A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 565 Please go to the list of gods

In the current Red Heaven Realm, there are only two types of so-called caves.

Five Elements Caves, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are constantly flowing.


Four Elements Caves, earth, wind, water, and fire create the world.

As for Yin and Yang Caves, no one has actually completed it yet. At most, it is made into a fixed space similar to a secret realm or a storage magic weapon.

This may be due to the buried history, but it may not exist.

All the spaces that Yun Ye encountered are basically Five Elements Caves, whether it is the Yingyue Secret Realm or the secret realm inside the Yingyue Treasure Ring.

As a three-day-level force, Yingyue Tianmen only left two major secret realms, but it does not mean that there are only two major secret realms.

For the existence that has reached the top among the respected cultivators, it is not difficult to open up the world with great magic power to fuse the five elements. The real difficulty is to open up when achieving the Xuan Realm and the Zhen Realm. Only when opening up the cave in these two realms can one become the master of the cave and use the cave as a path of cultivation.

Again, if you open up a cave when you achieve the position of honor, you can barely be considered a half-lord of the cave. You can derive your own power into the world to open up the world, and the increase in strength is infinite.

But opening up a cave when you are honored is not very meaningful. You can't increase your strength too much. It's just opening up a secret realm to increase your power, and it doesn't have the power to open up the world.

When you open up a cave when you become an emperor, because of the fourth day of the emperor's way, you can also obtain the power of the emperor's way similar to the power of opening up the world, but it is a world of difference from the real cave heaven.

The real lord of the cave can compete for the strongest in the Red Heaven Realm, while the emperor is only the strongest in the contemporary era.

The fact that Shenmie was able to open up the Five Elements Cave in an era that was not prosperous, and went against the tide to become an emperor, was indeed a chance against the sky, and there were various reasons.

But it was also because of this that Shenmie still showed an advantage in the face of the Water Emperor who had the Dao Canon, and his strength was considered to be among the people who stood at the top in ancient and modern times.

And this difficulty did make many venerables in the Red Heaven Realm misjudge, thinking that only the fourth day covered the border continent.

Theoretically, the fourth day prototype is not much different from the cave heaven, but one is maintained by the venerable, and the other has growth potential.

The master of the cave heaven is too rare, and the previous generation of Qiao Linghuang failed to successfully open it, let alone now, just over a hundred years later?

Moreover, Bianzhou is still the poorest continent, and it is destined that it is impossible to produce peerless figures in this era!

"They can't see through my methods in a short time. Of course... Even if someone takes risks, it is just an acceptable error."

Yun Ye spoke.

The flame of tomorrow wrapped around his hair, sitting on the ribbon with his arms around his chest, feeling that the chains around him were loosened. If necessary, the sword of tomorrow will also show its edge.

In Bianzhou.

There are also more than a dozen breaths that have revived, and they are awakened by the cave heaven covering Bianzhou. They are very surprised, and they are all born.

A common people venerable cast his eyes across the border continent, watching the evolution of this world, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his eyes. He said: "Your Excellency is showing the will of heaven. Do you want to sweep across the border continent and participate in the competition for becoming the emperor?"

Unifying the border continent, adding thousands of luck, and standing on a new level of cultivation are the only way to participate in becoming the emperor.

The will of heaven covers the continent, destined to be invincible, and only invincible people of the same level can fight.

What's more, the peerless person in front of him has more than the prototype of the fourth day!

"Naturally come for this."

Yun Ye stood up and spoke, his figure walked into the border continent and appeared in front of many venerables.

Covered in chaos, his figure is vast and immeasurable. Many venerables only took a glance and knew that this was the god sitting on the throne of the sky. He was definitely not ordinary, and they couldn't help but feel the desire to worship.

"This kind of spirit is worthy of being a Divine Lord--"

"Cut off the thoughts!"

The faces of the venerables changed slightly, and they immediately waved the divine sword of consciousness to cut off their own distracting thoughts, so as to prevent themselves from being interfered with by this amazing spirit.

They understood that a peerless figure was born in Bianzhou, and this place might become the final battlefield.

A hundred years ago, Bianzhou did not even participate in the great struggle, and the process of becoming an emperor had nothing to do with them. It was only after the Emperor Qiao Ling became a Taoist that they were directly incorporated into the Immortal Dynasty, which saved them from the disaster of possible fall.

