A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 559 The Realm of the Poor God

"The shackles of the birth of the holy way. No wonder I feel a problem. How could Qingtian create magical powers like Wei Zhen to give to mortals? It seems that the plan is going to change..."

After Yun Ye learned the method of the Holy Way, he immediately understood the reason.

In the Nine Lives Ceremony, the difference between the Imperial Path and the Holy Path is the sequence throughout the three days and where they go in the end.

The Imperial Path starts from Xuantian, runs all the way through the blue sky and the red sky, rushes out of the outer world, and turns into the fourth day of the Imperial Path, suppressing everything in the world.

The Holy Way starts from the red sky, runs through the blue sky and Xuantian, descends to the earth, and turns into the boundless Holy Way, blessing all things in the world.

In fact, from the perspective of three days, the Imperial Path runs from high to low, and should have descended to the earth in the end, but the result is exactly the opposite.

The reason for this is also quite subtle. The method of becoming an emperor once created by Hongtian is actually a shortcut to enhance strength. It requires fusing the power of multiple dimensions together to form the power of the emperor. It is somewhat similar to multiple spirits. Law.

This method of becoming an emperor is quite dangerous, and you will most likely fall. However, if you succeed, the benefits will be huge, which is almost equivalent to becoming the strongest in one step.

Huangdaotian, which covers the Red Heaven Realm, can suppress all opponents and make a family's luck flourish, which is equivalent to gaining the status of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

When there is an emperor, the human race will develop explosively in all aspects. Geniuses will emerge in large numbers when strength is needed. Wise men will emerge in droves when wisdom is needed. Potential will explode in desperate situations. Infighting within the clan will be resolved invisible. Although it cannot be comprehensive, it is indeed better than There is too much power when there is no emperor.

In the era of Hongtian, there were no three days. The so-called breaking out of the outer world was simply appearing in the Red Sky Realm, covering the world with the power of the Imperial Dao, and turning it into the Imperial Dao Heaven. However, the human race received the favor of the Imperial Heaven and developed rapidly.

All the twists started after three days of formation.

The three days are three layers of dimensions that cover the red sky. They have a special suppression effect. All other dimensions are difficult to appear under the three-day suppression. If the power of the emperor does not break out of the outer world, it is equivalent to giving up the power of the emperor.

As time goes by, the fourth day of the Imperial Path will rapidly deplete, and it will be invisible in three days.

Only by breaking out of the outer world and getting rid of the influence of the three days can the fourth day of the emperor's path last forever and ensure that the emperor's power is enough to suppress everything.

But the price of rushing out of the outer world is that the blessing effect disappears, and the imperial way can no longer bring huge benefits to the human race. After all, there are three days in between, and no matter how powerful the power is, it will be weakened layer by layer. It can only be said that it is better than without the emperor. Strong, but not the same as in the past.

This is the danger of the three days of immortality.

As layers of world-class shackles, the more they increase, the more difficult it is to achieve the Imperial Way, and it is ten times more difficult to achieve the Holy Way than the Imperial Way.

"The Holy Way can quickly change the rules of the world after its achievement, much faster than the Imperial Way..."

"The only problem is that we must formulate rules in advance, spread the word to the world, and gain a consensus among the creatures of heaven and earth. This will undoubtedly expose ourselves to the eyes of the true immortals. Even if there is a possibility that the gods of the world will come to eat them, the true immortals may not be immune. Will take action."

The Holy Path is too difficult.

To practice the holy way, you need to gather the will of all living beings, start from the red sky, and use the power of all living beings to cover the red sky world to form a red sky resonance ceremony.

With this ritual as a foreshadowing, the rules can be changed immediately upon enlightenment. In theory, the real immortal only has a short time to shoot him to death.

During this period, the World God can be used to contain it. There is indeed a glimmer of hope to complete the modification of the rules of heaven and earth and completely prohibit the lower realm of true immortals.

But the biggest question is, how to avoid death before achieving the holy path?

"Showing weakness to the enemy?"

