A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 537 The Rapidly Growing Queyou

Verity denies immortality conceptually, not as a force that requires physical contact to spread.

The method of cutting off the head in advance and discarding the body is not feasible. If you want to survive, you can only use the power to fight Verity.

This is unreasonable. The reason why demons are powerful is precisely because of their various bloodline magical powers and their bodies that are countless times stronger than humans.

The stronger the body, the more power it can hold. The power of a human genius is one hundred, and the power of a monster of the same realm is ten million.

The human body is fundamentally weaker than that of demons. This is the price for any child of the tribe to have intelligence, which is extremely delicate and fragile.

The reason why human beings can fight against demons relies on the spiritual method of heaven, the power of three days, magic weapon formations, talismans, and seal pills...

"This disaster beast is far inferior to me in terms of total energy, and cannot achieve quantitative changes to win. In this case, it actually erased the influence of the true method."

Wan Qing never thought that he would be surpassed by a disaster beast. It was just a disaster beast, but it actually defeated him, the superior, at a lower level.

This is really unbelievable. Is he an individual with the bloodline of a demon?

Or even, the bloodline of the Demon King?

After Tianzun passed away, why did demons or human forces send demons to test him so soon?

Although for most forces, only the strongest people in power sit back and watch the clouds roll around and the rest of the people may be sacrificed, it is just a matter of probability.

But the bloodline of the Sky Demon with such special abilities is enough to be on the life restriction list of the Great Demon Tribunal, right?

This kind of special individual is thrown out and sacrificed at will. Either it is not a special individual, but there are many in fact, or it is extremely powerful and does not care about the power of this special individual at all.

No matter which one, it is not a good thing for Jiuxing Tianzong. If Tianzun returns to heaven, if he doesn't test something, I'm afraid no one will give up easily.

What's more, Tianzun's death itself was caused by calculations. Even Dragon Scales Lord fell because of this. This was the first Lord to fall after the emperor's fall. It was also a loss that cannot be ignored for Tianzong. Even because of Tianzun's death, the earth's The gods will destroy themselves. They can't even take back their power, and they have permanently lost their position as a venerable...

Wan Qing had always known that the Jiuxing Tianzong was in a crisis at this time, otherwise he would not have taken Queyou to meet the Venerable without being able to deduce it.

However, his sense of crisis was not clear. He still believed that the Nine Stars Celestial Sect was invincible and would not fall into such a storm.

However, the appearance of a being like Queyou quickly approached his warning line. Only then did he fully understand what the Nine Stars Celestial Sect was about to face.

He couldn't tolerate any hesitation, so he cut through the mess with a sharp knife and solved the problem immediately.


The divine light bloomed, and Wan Qing's core method was the physical method. Although the true energy gathered the three powers, it was mainly the physical method, so he wielded the Star-piercing Spear and fought directly with Queyou at close range. Every blow of the Star-piercing Spear was destroying Feitianzhuang has a large body and is indestructible in terms of efficiency.

The reason for close combat is because this is the fastest distance to attack the target and the strongest state of the Star Penetrating Gun.

If it is shot from a long distance, although it is not impossible, the power will be weakened in the process, even if it is only a little bit, it is extremely obvious to top powerhouses like them, not to mention that the Star Penetrating Spear is an extremely unstable product and cannot be used for a long time. Time is out of your control.

The farther the distance, the more mind and essence he needs to consume, but the power will decrease. This situation is naturally suitable for close combat.

But what shocked Wan Qing was that at first he could poke a big hole with one shot, but with the second shot, the beast had become stronger and the hole had shrunk by at least one-third. Waiting for him to continue At that moment, he actually reacted and kept up with his speed, so that he had to increase his strength again to stab him.

Growing up too fast!

The more power he uses, the faster this beast grows, there is no end to it!

It was as if he, the genius, was feeding the disaster beast with tricks and urging it to evolve continuously. Even if he used all his strength and was determined to kill it with one strike, the disaster beast would still survive and grow again.

Where does the energy for your evolution come from?

Where does your evolutionary direction come from?

This phenomenon that transcended common sense made Wan Qing suddenly realize...it was contrary to common sense. Isn't this a manifestation of power?

The respected monk is so powerful that even common sense can reverse it. Could it be that this beast has the power to avoid the cost of evolution?

If this is true, isn't this the possibility of advancing to a distinguished position?

Wan Qing's eyes suddenly burst into endless light, and an extremely strong desire emerged. At this moment, his purpose had nothing to do with Tianzong or anything else.

Your honor!

Compared with other realms, you can reach it as long as you have resources and spiritual energy. This is a realm that you must obtain power to enter.

Even the entire Nine Stars Celestial Sect is only qualified for five seats. In other words, no matter how powerful it is, the Nine Stars Celestial Sect will only have five venerables.

Currently, this number has been reduced to four.

There is no doubt that at the level of the throne, unless one dies of old age, he will never abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his position.

Realistically speaking, even if they really die of old age, there are still many qualified people, and Wan Qing is not sure of getting this only qualification.

Compared with the hellish difficulty of competing with Tianzong's genius, the opportunity in front of him is easier for Wan Qing. At least now this disaster beast has not made him feel the despair of the peerless person in Tianzong.

"Ancestral weapon, please lend me your strength!"

Wan Qing raised his hand.

The sword-shaped Taoist weapon is held in the hand, and with the help of the echo, the phantom of the ancestor weapon appears, directly allowing the Taoist tool to step into the continental level, reaching a height that can directly obliterate real people.

Only power can fight against power. Everyone under the throne is an ant, and Taoist tools are a kind of power, and their priority is quite high!


The true name of Wan Qing's Taoist weapon has lethality. Of course, it is used on humans. It can only suppress demons and demons, but cannot wipe out and destroy the country.

Queyou's figure stagnated, and it did take effect. The power was suppressed on a large scale, but the rules of killing belong to the world god, and the continental Taoist weapon cannot be wiped out. It continues to resist and evolve, even if the speed is much slower than in the past, it is still A desperate opponent whose potential continuously explodes under pressure.

The creations of the Ten Heavenly Stems, even if they are just crudely stuffed with possibilities, cannot be contained by mere real realms. The real imaginary enemy is the throne.

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

Wan Qing activates the power of heavenly sublimation, and the body shape changes slightly.

As the perfect master, he has been able to stably control the power of sublimation of the Heavenly Road and can choose the bloodline he needs for sublimation. This time he sublimated the divine law.

He has realized that Feitian Zhan's true form is actually Queyou, and he must kill every Queyou particle before he can be considered victorious.

Otherwise, it would just keep repeating until it was completely beyond his control, and he had to ask the Lord for help, missing the opportunity to advance to the honorable position.

"Great Silence Sees God and Asks the Truth!"

"Compassionate Self!"

Wan Qing clasped his hands together, with a kind face, but the opposite terrifying force rose up around him, turning into a demon statue. This demon statue had eight hands, a ferocious face, fangs sticking out, and a dark hole in the chest. , very strange.

As the demon statue appeared, the force of annihilation shrouded Feitian Zhan. The latter activated the power of space and tried to escape, but to no avail, he was pulled back to where he was.

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