On the contrary, they will self-destruct once contacted.

The Ten Heavenly Stem Techniques constructed by Yun Ye could only be used for three turns at most in the Dharma Realm. He barely used the fourth turn when he entered the Xuan Realm halfway.

But after entering the mysterious realm completely, the ten turns can already be used.

Ten turns is the fusion of ten kinds of magic. The power is 100 to the tenth power, plus the ninth power of 2 added to the ten turns. This corresponds to the power of creating the world. There is no need to calculate. Yun Ye has obtained almost a rule level. Power, so he has been able to directly see the rules and even capture the power of the rules...

"Is this power the power of the rules of killing?"

Yun Ye passively killed a large number of disaster beasts. Even with long-range attacks, he would counterattack from a distance with the power of ten spells. Basically all disaster beasts would immediately destroy themselves after launching an attack. The power of the rules, which was still small just now, quickly grew.

He tried to destroy them, wondering if they would destroy each other if they were both powers of rules.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that the power of this rule was still superior, and the current Tiangan Universe could not be destroyed by itself.

After observing for a long time, Yun Ye divided part of the power of rules into the Tianqian universe, and then carefully observed the changes.

After the power of the Killing Rules was diverted to the Tiangan Universe, it immediately disappeared. At the same time, the planet in the Tiangan Universe became slightly larger for no reason.

"Well, it seems that this is not the original power of rules like Hongtian Immortal Technique, but just the effect created by the power of rules."

"As expected of the World God, I can't destroy even the effects of its rules..."

Yun Ye shook his head and waved his hand, and all the disaster beasts within a radius of thousands of miles were annihilated into ashes. Massive killing power surged towards him and was injected into the Tiangan Universe by him.

As Tiangan Universe suddenly became stronger, Yun Ye's body was also baptized simultaneously.

Although after the creation of the world, the power Yun Ye gained was almost invincible, and no matter how much his body was improved, it would be impossible to match this magical power, but after all, it was the body that walked in the world, and if all the senses were sharper, there would be no need to use the power of the world.

And just when he was about to step into the cube and pull out the Tomorrow Sword, suddenly a storm surged between the heaven and the earth, and a huge hole opened from the sky.


Yun Ye suddenly raised his head, his seven-colored rainbow pupils penetrated the illusion, and looked to the other side of the space.

This hole is actually gathering the energy of the beast he killed?

And, this is...

Summoning formation?

Before Yun Ye had time to stop him, a cold voice sounded from the hollow to the sky: "Slaughter my clan... you deserve to be killed!"

A monster with fleshy wings on its back, the appearance of a centaur and a horse, and wearing silver armor descended. The aura revealed by it had reached an almost noble level!

"It's just a clone, but it's really rampant. Come on, let me see what the level of the demon clan's judgment mechanism is."

Yun Ye is fearless.

Since he dares to kill ten thousand demons instantly, he doesn't care about the demon's judgment mechanism.


The flesh-winged centaur demon waved the silver spear in his hand, and the beam of light rushed into the sky, turning into a door that opened, evolving into a scene in which all demons were annihilated at the right moment.

Seeing this scene, the aura of the flesh-winged centaur demon did not change. The reason why he was not angry because the demon was slaughtered was simple.

Only members of his own race deserve his attention. The other monsters are just performing tasks. What does life and death have to do with him?

"The Great Demon Tribunal!"

"The trial begins!"

The light curtain spread and wrapped into a ball, completely blocking Yun Ye.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh-winged centaur demon pointed the silver spear pointed at the sky at Yun Ye: "Reverse the cause and effect, and perish in the Great Demon Tribunal!"

"I grant you death!"

Reverse cause and effect.

This is the top divine method of the demon clan. The clone of Huoming Yuan once used the power of reverse fate to change the fate. It is simply weird to the extreme.

There is no doubt that the power of changing fate is very powerful, but the original power of the Fire Ming Kite was too weak to exert its full power.

Especially the mysteries such as the reversal of cause and effect and the granting of death are simply impossible to use unless you are at the Xuan realm.

The flesh-winged centaur demon is still fearless even if he sees Yun Ye destroying ten thousand demons in an instant. It is precisely because he does not care about strength or weakness. With this move, no matter what kind of enemy he is, he will definitely die.

He stabbed out with a spear, and endless brilliance roared out!


Yun Ye's head suddenly exploded, followed by his heart, and then his entire body, which seemed to have been bombarded by a close-range nuclear explosion and was instantly shattered.

After these phenomena appeared, the galloping light fell, arrived in front of Yun Ye, and finally disappeared.

"Heh, troublesome humans can actually withstand one hit without being killed."

The flesh-winged centaur demon raised his gun again and stabbed out cleanly.

If you don't die once, then do it a second time. There can be no more. Mere humans don't have this kind of vitality!

But this time.


Yun Ye swatted Guanghui away like a fly, and the injuries on his body instantly refreshed, as if he had never been injured before.

He stretched his muscles and couldn't help but praise: "It's amazing. No wonder I dare to call it death-granting. It's really powerful. If I weren't stronger, I would probably die in one blow. I'm sorry, this level of magic, I still can’t break through my defense. I just tried it and it feels very useful.”

"Arrogant! What kind of conspiracy and tricks are you using to avoid it! The cause and effect stipulated by the Great Demon Tribunal, do you want to compete with a mere Xuanjing? Even if it were King Xian, he would have to bow his head!"

The eyes of the flesh-winged centaur demon's armor were glowing red, as a taboo was violated.

The reversal of cause and effect, determining the result of the death of the other party, and then completing the cause, this is the divine method of cause and effect, granting death!

Normally speaking, as long as you fall victim to this move, you will be dead unless you can fight against the cause and effect. This is the authority that he is most proud of as a Judgment Heavenly Cavalry!

How dare you look down on a mere human being? How dare you say that this is a law of this level?


The flesh-winged centaur demon raised his gun again to activate this method.

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