But now that a peerless figure has appeared in Bianzhou, things may not be so simple.

On the fourth day of the opening of Bianzhou, the strength must be the strongest in Bianzhou.

Whether it is a retreat or becoming an emperor, it will start from Bianzhou.

This will inevitably involve Bianzhou in the final battlefield of becoming an emperor.

One by one, the venerables revived.

Someone has already declared war, and the venerables who have stopped in Bianzhou naturally cannot hide, either surrender or fight.

Although they were far apart, the figures of the venerables seemed to project the entire world. When cultivators or mortals looked up at the sky, their names would echo.

"The Lord of the Dali Dynasty, the Venerable of the People."

The venerable who spoke sat cross-legged on the top of the sacred mountain, and the sky was filled with the sound of praising his merits and virtues. There was a golden light on his body, and all the magic was invulnerable, and all the evils retreated.

As soon as this figure appeared, all the people of the Dali Dynasty knelt down and shouted that the Lord of Li would prosper forever. The mind power surged and turned into a golden light beside the Venerable of the People.

"The National Master of the Dali Dynasty, the Venerable of the Earth Talisman."

Countless talismans were engraved on the heaven and earth. The old man with black hair and Taoist robes put his hands together, closed his eyes, and his breath was unusually calm.

This existence also moved many older cultivators.

The contemporary national master of the Dali Dynasty is a remarkable figure. It is said that there is a forbidden technique that can destroy the world, and he was once visited by the Qiaoling Emperor.

"The Retired Emperor of the Dali Dynasty, the Venerable of the Great Tong."

The third noble of the Dali Dynasty was very rotten, looking like a skeleton, but he was shrouded in golden light and did not show his body, but he could not stop Yun Ye's gaze.

"The Supreme Elder of the Nine Stars Celestial Sect, the Venerable Beixing."

"The Supreme Elder of the Nine Stars Celestial Sect, the Venerable Nanxing."

"The Supreme Elder of the Nine Stars Celestial Sect, the Venerable Xixing."

"The Heavenly Lady of the Nine-Star Celestial Sect...the Venerable Eastern Star!"

The four sages of the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect all woke up, and their powers intertwined, almost crushing Xingzhou.

Among them, the one with the most terrifying aura is the Nine-Star Goddess. She is shrouded in mist and has a pair of silver eyes. When she looks at it, all the Nine Netherworlds of the Nine Heavens are seen through, and the whole world around Yun Ye is vaguely alienated. However, with a roll of chaotic energy, But it was suppressed immediately.

Yun Ye looked at the Nine Star Goddess across half a continent, and there was a special meaning in their eyes.

"The Chongyuan Tianzong God, the Chongyuan Jiyang Venerable."

"The Emperor of Chongyuan Tianzong, the Venerable Wanxin Ciguang."

The two venerables of Chongyuan Tianzong had visions all over the sky. The sun was rising, and there were phantoms of gods and Buddhas. Under the intersection of powers, the aura of the third venerable was faintly outlined, but that aura was too old and corrupt. I'm afraid he is an old man who claims to have never been born.

But even so, the venerable people present felt great terror from the intersection of the two auras. This self-proclaimed old man was anything but simple.

In addition to this, the other two major forces are the Wolf Seal Mountain, which lives in the Ice and Snow Extreme Region, and the Luo Demon Dao Domain, which lives in the Eternal Immortal City.

A total of fourteen venerables from the five three-day forces have appeared. This is almost half of the high-ranking monks in Bianzhou, and they can decide who belongs to Bianzhou.

These fourteen venerables all bowed slightly to Yun Ye. Among them, the Nine-Star Goddess looked at Yun Ye and pondered for a while, then said: "Master Tiangan, you do not hesitate to show your power and cover the border continent. It should be related to us. Please make it clear. ”

Lord God...

This is the title of the Lord of the Cave.

Externally, Yun Ye conceals this identity, but internally, this identity is extremely noble and important, and has the effect of defeating others without fighting.

Yun Ye stared at the Nine-Star Goddess, then looked at the venerables and said:

"I am the Lord of the Cave Heaven, and I want to become the emperor. I have something to say, please listen..."

"Everyone, please go to the list of gods and serve the divine court!"

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