A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 493: Kill the tentacles and the evolution of the world

"Hahaha, it seems that the way of tomorrow is your natural enemy, just destroy the tentacles!"

Yun Ye gathered the power of creating heaven and earth, laughed and swung his sword, easily cutting off a large number of black pillars that were stabbed at him, landing on the surface of the block, and then stabbed down with his backhand.

This sword penetrated directly through the black square, destroying a huge hole. Yun Ye rushed into it and began to wreak havoc!

Blessed by the power of the two rules, Yun Ye swings his sword with ease and cuts everything!

But this kind of battle also caused the black cube to change. It began to deform from a huge cube and turned into various lives.

The black square is a tentacle of the World God. He is also a god for the time being, and the power he uses is entirely the power of rules.

Today's Sword of Tomorrow has over 100 million echoes and has been upgraded to a continental realm weapon, but its power is actually far inferior to that of the Tentacle of the World God. It is the True Name's Two-point Cutting Power that has an absolute bonus in the face of this kind of human enemy, so that it can barely defeat it. It is sealed for hundreds of years.

But now the holder is different.

"The Ten Heavenly Stems! Create the world!"

Facing this kind of opponent, Yun Ye could tilt his strength as much as he wanted, and he could not completely eliminate the opponent even though he tried his best with every blow, and the fight was smooth and smooth.

With the fighting, these black squares decomposed and turned into a large number of fragmented individuals, which were all kinds of strange shapes and could exert completely different powers.

This is something whose history is far older than the human race. Although it is called a world god, it has nothing to do with the human form, or it has nothing to do with today's life forms.

Some forms gained the greatest speed, splitting the sky with a flash. Under the blessing of the Ten Revolutions Dafa, it was even difficult for Yun Ye to see through it, and the defensive barriers were destroyed again and again.

There is also a body that has gained the most extreme power. With one punch, it can actually fight against Yun Ye, who created the world. Although he was also destroyed in the process, and was consumed by the sword of tomorrow and the power of creation, but Yun Ye's use of the power of creation is not No consumption.

Even though Yun Ye's Heavenly Stem Ten Method Cave is extremely perfect, almost a perfect world, and blessed by true immortal magic, which can extract massive amounts of void power, this is still a newborn world, and Yun Ye's realm can now only be regarded as the "foundation of the mysterious realm" ”, the reason why it is “foundation” rather than “entry” is because opening up the world itself skips the entry point and reaches the level of complete self Xuantian.

Nowadays, Yun Ye's methods are indeed powerful. Maybe the source of energy is not inexhaustible. Maintaining full power output will soon drain the energy reserves of Tiangan Universe. If it continues, it will lead to collapse. It will cost countless times to repair.

For this reason, Yun Ye also began to use the power of creation more efficiently during the fight. He no longer swayed it wantonly, but concentrated it around him, effectively destroying everything he came into contact with and preventing the power from spilling out.

The black square is worthy of being the tentacles of the World God. It is difficult to kill beyond Yun Ye's imagination. General slashing and destruction seem to be effective, but in fact they are ineffective. They just push away the material and do not cause any damage.

After Yun Ye gathered his strength to eliminate it, the battle entered the stage of effective confrontation, and then he actually fought for ten years!

Even though he continued to destroy the body of the World God with the power of creating the world, it took Yun Ye a full ten years to complete its complete destruction.

There was no way, but later on, the tentacles of this world god actually grew and learned to use tactics, forcing Yun Ye to consume more power.

While recovering his strength and fighting, the battle was prolonged. The only thing that pleased him was that the tentacles of this world god did not escape at all.

Otherwise, in the past ten years, we have fought all over the world and moved to many states before we knew it. There would be too many opportunities for the World God to escape with its tentacles.

But in terms of results, Yun Ye gained a lot.

Killing a Tentacle of the World God caused Yun Ye's Tiangan Universe to grow greatly, and the originally relatively small planet has reached the level of the Earth.

During this period, all kinds of data about the stars in space were fully realized, forming a complete star system.

In addition to the first life stars, the second life stars have gradually evolved in the universe, expanding the diversity in the universe.

Yun Ye has been accelerating the time of the entire Tianqian universe in the past ten years.

In the ten years since the outside world, the Tianqian Universe has gone through a thousand years. All kinds of life have been competing to evolve or die, and evolution has occurred to adapt to the environment.

Of course, because the first planet was too small and the rules were too terrestrial, Yun Ye did not inject much spiritual energy into the planet, and most of it was compressed into the sun, lunar sky, and the second life star.

In this case, aura promotes the acceleration of biological evolution, allowing species that originally took millions of years to change to branch off within a millennium, but the direction is more towards precision and ingenuity rather than energy levels.

If this continues, it is estimated that a new world completely different from the Red Sky World will be born in one hundred thousand years.

This is not a special case that can be compared with ordinary secret realms. Compared with the world rules of "I think so" in major secret realms, in fact, various phenomena are very chaotic. The various rules of the first planet are extremely detailed and are made with the help of gods. After re-engraving and remembering all the details, it can completely simulate the planet from the earth.

From now on, even the size of the first life planet will not change and it will implement its own ecology.

It has only been a thousand years now, and the First Star has already given Yun Ye a huge surprise.

Various demons inside have begun to adapt to the ultra-low concentration of spiritual energy, using various methods to save spiritual energy, but the efficiency has not been affected. Sooner or later, Yun Ye's idea will be realized and a monster that can naturally gain terrifying control even if it is initially awakened. Physical constitution or spiritual roots allow Yun Ye to take a further step in the evolution of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

As the Creator, Yun Ye only added a special rule, that is, once the evolution of a species stagnates, the strongest species will be slightly strengthened to make them more oppressive to the lower species, forcing the lower species to evolve.

This method is effective, turning the first star into a cruel killing ground, and unqualified lives are eliminated in units of hundreds of years.

This scale seems to be very long, but in fact it is too short for the history of life evolution. That is to say, under the intervention of spiritual energy, species evolve at an unprecedented speed. This method of adding weight once every hundred years can only be achieved.

"The time ratio is 1/100. The estimated evolution of 100,000 years will take another 900 years to meet the requirements, which is a bit long."

Yunye traveled through space, crossing many states and returning to the Eastern King's City.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue accelerating, but accelerating the entire universe will definitely require huge power. The current acceleration of a hundred times is already the limit. If it is any more, the world will not grow.

If Yun Ye maintains a hundredfold acceleration, the world can still grow spontaneously. However, if it reaches the limit, that is, just breaking even, then Yun Ye's world will completely maintain its current scale and will not change. This is obviously a sacrifice of the fundamentals.

He evolved life in the hope of obtaining a bloodline that could be used in the next life, not that these lives could provide him with anything. At the level of the power that created the world, it was difficult for these extremely weak first-star life forms to play a role. He could only Add a small amount of computing power to the unified will of the universe.

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