A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 552 Going deep into the core area

The remaining five people escaped and hid in the Huoyu House again to relieve the consumption of strength.

The two maids and the other two all looked ugly.

As a high-level monk, the psychology of fear has actually become weaker. In addition to the change in the nature of life, there is also the factor of strong strength.

When everything is under control, there is no need to fear.

But the problem is that now their strength has dropped and their lives are hanging by a thread. Even if they are monks who have experienced many trials and hardships, they will be nervous.

"This place not only limits the destructive power and power above the Mysterious Realm, but also makes it extremely difficult to restore power. The quality of the fire spiritual power is too high, and there is no way to smoothly convert it into mana. The efficiency is only about one percent of the outside world. If Dan The medicine and talismans are exhausted, and the recovery speed is difficult to keep up with the rhythm of the battle. "

The sect man said.

It is difficult to recover mana, and coupled with the harsh environment, it is indeed impossible to count on it. Next, mana must be used sparingly.

The other person who survived was the white-robed monk. He said: "The influence of divine and physical methods is relatively small. Whether it is power or recovery speed, the environmental impact is not great. Even if the connection with Xuantian is severed, the divine and physical methods will not be affected. It still retains more power than spiritual methods. Are you good at physical methods and divine methods?"

This question was only asked to the sect man and Yun Ye, and the two maids were not included.

Although the maids of big families are not simple, they are still in the legal realm after all. It is impossible to keep up with monks like them who have fallen from the mysterious realm. They are too weak to be cannon fodder.

If the two maids were targeted just now, the Judgment Fire Spirit only needs to get close to burn them into nothingness. There is no need to use the explosive power of the fire thorns to burn them.

"They all have some accomplishments."

Yun Ye nodded slightly. Prince Shenlu was in the Three Dharma Profound Realm, and his strength was thousands of times greater than that of a single Xuan Realm. He could indeed be called a peerless genius.

His weakness is only in contrast to his strength.

Everyone knew this well, so the sect man showed a bitter smile: "I am far inferior to the two of you. I only master some superficial magical skills. I probably can't put them to any use. At most, I can only use them to find other people." I just discovered the location. It seems that other people in the dragon boat have also fallen into this space, but they are all hiding like us. If we can gather them together, we may be able to find out something. "

"The person behind the scenes should be hiding in it, but for our own sake, we must gather our strength." The man in white robe nodded.

"How far can your spiritual thoughts spread now?" Yun Ye said.

"About five kilometers, this place can not only hinder spiritual thoughts, but also be full of beings with keen senses. If the spiritual thoughts are not contracted, they will be noticed, but if you are unlucky, you will be discovered even if it only extends for five kilometers." said the man.

"I'm twenty kilometers away. If I extend it at full strength, I should be able to cover a hundred miles, but again, I don't know if I will be discovered." The man in white robe said.

"Twenty kilometers... This city is too big. The human race, the Fire Spirit Clan, and all kinds of demon buildings are probably at least a thousand miles in diameter. If we follow the legend, it may be nine thousand miles in diameter." Yun Ye said .

Both of them had sour teeth.

If Nine Thousand Miles was in their heyday, it would actually be fleeting, but now that they are restricted everywhere in other people's territory, it sounds like a long time.

If everyone is evenly dispersed to various places, I'm afraid it will take a lot of mana to search.

"Forcing them to find them won't work, so just recruit them directly."

Yun Ye drew a talisman in the void, gathered the fire spirit power, and spontaneously compressed and accumulated strength. He nodded, "My talisman can erupt into fluctuations that can be sensed nine thousand miles away. By then, those with strength will gather towards us. , As for those who can’t come, they are either trash or have ulterior motives, so there is no need to worry about them.”

"Fellow Divine Deer, how about setting up a few more formations? This formation suppresses the power, and one formation may not be effective." The sect man cupped his fists and said.

Yun Ye shrugged and drew a few more lines at random. The two breathed a sigh of relief and began to discuss when to go there.

They quickly came to the conclusion that if this was Fire Jade Tiancheng, one of the former base camps of the Fire Spirit People, then naturally the closer they went to the core, the more dangerous the Fire Spirit People they encountered would be. It would be better to gather on the periphery. It’s time to decide whether to go to the Heavenly Palace of Fire Jade Celestial City.

Go outside!

Then soon they rushed out in high spirits and came back cursing, but Yun Ye, who was suffering from pretending to be stupid, followed him in disgrace.

"Fellow Taoist is highly righteous and righteous. If it were not for the help of fellow Taoist, I might not be able to come back." The two of them thanked Yun Ye repeatedly.

This made Yun Ye feel very embarrassed. If they knew that Yun Ye wanted to explore the ruins and therefore deliberately failed to stop Tianwei, they would probably attack him with a knife at this time, and they would not be able to talk about righteousness.

"This projection world is so damned. Even though the city is already in such dilapidated state, there are still formations everywhere. If one accidentally steps on the middle and high-level formations, there won't even be ashes left." The man from the sect took the The divine magic weapon was constantly being deduced, but it turned out that there was either fog or danger in all directions, and it had no effect at all.

He sighed and stopped the deduction.

Without Xuantian's observation of the causal line, the error in the divine deduction would be too great. If there is a mistake in such a dangerous area, it would mean death without a burial place. Instead of believing in the deduction results, it is better to just stay where you are.

"It's not good. The spiritual talisman drawn by Fellow Divine Deer is about to be activated. We must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in danger when a large number of fire spirit people are attracted!" The man in white robe had a vague feeling and saw his own end. His face changed slightly, and he quickly spoke to change this possibility.

"Then we can only go deeper. This is the abandoned Celestial City. Perhaps the closer to the core area, the more serious the damage. After all, the Fire Spirit Clan died because of the death of the Emperor. The battle must have started in the core area and gradually spread to Edge." Yun Ye said.

High-level monks are the ones who determine the fate of a clan. At the level of the emperor, all the lives at the bottom are meaningless.

The title Huang means everything.

No matter what formation, barrier or dangerous situation, it can't stop the invasion of the emperor, because the "emperor" is superior to the collection of power of the clan, and only the same level can stop it. If it is a battle between emperors, the venerable ones will have no choice but to eat. As a spectator, the starting point of the battle is most likely to start directly from the "Tiangong" in the core area.

There was no other way now. The two of them looked at the Huoling people who were gradually surrounding the location of the magic talisman. They could only choose to move towards the core area with Yun Ye.

The actual situation is indeed as Yun Ye said. The closer to the core area, the more serious the damage is. It seems that there has been a battle.

Yun Ye looked at the ruins with his eyes, gradually penetrating through time, and saw a corner of the truth about the end of the old era in the flying fragments of time. This was one of the reasons why he came here. The history that was too far away had long been revealed. Even if the immortals cut it off, he couldn't see it clearly, but in this space-time fault that reproduced history, he was able to bypass the obstruction of the real immortals and read it directly.

I am adjusting my biological clock and try to go to bed before ten o'clock. It's terrible to stay up late. If I don't sleep at three or four in the morning, I don't have the energy to code during the day. I have been doing two updates these days to adjust my biological clock back...

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