A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 547 Unparalleled and Invincible Individual

Queyou's figure began to fall into a trance, and the energy substance it swallowed was actually missing from its mouth.

This strange situation did not attract Queyou's attention at first, but as it became more frequent and lasted longer, Queyou finally discovered the problem.

As a life of collective will, Queyou is not without the ability to judge, but it is only suitable for survival and combat. It is even different from the way most monsters think, let alone approach humans. It notices abnormalities and just understands that someone is hindering It eats.

And, he is not his own creator.

That being the case.

Then the only solution is to eliminate interference!

The wings behind Queyou spread out and turned into transparent feathers scattered all over the sky. Each feather carried the power of manifesting the world. It was the result of swallowing the huge energy just now. Each feather seemed ordinary, but in fact it was enough to sink The great power of Zhoulu has the ability to continuously devour everything.

When these feathers scattered, the whole world became unstable. A large amount of space was shattered, darkness enveloped the area, the distance in space continued to shorten and twist, and various visions followed one after another. It was a completely mythical change.

These feathers destroy everything in their path, covering the only entity with a sense of existence in the sky.

It was like a huge ring in the sky, exploding with power as it encircled them, and began to strangle.

For a time, everything including time and space was swallowed up, turned into part of the feathers, and became nourishment.

However, at this moment, the illusory flicker suddenly came again, and Queyou and Feather disappeared directly from the material world and even the higher dimension.

Breath, energy, and existence were all completely lost. Even Yun Ye was extremely shocked when he saw this scene. That was just now...

Queyou and Feather disappeared, but Nine Stars Heavenly Girl did not. She took steps towards Queyou's previous location.

Just like this, just like a mortal, approaching Queyou's vanishing point step by step, not caring about the passage of time.

During this period, Queyou and Feather also returned, but their figures kept flickering and they could do nothing. They watched the Nine-Star Goddess pass through the feathers and walk all the way to the front.

The Nine-Star Goddess has a normal human body shape. In terms of height, she is only about 1.7 meters tall. Compared to Queyou's terrifying size, which is hundreds of meters tall and can even extend to thousands of meters if you want, the Nine-Star Goddess is undoubtedly very small.

But somehow, Queyou felt unreasonable fear. As the king of the manifest world, its instinct told it that the life in front of it had "weight".

That is comparable to the "weight" of a world. Although it has not exploded until now, it is suppressing it visibly.

Xianjie, wailing under the weight of oppression!


"This Nine-Star Goddess has reached perfection and has opened the fourth day!"

"No wonder Emperor Qiaoling attaches great importance to the Nine Stars Celestial Sect. Even though he suppressed many enemies during the process of unifying Hongtian, he has never forcibly taken action against the Nine Stars Celestial Sect!"

"Why is it that such a figure has never been born? It is entirely possible for him to become a generation of emperors!"

In the divine court, many kings of the manifest world suddenly changed their expressions.

The manifest world is the foundation of the existence of these demon kings, but they can't bear it and disappear under its power. This woman's strength is evident!

It seems that the plan has failed. Even if such figures are related to Tianzun, they can protect Tianzong for thousands of years until the end of their lives.

The possibility that Jiuxing Tianzong is related to Qingtian is becoming more and more likely.

"Tianzong is lacking a mountain-protecting beast, and you are a perfect fit."

The Nine-Star Goddess finally spoke.

Its voice seemed to come from the nine heavens, it was ethereal, stunning and moving.

This voice is very sacred, possessing unimaginable power. Wherever it passes, the scars of the world are healed, the shaking space calms down, and the countless visions and destructive energy caused by the war disappear, as if it was a big dream that has never appeared before.


There was singing.

The heavenly song that belongs only to the goddess of heaven echoes in the sky, falls from three days, and reflects on the world.

"The song on the fourth day is indeed the fourth day!"

Too many eyes were cast on me, and I felt all this from afar, and was extremely shocked.

However, they don't know that hearing all this and seeing all this comes with a price.

It was Queyou who first revealed the problem.

It underwent an abnormal change, its feathers returned to their proper positions, wings folded, and its violent and aggressive aura suddenly calmed down, no longer showing any aggression.

The head of its transparent body is outlined with a golden texture, which is the symbol of the Nine Stars Celestial Sect, a small nebula shining with nine stars.

Queyou bowed his head in obedience and worshiped the Nine-Star Goddess as his master. The reason was just because he heard the words of the Goddess.

And this resounding heavenly song has the same effect, constantly surging in time and space, like a plague, spreading to everyone who sees it and feels it.

Regardless of whether they are demons or humans, golden textures appear on their bodies during the echo, and they lose their minds unknowingly and worship the Nine-Star Goddess as their master.

In the divine court.

The huge power spread suddenly, traced the cause and effect, arrived at many distant kings of the manifest world, and collided with the golden texture.

Many kings of the manifest world vomited blood, and their bodies seemed to explode, but fortunately they woke up, and the golden texture also turned into smoke and disappeared.

"I was actually controlled? Unknowingly, I didn't even realize that I was being tricked. If it weren't for the Divine Court, I would have turned into this person's pawn and sacrificed everything for him. What kind of power is this?"

There is a whisper from the king of the manifest world, which is terrifying and inexplicable.

Who is this nine-star goddess?

"Unparalleled and invincible..."

Yun Ye's eyes suddenly became solemn.

He saw that Tiantian Sect had many disciples, and thought that unlike Yingyue Tianmen, they did not reach the ultimate unparalleled invincibility level, but he did not expect that there were still some.

This Nine-Star Goddess and the North Star Venerable are not figures in the same field at all. Her strength has already reached the fourth day of creation. Although it is only a prototype, it is not something that can be reached casually. Only the most extreme monks can achieve this in their own era. Sweeping through all the enemies, opening up the fourth day.

Perhaps no one person can open up an entire continent. If there are more, there will be a collision, and one must be separated into life and death.

Whether there is no competitor, she opens the fourth day alone, or she fights her way out among a large number of competitors, it all shows that the Nine-Star Heavenly Girl is an existence standing at the pinnacle of Bianzhou. Yingyue Tianmen once had an unparalleled and invincible one, so the one who is also in Bianzhou The Nine-Star Heavenly Sect may also be an unparalleled and invincible existence.

Yun Ye memorized everything. The two venerables took action, but they allowed him to get a glimpse of the strength level of the venerables. Finally, he had some confidence.

This trip has been complete.

He stretched out his hand, preparing to detonate Queyou directly, and then floated away...

But at this moment, the fragments of time and space flickered in front of his eyes, and he suddenly saw two beings standing with their backs to each other in the afterimage, dividing light and darkness.

"Interesting. It seems that there is another story that is directly related to my future fortune. In that case, I will become this mountain guardian beast and see what happens in the future!"

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