A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 544 Venerable North Star

"This is no longer an opponent we can defeat. Please ask your Majesty for instructions."

Ru Xin Ben Lo Tian Xuan sighed and sacrificed the Taoist weapon.

In a short period of time, six cities have been destroyed.

The strength of this disaster beast has soared to unbelievable heights, and it is invincible except for the Venerable.

What's more, only the Venerable can control the nine-star sky. Real people like them have too little power and can only barely stop King Xian.

Queyou's momentum is as strong as a broken bamboo. There are already ten spheres floating beside him, representing ten possibilities. They will be triggered when being attacked. They will instantly rewrite their form and enter the most suitable appearance to withstand this attack. There is no need to abandon the already existing ones like in the past. The evolution is complete.

This is the interference of the Ten Heavenly Stems, and it is also the sin caused by the Nine Stars Celestial Sect themselves.

Because activating this ability requires extremely huge luck, which belongs to the category of the power of cause and effect. The original Queyou did not have such huge luck.

But the Nine Stars Heavenly Sect seems to have arranged a luck plundering ceremony throughout Xingzhou. The more Queyou kills, the more luck it will gain. And based on the nature of Queyou, the luck it can bear is almost unlimited. It will overflow, thus accumulating enough luck to activate this magical power at will.

At this moment, Queyou finally had the power to fight against the throne and even devour the throne.

"Open the holy land of the sky and welcome His Holiness!"

"Open the holy land of the sky and welcome His Holiness!"

"Dong dong dong!"

The bell resounded throughout the world, and the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect finally began to awaken its highest combat power. The cracks in time and space opened, reflecting the other world.

Many real people showed a look of sadness. This world is the Holy Land of the Sky, a treasured place where only the winners of the Sky Gala can enter and practice.

They had also entered it to compete for opportunities, and their cultivation and combat power had grown rapidly, reaching several levels in a short period of time.

But in this kind of holy land, the venerables can stay for a long time, as long as thousands of years, and the power they can accumulate can be terrifying just thinking about it.

"The enemy is coming, please take action, Your Majesty!"

Ru Xin Ben Lotte Chosen Master bowed his hands to the end and remained motionless for a long time, as did all the Masters present.

for a long time.

A minute, maybe more.

The ripples echoed, and the cracks in time and space suddenly expanded. A Taoist in purple robe suddenly appeared, and his left eye was like a star in the sky, shining with aurora.

"Meet Venerable Beixing!"

Farewell to many real people.

"The Founding King, Queyou."

Venerable Beixing glanced at these real people without paying much attention. He cast his gaze into the distance and landed on the huge manifest world, and saw a lot of information.

Among the clan, the first person to become the king of the manifest world will be the ancestor king, taking his race as his title.

The first Feitian Zombie became the king, and his title was "Immortal Zombie", so the final form of all Feitian Zombies in later generations will be called "Immortal Zombie".

There are no two identical individuals between heaven and earth, and the nature of their power will be automatically distinguished. These immortal zombies will have their own personal titles.

It can probably be understood as an accurate description. True immortals also have different names. For example, Qingtian is one way of saying it, Whirlpool Tianzun is another way of saying it, and the immortal lover of red is another way of saying it. They all refer to the same person.

As the ancestral king, Queyou obviously has no direct connection with any force. With a little logical judgment, Venerable Beixing knew that this was premeditated, and the demon clan was always preparing special individuals for testing.

It can only be said that it is reasonable and reasonable. When Qingtian returns, he will definitely be tempted. If he can understand some inside information, he will understand some inside information, so as not to die of ignorance.

"It's really hard work. Since you want to test whether we belong to the Qingtian faction, then let's stay. Is our Tianzong's reputation in vain?"

An evil spirit flashed in the eyes of Venerable Beixing.

Dragon Scale fell, losing his position forever, and even Qingtian was plotted to fall. This was indeed their fault and it was difficult to make up for it.

But the king of Xianjie just stayed in his own territory, but he dared to invade Xingzhou to stroke the tiger's beard?

"The sky formation, rise!"

"Nine stars fall!"

The nine-layer sky suddenly collapsed, and under the guidance of Venerable Beixing's left eye, it turned into stars, nine in total, falling from the sky.

"Ling Xing Luo!"

The first one was huge and unparalleled. When it reached its lowest point, it was the size of Xingzhou. Its power was really shocking. The entire Xingzhou sky was filled with the light of bright blue stars.

The first one was a spiritual star, which directly collided with the outer barrier of the manifest world. It exploded violently, and slight cracks appeared in the outer layer of the manifest world.

"Fall again!"

The second one is still a spiritual star, following the logic of the formation, but it is filled with power, otherwise it would not have the power to destroy the manifest world.

All the four-star sages have the power to join forces with the nine-star sky, but only the dragon-scale venerable can only control the core layer of the formation to bless himself.

The size of the second spiritual star shrank, but the energy gathered was much stronger.

One fall.

The outer layer of the manifest world shattered.

"Fa Xing Luo!"

Lord Beixing pointed to the sky again, and the huge true energy mobilized the nine-star sky to form a beam of light connecting the major areas of Xingzhou, gathering the huge mana reserves.

The third magic star was like a mountain, crushing the world with its heavy weight. When it fell, the cracks in space spread, creating a dark space passage and crashing into the manifest world.

It is easy to enter the manifest world but difficult to get out. Once entering the manifest world, the third magic star shrinks sharply and is swallowed up by the omnipresent demonic disasters in the manifest world.

But the magic star still hit Queyou, turning him to stone and imprisoning him in place, unable to move.

Queyou evolved rapidly, petrified cracks spread, and soon disintegrated.

But then, the fourth Dharma star also arrived.

The fourth magic star has extremely high temperatures, and the fire that destroys everything is like a red sword penetrating down, unstoppable. This different nature from the third magic star makes it much more difficult for Queyou to resist, but it still cannot overwhelm Queyou.

"The ever-changing judgment."

A sphere flashed beside Queyou and merged into his body. Queyou's body suddenly turned into golden flames. The red star came and destroyed everything, but it could not bury Queyou, who was also a flame. It only allowed Queyou to burn part of his body. As another one merged, Queyou transformed into a blue ocean life, quickly extinguishing the flames and repairing the damage.


Venerable Beixing had no expression on his face and fired his true energy again. The North Star flashing in the sky became more and more brilliant.

The power of the stars is the power obtained by the sages of the Tianzong by collecting stars. Although it was divided into four parts in the Tianzong and turned into the power of the four stars in the southeast, northwest and northwest, it was also integrated with other powers. The North Star represents the guide. , or "continue" and "must hit".

The target locked by Beixing cannot escape the attack no matter what. At the same time, every time it is attacked, the power of power will be superimposed.

Nowadays, there is special technology to optimize the nine-star sky, which greatly reduces the burden of use. He can also activate the Nine-Star Continent by himself. How dare a newly born King of the Manifest World dare to be so arrogant?

"In troubled times, die quickly!"

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