A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 563 The Sea of ​​Immortality

"It seems to be the reason for the clone's battery life. As a fragment, both the output time and the output limit are too small." Yun Ye said.

Ming Ri held his forehead and said: "You are only at the Mysterious Realm, and the clones you create are only at the Mysterious Realm. It's already great to be able to reach this level."

"The further you get to the back, the more incalculable the gap is with each step. The Shenmie Clan has devoured a large number of venerables. It took two hundred years to reach the venerable position, and another thousand years to reach the imperial path. I don't know how many years it will take me. ..." Yun Ye shook his head slightly.

Strong combat power sometimes doesn't mean much.

Every era has strengths and weaknesses, and it’s not just a matter of inheritance.

When it comes to inheritance, who can compare with the Immortal Clan?

The general environment of heaven and earth directly determines the upper limit of a monk. The higher the combat power, the more resources are consumed in practice, and the more difficult it is to advance.

Grasping a certain degree is the way to win.

The Shenmie clan who opened up the Five Elements Cave took a full thousand years to advance to the Imperial Way. How many more years would it take for him to open up the Heavenly Stem Cave and advance to the Imperial Way?

Yun Ye put away the dragon boat and set foot on the floating island of Tianzhou.

He indeed felt a huge difference!

There are traces of spirituality flowing everywhere here, the practice of martial arts will advance rapidly, and there is even more sacredness in the land. The dragons and snakes rise from the land where the famous mountains are located, and the energy is at its peak. It seems that it can carry a status similar to that of the Qilin List!

Any lake has a very special aura, and there are a large number of special spiritual fish living in it. They are definitely not wild things, but are specially made to assist in spiritual practice. Yun Ye even saw someone sitting cross-legged. In the lake, the spiritual thoughts are constantly sharpened, and the power of artistic conception is understood.

Further away, there is a ray of sword energy across the sky, the world's Taoist rhythm is flowing, and a large sect is located, with this sword energy as the foundation of the sect.

Geniuses meditate at different distances according to their own strength, hone their own Qi, press themselves with sword Qi, let the external spiritual Qi rush in, and refine it into higher purity spiritual power and mana. Some monks emit spiritual consciousness and sword Qi. Confrontation, rapid growth while vomiting blood.

"Any island here has the status of the Luo Dynasty's Qilin Ranking, which can help the genius to rise to the top. Dragons and phoenixes born in one state can fly to the nine heavens. Tianzhou is indeed not on the same level as other continents!"

Yun Ye counted with his fingers and found that Tianzhou had Qilin rankings from the spiritual realm to the real realm. The genius of this continent was completely different from the outside world.

Once these peerless geniuses reach the realm of venerables, they will definitely be the strongest among the strong. If there is a list of venerables in the Red Sky Realm, they should be among them.

"The Heaven Continent and the Earth Continent stand opposite each other. The two continents seem to be fighting all the time. The competition is extremely fierce. The air is full of shouts and fighting sounds..."

Tomorrow raised her head, and her eyes were filled with shadows of the past. As a Taoist spirit, she could see human obsessions and did not need to cultivate such things.

She was also shocked by this environment. The two continents had a special antagonistic relationship. It was a fundamental conflict and a result must be achieved.

The winner can get everything he wants and reach the top step by step.

Just after Yun Ye counted with his fingers, he already knew that in this Tianzhou, even the seat of the venerable can be obtained through killing.

Tianzhou has coercive power, and those who are on the dragon and phoenix list are invincible in the real realm and can challenge the venerable ones. In this kind of battle of heavenly power, even if the venerable master has reached the sky, he will still be reduced to the real realm, and he will be on the same level as the real dragons and true phoenixes. war.

Although there are only a few successful challengers, the attraction of this mechanism is still too great, and it indeed promotes Tianzhou's overall strength to continue to rise.

It is for this reason that the super geniuses in the entire Red Sky Realm all pursue Tianzhou as their goal. Once they are invincible in their own continent, the confident super geniuses will march to Tianzhou to fight for the almost supreme position of lord. !

Under such circumstances, Tianzhou will naturally only become stronger and stronger, surpassing the other continents for an entire era.

Yun Ye activated the future magic to watch the future time and space, and his clones traveled all over Tianzhou.

As a result, he found that the competition in Tianzhou was really fierce. It could be said that it was the ultimate success of cultivating Gu, and he needed to use all means to consolidate his position.

The kind of competition that Yun Ye had during the Luo Dynasty was not competition at all.

Here, resources are utilized to the extreme in all areas. Only those with superior family background, talent, sect, and strength can obtain resources. The rest have nothing at all and are squeezed to the extreme.

After all, once the time is up, you will be sent to the battlefield of heaven and earth. Life and death are not under your control. There is no room for comfort. It is better to become stronger.

Yun Ye experienced the battlefield of heaven and earth in the future time and space, and his evaluation was: It is indeed possible to rise through this, but it is more of an absolute cruelty.

Fighting on the battlefield of heaven and earth, your achievements will be recorded by Tao tools, the rules of killing will be enveloped by the gods of the world, and you will be blessed by the power left by the Supreme Emperor.

In Tianzhou, where resources are absolutely monopolized, this is the only way to rise, but 99% of people will fail on the way.

"Heaven and Earth and Two Continents..."

Yun Ye took a few steps, crossed a long distance, and arrived at his destination.

It is a land of infinite vastness and infinite silence.

There are waterfalls from the sky solidified in the sky, like the Milky Way, there are rainbows shining, and there is also a curved half-moon hanging in the night sky, which cannot be covered even on the fourth day. There are many fragments scattered around this half-moon. There was something that destroyed the old moon and froze the time here.

There are a large number of buildings and palaces here, showing that there were traces of human beings here.

There are fragments of land everywhere, with mountains, swamps, lakes, and all kinds of miraculous wonders. These fragments are of different heights, some are tilted, and some are completely inverted. It seems that someone smashed a part of Tianzhou, and in the process of falling, time was solidified, thus forming this super forbidden land, the Sea of ​​No Turning.


Yun Ye fell outside the Sea of ​​No Turning. There are a large number of demons entrenched outside, and there are even top demon races that master the power of time.

They live outside the Sea of ​​No Turning, absorbing the power of the Sea of ​​No Turning. Naturally, there will be no shortage of human traces. A large number of monks use this to hunt demons and explore the Sea of ​​No Turning.

Although the Sea of ​​No Turning has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and its origin is unpredictable, a large number of relics and ancient treasures are buried in it. In some special circumstances, they can be taken out. Tianzhou is so powerful that there are always some people who are resistant to time.

Driven by interests, these people gathered on the periphery of the Sea of ​​No Turning, gradually multiplied and grew, forming a top force in Tianzhou...

Tianguang Dao Sect

Possessing the inheritance of the imperial way, it can be called a Dao Sect or an imperial dynasty. No one in the Tianguang Dao Sect has become an emperor, but it is said that it had a connection with the future Dao Lord ten thousand years ago and obtained part of the inheritance of the future immortal dynasty. Moreover, it has a long history. Although it has been born and died and has never reached the peak, it does have strength.

After obtaining the inheritance of the immortal dynasty, after thousands of years, although the Tianguang Dao Sect dare not call itself the immortal clan, it has no problem with the Dao Sect Dynasty.

The Tianguang Dao Sect now even has a Dao Master who dominated the world a thousand years ago and only lost half a move in the battle with the Qiaoling Emperor. He was once unparalleled and invincible in Tianzhou.

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