A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 568 Complete Recovery

Swallowing authority is like the decomposition of matter. Even if it looks like a speck of dust, it can burst out with nuclear bomb-level energy.

The power he gained was too great, and the universe once again entered into rapid growth.

And the power in the dark was activated.

There are many life stars in Tiangan Cave.

A large number of lives are rising and restless.

They feel something in the dark and know what seems to be happening.

These beings have the highest level of faith and respect for Yun Ye, which is true from the essence of their souls, and the authority of all peoples has taken effect.

Whether it is the intelligent race in the budding stage in the life star, or various monsters, countless ordinary animals, plants, and even microorganisms.

As long as there is life, it has contributed a bit, and the power is therefore blessed in the Tiangan universe's operating system, and is gradually devoured and assimilated.

The authority to control all people is power, and it does not pay attention to conventional energy conservation. If you can control all people, the power of authority will become greater.

It stands to reason that even the low-level monks together would never be able to increase the power of the Venerable, but under authority, anything is possible.

Yun Ye is the God of Creation, and the birth of all life comes from him. This natural person and natural right have greatly inspired the power to control all people, allowing it to reach unprecedented heights. The power of the universe. Energy is increasing dramatically.

This is not over yet.

In addition to the physical body of his throne, Venerable Limin also left behind other important items.

A Taoist artifact that is close to the realm!

This Taoist artifact shattered and disappeared in Yun Ye's hands like the revered entity, and merged into Tomorrow, allowing her to quickly approach the realm level.

Tens of billions of echoes form the realm.

Presumably, we can reach it by swallowing one or two more venerables.

Yun Ye looked at the remaining two sages, looking at his prey.

Although the Emperor's Ultimate Weapon caused him a lot of trouble to do it, and his power was consumed rapidly, but it didn't matter if he didn't have enough power, just like Burning the Heavenly Stem Universe.

With Hongtian Immortal Law as the foundation, the upper limit of the Tiangan Universe is extremely high and can continue to grow forever. Burning half of it now is just a matter of swallowing up a few secret realms.

With a few less obstructive lords and a few more powerful authorities, this is a sure-win deal.

If possible, Yun Ye even wanted to wipe out all the sages.

The Chaos Life and Death Lotus shrinks.

The other two top beings must be completely wiped out.

"There is no Tao domain? Is the Taoist weapon of this God Lord sealed in the cave..."

"According to legend, when the cave sky grows to its extreme, another realm will be opened, and the Taoist artifacts placed in it will not project the Tao realm into the red sky realm."

Many venerables were moved. This divine master had great potential and seemed to far exceed their expectations.

"Even the ultimate soldiers of the Imperial Dao cannot threaten this cave. Is it because they are only half-finished products?"

Venerable Difu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he still had time to care about others, and he was surprisingly calm.

He cut off his own emotions and naturally there were no fluctuations.

"Fellow Earth Talisman, sacrifice the ancestral talisman."

Venerable Datong glanced at the location where Venerable Limin died. He was calm and without much emotion. He was full of confidence in the ancestral talisman.


The Chaos Life and Death Lotus was close at hand, and was about to sweep up and engulf the two of them.

But they were calm and composed, and sacrificed the ancestral talisman.

It was a hazy jade tablet, which was held in the hands of Venerable Difu. He cherished it very much. He shook his head: "Forget it, how can you bury a god lord without paying a price? Let's use the cave sky as the foundation for the next ten thousand years." I also want to know how powerful it is to have the ultimate cave..."

"The Emperor's Ultimate Soldier, fully recovered!"


The Imperial Dao Sword of the Ten Thousand People was magnified a million times, covering the sky, spanning the east and west, entwining the power of the Dao domain, and faintly locked all the resisters within the range.

Unfortunately, the spatial distance has been infinitely widened. This is the real distance in the Red Sky Realm, not a different space. Because of the distance between the Dao Realm, the rules of this Dao Artifact cannot directly lock Yun Ye himself, and can only repeatedly destroy those within the Dao Realm. The chain of order and rules.

The two venerables did not care that the fully revived Imperial Dao Jibing would reach the realm of the Emperor and would no longer be the semi-finished product it had been before.

Even if this happens, this imperial weapon will disintegrate later and can no longer be summoned, but they will also gain new gains...

A monk who is only in the Mysterious Realm!

The cost of summoning the imperial soldiers is extremely high. They need to sacrifice the ancestral talisman, which is a precious treasure that may not be cast even in ten thousand years.


