A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 506 Eighty-five years in one second, Feng Ci

Yun Ye stepped onto the altar and stamped his feet casually... However, nothing happened, nothing abnormal.

"Sure enough, it's not simple here."

Yun Ye said.

In fact, nothing happening is the biggest anomaly.

Even though it was just a slight stomp of his foot, with Yun Ye's control power that he could now use the Ten Turns Technique, this foot was enough to shake the earth thousands of miles away.

The normal altar had already disintegrated at the moment of stamping, so how could "nothing happened"?

"To be precise, it's not that nothing happened, but that it happened, but it was meaningless. The altar is at a high latitude, and the external form is just a projection. No matter how strong our interference in the material world is, it is meaningless to things at high latitudes. of."

"Then the question is, is this a power only possessed by a distinguished person? Who set it up here?"

Tomorrow is very curious.

"Yeah, that's why I said it was chance and calculation. There aren't many people like this in the Red Sky World. They are on another level entirely."

Yun Ye said.

"Another level...?"

Tomorrow nodded silently.

In fact, if you compare it, you will find that the Red Sky Realm is actually very average.

There is a real person in the Luo Dynasty. This is the third echelon of the entire cultivation system. A humanoid star-breaking device that can flatten thousands of miles of land in an instant.

If you simply amplify your power in the realm of real people, you can actually spread your destructive power to thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles.

Not to mention an earth star, even a star can be exploded. It is an absolute difference in mass. This does not happen. It is just that the higher the realm, the more the power is compressed. Few people will deliberately expand or weaken the killing range. The power of one’s own power.

Even though Yun Ye has killed many people like this, in terms of size, a real-person monk can be considered to have some weight in the Red Sky Realm.

Unlike most stories where high-level monks cannot appear in the fringe areas, if the Red Sky Realm wants to establish a dynasty, it needs real people at the very least.

After all, the "state" divided by super spiritual veins itself has the soil to breed real people, and it is impossible to hold it without equal strength.

And if the real person is the ruler of the state, then the throne is the ruler of the continent.

It is said that only hundreds, or even thousands, of real people can give birth to an honorable position, whose power involves rules and is the honorable position of heaven and earth.

Since it is a prestigious position, it is naturally limited.

Just like a state has a super spiritual vein, there is a limit to the number of positions that a continent can accommodate. To achieve a position, in addition to cultivating to reach the perfection of a real person, you also need to seize positions and seize power. Otherwise, the possibility of advancing to a position is unlimited. Close to zero.

The Heavenly Road actually has a total of forty-nine steps, stopping at the true level.

Because at the level of the throne, the imperial way, and the holy way, Tianlu is powerless. This is not a state that can be achieved by simply accumulating knowledge and energy.

The title of some true immortals is called "Tianzun", which actually shows the special status of the emperor, which is similar to the imperial way of "Emperor Mother True Immortal".

The altar in front of him is obviously in another dimension, but it can be projected in reality. This is one of the manifestations of the throne, and it is the strongest power of human beings under normal circumstances. If Yun Ye does not use the power of creation to disintegrate, he will not It might harm the altar in the slightest.

An honorable being has hidden an altar with special significance in Fengmo State. No matter how you look at it, it reveals a profound meaning.

Yun Ye really wants to know the secret!

He has only encountered the king of the manifest world who is equivalent to the throne among demons. This is the first time for humans to encounter him, and it is worthy of his full exploration.

"Ten Turns of Mysterious Technique·Time Rewind!"

Yun Ye's ten dharma can compose all dharma, and he began to activate this invincible power to trace the origin of the altar.

Time fragments fly.

A lot of past events are presented.

a hundred years……

Two hundred years...

A thousand years……

Five thousand……

The underground space is completely unchanged. No one has ever stepped into it. It has been the same for thousands of years, and it did not change until five thousand years ago.

A child in brocade clothes with blood on his face rolled down into the underground space, and accidentally dropped blood on the altar. This triggered a vision and Sanskrit sounds echoed.

In just a moment, the Jinyi child's eyes matured, as if he had experienced hundreds of battles and crawled out of the sea of ​​​​blood from a mountain of corpses. Even his physique had changed. He jumped from the original mediocre qualifications to around the A+ level of the Luo Dynasty.

"I'm back, I'm back successfully...hehe...hehehe...hahahahaha!"

The child in Jinyi laughed wildly and left the cave, gradually moving further and further away, gradually beyond the observation range of the altar.

The cloudy night freezes the scene.

Countless mysteries flowed in the eyes, seven colors merged into one, chaos spread, and the causal line that gradually faded for the child in brocade was reconnected.

"I can't let go of something interesting like this. Let me see what happens next!"

Yun Ye's consciousness caught up with the Jinyi child and continued his journey.

Later, Yun Ye learned that this kid in Jin Yi was named Feng Ci, and he was the legitimate son of the head of a small spiritual family. However, his talent was not very good, and he had barely made a fortune, and his cultivation had nothing to do with him.

Until he was fourteen years old, a big change occurred in his family, shattering all the future he had imagined.

Someone tried to seize power and succeeded. All the people related to the previous family head were brutally liquidated. Some died, some were crippled, and some surrendered.

Although Feng Ci is just an ordinary person, he also has the blood of the family leader. Naturally, he is also one of the liquidators, but he has received very little attention.

The person responsible for this matter threw Feng Ci out of Lingzhen as a joke, and watched him struggle in a panic. But just when he wanted to kill Feng Ci, a hostile family attacked, and Feng Ci escaped and got lucky. Generally falls into the altar space.

In the altar space, Feng Ci undoubtedly achieved great growth. Although it was inexplicable, he did grow from body to mind.

Yun Ye calculated Feng Ci's soul and found that he had used up 99 years of his soul life and was only one year away from dying.

"A true illusion of eighty-five years in one second?"

Yun Ye felt that he was inseparable, otherwise he would not be able to explain Feng Ci's sudden growth.

The story continues.

After Feng Ci left the altar space, he immediately went deep into the mountain and began to practice a wind zodiac technique, and advanced to the spiritual realm within a month.

In the altar space, he had already obtained a high-grade Xuan-level spirit body, but cultivating the spiritual meridians was naturally extremely fast. After advancing to the spiritual realm, he did not stop practicing until the first small stage was completed and the foundation was laid. , and then he stopped.

After all, cultivation does not mean you can gain lifespan as soon as you advance. You still need to complete each stage.

With only one year left to live, if Feng Ci does not race against time, he is simply seeking death.

After stepping into the spiritual realm to lay the foundation, Feng Ci gained twenty years of life and finally had time to do what he wanted to do. He immediately returned to Ling Town to investigate, and when he found that the Feng family still existed after seizing power, he used his absolute strength to kill everyone. He captured the Feng family and tortured the mastermind who almost killed him for seven days and seven nights.

After all, it was just a small family, not even a legal realm, and it would be effortless to destroy it with Feng Ci's strength.

However, it was precisely because of this contempt that Feng Ci saw the power of Taoist weapons, which has been deeply imprinted in his heart ever since.

Feng Ci, who wiped out the Feng family, faced the ruling family of Lingzhen. After defeating many magic realms in succession, the shocked ruling family sacrificed their Taoist weapons. In just a moment, Feng Ci could transform into the spirit wind, and his unfettered invincible physique became It failed, and he was imprisoned by invisible chains, forced into a prison, tortured in every possible way, and tortured to learn the secret of becoming stronger.

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