A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 530 The Sky Dome Gala

"This batch has met the standard, let's go."

The director in the white coat numbly checked the box on the projected document.

Then, a large number of humans and demons who had practiced cultivation were thrown out of the secret realm, and the journey of fighting and survival repeated countless times began again.

The main task of this secret realm is to cultivate monsters and humans, and the rest of the things are completely absent. It is so monotonous that it makes people despair.

These people, when they are bored, can only have fun with the experimental subjects, and do whatever they can.

They were already tired of it and envied the secret place next door.

It is said that some secret realms build a complete world and collect echoes, so they are more real and exciting, far more than cultivating secret realms.

It's a pity that he has no choice. If he has the talent for research, he can only stay here forever.

Yun Ye sat on the rock, looking at the spiritual city that was disappearing and appearing in the distance. He snapped his fingers and some kind of power came.

If you want to know the strength of a force, what should you do?

Sneak in?

No, no, no, that kind of thing is too decent and too dangerous. As a creator who has control over all laws, he is determined to be the boss behind the scenes.

"Go, Queyou."

"A killing spree!"

Invisible life forms were created out of thin air and spread to Baihualing City silently.

Wherever it passes, all kinds of life directly disintegrate and are swallowed up by demonic disasters.

"The weather looks much more comfortable than Tianqiong. Now I can do things efficiently. Hey, Sanlinggen, your talent is pretty good."

A white-faced monk crushed the head in his hand and caught a flash of three-color spiritual light, which was the specific image of human spiritual roots in the material world.

Of course, spiritual roots are more of a semi-material spiritual energy, which will disappear quickly if there is no carrier.

"It's really comfortable and warm. It's more comfortable than blood circulation. The sky is not ugly at all, but it's just that I've been looking at it for too long. It would be nice to get something new."

The other monk nodded, stretched out his hand to shine in the sun, and fully felt the true light that had not been seen for a hundred years.

"During the day, I really didn't expect that such a big shot would appear. What's more, I didn't expect that someone would dare to be an enemy of a true immortal and send the human body of a true immortal back to the heaven!"

"This world is really terrible. Before this, I didn't even know whether true immortals existed, until I saw the Qing Immortal die..."

The white-faced monk kept the spiritual root in the jade box and kept talking.

They can be regarded as witnessing history. The blue sky returns to the heaven and directly disperses the fourth day of more than ten states in advance. And these small people who are close to them can feel this change or directly see it, not to mention those who are physically present. A big boss in high dimensions.

This is not just a light, it is the memory of the world.

If you can't see this light and know that a true immortal has returned to the heaven, how can low-level people like them get the chance to understand this secret.

Qingtian returned, and the top forces in the entire world were shocked, including the Nine Stars Celestial Sect.

It is said that the Tianzong has issued instructions that after the Cangqiong Festival, all high-level officials of the outer sect must be present to perform a unified ceremony to worship the sky.

The Jiuxing Tianzong may be related to the blue sky, so it worships the sky.

Most of the forces just keep a lower profile to avoid being noticed by Qingtian's Xianting faction and causing disaster.

The white-faced monk talked for a long time, but got no reply. He couldn't help but look up, and his pupils shrank...

Where are people?

He immediately sensed danger, and his spiritual thoughts spread, trying to figure out the situation.

But the scary thing is that even if the divine thoughts of the Dharma Realm envelope this area, there is still nothing.

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and various magic weapons flew out from the space ring to protect his whole body, and then kept retreating and running towards Wanhualing City.

His teammates who evaporated out of thin air told him that things were never simple and he had to escape quickly.

However, as soon as he moved, the invisible thing also moved, and suddenly opened its mouth to bite the white-faced monk. Although it was just a mass of invisible things, this action still made the white-faced monk feel that he was being swallowed. After all, each magic weapon was In crushing, mana is consumed rapidly.

Before the white-faced monk could think of anything else and take other actions, his body was suddenly annihilated and was eaten clean by countless tiny demonic viruses.

Queyou grew and multiplied rapidly, spread with the wind, and gradually formed a circle, wrapping the trial ground of the Lord's Sky Festival.

The Firmament Festival is used by the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect to reward the outer sect and recruit disciples. As long as you are qualified, you can enter the ninth city of Tianxing City, participate in this huge event that happens once every sixty years, and enjoy a lot of benefits.

The participants will undoubtedly need to pass the screening. The nine major cities in Xingzhou will hold the Sky Trial, and the top ten monks will be selected to enter the first city to participate in the real grand meeting.

This is the only chance for foreign sects and civilian geniuses. Even if the number of places is small, they will still work hard to get it.

Once you get into the top ten in the Nine Cities Trial and enter the Sky Festival, you will have the possibility of joining the Nine Stars Celestial Sect, which can be called reaching the sky in one step.

Of course, the so-called common people here are actually aristocratic families, but they are very powerless compared to the larger foreign sects.

In today's Nine Spiritual City, except for the Supreme Heavenly Sect, the remaining forces, whether they are outside sects or aristocratic families, are slaves of all sizes, and may be doomed at any time. Only by joining the Nine Stars Heavenly Sect and becoming a core member can this be done. Real peace of mind.

The entire Wanhualing City was boiling.

The so-called trial means hunting each other.

Various geniuses were showing off their skills, killing miscellaneous fish indiscriminately. The scene was very grand. It was a grand scene that most of the monks in Lingcheng had never seen in their lives.

Although some people wondered why so many people were rushing to die, some just watched and didn't want to go into the details of the reasons.

This event was a carnival for slaves and the upper class, with projections everywhere, even in the inner areas of the outer sects in the city.

"The 31st on the Tianjiao list is from the Chuyun Holy Sect, one of the top ten outer sects. He is worthy of being the Holy Son of the Chuyun Holy Sect. He killed the Chaos World level in one strike. This person can at least be in the top three!"

"The 28th-ranked Qilin Tianjiao met Gui Luan. This is the upper chaos world, and the strength is quite strong! What, what kind of move is this? The projection can feel the power so clearly. The upper chaos world, it turned out to be so simple to die!"

"The genius of the Spirit Sect met, and it turned out to be a physical anomaly, suppressing the other party strongly!"

The excitement of various battles at the Sky Festival vented the resentment of the cultivators in the city, and invisibly, once again consolidated the rule of the Nine Stars Tianzong.

But the good show has just begun.

"Look, we've encountered a strange disaster beast!" Someone suddenly pointed to a projection. It was a screen dedicated to playing the Xuanjing cultivation genius Li Fenyun. The genius's arm disappeared without a sign. He showed a look of horror, stretched out the protection of his own Xuantian, and immediately tore the space, trying to escape directly. But under his shocked expression, his own Xuantian position was broken on the spot, and he couldn't hold it for a second. He sacrificed a large number of treasures and burst out powerful power, but it was still ineffective and quickly shattered. Then, his body also weathered and disappeared. The huge falling phenomenon suddenly spread, and the sky stretched for thousands of miles. "Did he die like this?" "..." This attracted a lot of attention, and they really didn't see what kind of disaster beast it was. The breath changed. The soul lamp bound to this genius on this day went out, and the name of this Xuanjing genius on the Sky Trial List dimmed. The first dead Xuanjing cultivator appeared!

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