The two of them worked together, blood flowed, and they sacrificed blood to the emperor's ultimate soldiers for control.

The fully resurrected Emperor Dao's military strength was different. It destroyed the sky with one blow, almost splitting the sky and the universe, and the heaven and earth shook continuously.


Yun Ye was solemn. He originally wanted to resolve the battle quickly, so he took the initiative to attack. Unexpectedly, this emperor's ultimate soldier was actually in a stronger state!

He closed his hands, and the Tiangan Universe instantly returned to stability. Infinite time and space expanded again, with more depth than before, and he used this to defend with all his strength.

The two venerables swung their swords, splitting the heaven and earth Xuanhuang, shattering order and space. Only the power of the emperor's ultimate weapons was limited. Unfortunately, Yun Ye could not be shaken. The shattered area was quickly made up, and even the Tiangan universe was still going on. Expanding, the breath becomes stronger and stronger.

Absorbing the status entity is a process that has not yet been digested and is comparable to a secret realm.


"It still doesn't work!"

"What kind of power is this that even the fully revived Imperial Arms cannot defeat?"

The expressions of the two venerables changed completely.

They originally wanted to drill a hole in the sky to threaten the Heavenly Stem God Lord, but they didn't expect that the sky seemed infinitely far away, and even the emperor's ultimate soldiers couldn't penetrate it!

This is obviously not due to spatial distance, but to power!

The Imperial Dao Jibing has fully recovered and will be blessed by the Imperial Dao Heaven!

This is the power achieved by integrating the various high-dimensional powers controlled by the ancient emperor himself with the destiny of the human race. It can turn decay into magic!

An emperor once said bluntly that the Emperor Dao Tian is a different kind of Taoist tool. It can gather the representatives of a family's destiny to mobilize the power of a family, even if it is not power, it can offset the power!

After all, the power only represents one continent, but Huang Daotian is the power of the entire human race in the Red Sky Realm...

Even though the Emperor's Ultimate Armament was fully revived, it could not affect a mere Xuan Realm. This was too shocking. Could it be that the cave was so powerful that it was close to the supreme power after just the initial opening?

"Lord God, please stop."

Many nobles have finally taken action, and they cannot look any further, otherwise they will not be able to contain them if the Lord of the Cave Heaven kills several more nobles.

Immediately, a heavenly artifact was sacrificed, coming from the Luo Demon Realm.

This is the artifact of an evil emperor. He proves his way through killing and develops the method of becoming a demon. He is famous in the Red Sky Realm.

The Heavenly Artifact he left behind also had this characteristic. It was extremely evil. Once it was sacrificed, a sea of ​​blood filled the sky, holding up the sky. Yun Ye's power was immediately dispersed.

The two great lords were already on their way to their end and were about to perish. Now that they had escaped, Yun Ye's overall strength was not enough to deal with an emperor. What's more, in addition to the heavenly artifacts, there were also a large number of Taoist artifacts in the air, suppressing them in all aspects. Heavenly stems and caves.

Taoist artifacts do not even have entities in low-level realms and cannot be destroyed beyond the limits of the rules.

But in the honorable position.

This is a collision between power and power, and all Taoist tools can intervene.

The rules of Taoist tools are effective for any power. When the order collides, it is no longer important what is contained in it, the total amount is the only one.

Whether the total amount of one's own power can exceed the echo of Taoist tools is the key to whether the throne will be obliterated by Taoist tools.

Realm Taoist tools correspond to honorary positions, but major sects have existed for thousands of years, so how could there be no Realm Taoist tools?

Multiple Taoist artifacts are intertwined and have reached the realm.

"God Lord Tiangan, I advise you to stop. If you can survive to this era, how can you not have a trump card? If you challenge a continent by one person, you will probably die."

Master Luo Mo Dao smiled and spoke. The heavenly artifact he held was a blood-colored divine bead. There was a blood-colored ocean hidden in the bead, and it was unknown how many creatures were swallowed up.

At this time, he was also interested in engulfing a newly born Lord of the Cave Heaven.

As the Taoist master of the Luo Mo Dao Domain, even in the period of the Shenmie Clan and the Qiaoling Emperor, how much should these emperors respect him, the Lord of the Cave Heaven?

Even if it is a Dacheng Divine Lord, Luo Mo's tens of thousands of years of orthodoxy will not be given directly to others. At most, he will only hold the divine seal and perform the divine duties on his behalf.

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