"Start from the red sky because the red sky is closest to the earth. Starting from this sky will cause the least loss of the source of power and the lowest consensus among living beings."

"In other words, if you are not afraid of this loss, it doesn't matter if you start with Xuantian. You only need to transform into the Holy Path at the end. True Immortal is not omniscient, and you may be able to deceive him and buy some time."

Tomorrow gave a suggestion.

The holy way and the royal way can be practiced together.

The Water Emperor once achieved half of the holy path, and it was based on the major human forces, not the people.

In Yun Ye's view, the Holy Path is an alternative Taoist tool. Together, they can arrange the Red Sky Resonance Ceremony and achieve enlightenment as quickly as possible.

"If we want to convert to the holy path in the end, we must establish a consensus on sealing off the lower realm of the true immortal before that. Just figure it out slowly and bury our intentions under the turbulent undercurrent of the red sky. There are so many ideas, and there is no shortage of them. One of us."

"Once successful, you can avoid huge risks, so you can try it."

Yun Ye thinks this is a feasible plan.

He began to refine it.

The dragon boat just drifted in Yun Ye's thoughts. Although there was no helmsman, it still approached Yokkashima along the correct route.

This dragon boat also has a small amount of Tomorrow Society technology and can be completely separated from the control of the monks. The sudden disappearance of people in the boat does not affect its performance of duties.

Along the coast of the endless border sea, everything is dead and silent. The closer to the edge, the poorer the resources and energy.

Yokkashima is no exception. The coast of the border sea is extremely deserted. If there were not a large number of monks coming and going, this place would definitely be a deserted place that would not be noticed.

However, unlike border continents, although the edges of all continents are relatively desolate, how far apart they are depends on the background of each continent.

There is an "Ancient Spiritual City" built by Chongyuan Tianzong and the Dali Dynasty in the border sea of ​​Bianzhou. It is not far from the border sea, but it is full of spiritual energy. SiRizhou is naturally better. After just walking a few hundred miles, the spiritual energy gradually increases. Abundant, patches of hot land emerge.

And if you look up at this time, you will find that the breathless red curtain falls from the sky, blocking the line of sight, completely endlessly covering the entire sky, illuminating the dark sky.

It seems that even if the fourth day of the Imperial Dao plunges the world into eternal darkness, the performance of each region is uneven. Whether it is the Nine Stars Heavenly Sect or the Tianluo Mingxin Sect, they all have ways to brighten the sky again, and the levels of means are also different.

There is a huge difference between this curtain and the nine-star sky. One is artificially completed, but the other is like a natural wonder.

This place shrouded in curtains is called Qiong Shen Dao Domain and is the area under the jurisdiction of Tianluo Mingxin Sect.

“It’s quite extraordinary here!”

Yun Ye stood on a large mountain and looked out. He was originally disappointed that he couldn't see the sky on the fourth day, but he didn't expect to find an even more incredible sight.

"It is said that part of the Qiong Shen's power was left here, and was sealed by a certain true immortal who cast a curtain, and thousands of years later the Qiong Shen Tao Domain was formed. It seems that this is not groundless. This curtain is indeed beyond the understanding of the mortal world, covering time and space. , Not even the emperor can do it.”

Tomorrow is floating aside, and nothing can be seen, as if the curtain does not exist.

You can visually observe the distant Taoist artifacts that govern the world, but you cannot see the curtain and feet. This is very similar to the World God, and is some kind of high-ranking existence.

In this world, the only person who can be equal to the World God is probably the True Immortal. This power belongs to either the World God or the True Immortal.

Yun Ye nodded silently, looked out for a moment, and saw quite a few monks and flying magic weapons going back and forth.

"The monks here are indeed stronger. They have returned to normal in two hundred years, and there is almost no remaining death energy. I don't know how powerful the strongest person here will be."

He opened the book of reincarnation, and the word "Bianzhou" on the page was slowly erased and replaced with "Four Days Island".

at the same time.

The strength evaluation has also changed.

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