A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 574 Major forces gradually appear

When Yun Ye opened his eyes again, he suddenly came to a battlefield, and a line of text appeared.

"You can pass if you survive for three days."

The sound of fighting in front of him resounded through the sky, and neither the clothes nor the magic weapons were modern. Yun Ye took one look at them and burst into it without hesitation.

Although it is still a test of consciousness and the body is not the real body, Yun Ye has perfected his three natures and has countless secret techniques at his disposal. His strength is far beyond the limitations of his body.

For a moment, Yun Ye seemed to be in a deserted place.

Three days was not a long time. Yun Ye succeeded in one attempt. He casually recorded a spiritual pattern as a way to ascend the stairs and updated his physical state.

Tianlu above level 31 has the effect of recording the physical body. Even extremely serious injuries can be recovered through recording, such as damaged spiritual roots.

This stage corresponds to the mysterious realm, so the spiritual root secret technique·True Appearance was developed, which is a technique that directly extracts the spiritual roots and makes them into weapons.

Yun Ye's era went a step further, with the three methods of evil spirits and gods.

This is an ability that Xuanjing monks rely on very much. In addition to being able to use spiritual root secret techniques, they can also be resurrected in their own Xuantian after complete physical destruction.

However, this ability is of little significance to Yun Ye. He is more concerned about the information of various eras revealed in the 40th level.

This time, he went to an era of great sacrifices.

At that time, they wanted to call the poor world god to come, and the top sects launched a brutal war, vowing to fight to the end and return to the primitive society.

This is the process of turning from rich to poor, and it is a ritual to summon the god of poverty. The person who controls all of this is the leader of the contemporary immortal dynasty, the existence named Emperor Yaori.

Yun Ye only needs to live for three days, but during these three days, he will be strangled by a large number of forces. The major forces seem to be red-eyed and a little crazy under the orders of Emperor Yao Ri. Even the Venerable will fight until death.

In this case, Yun Ye naturally used future magic to conduct observations and avoid danger.

Because his luck was burning, he had to harvest lives to increase his luck. During this process, he read his memories and learned a lot about contemporary situations.

At the end of three days, Yun Ye directly witnessed the arrival of the Poor God.

It was only a part of the tentacles, and it was not completely summoned at all. It seemed that the method was wrong, or something was blocking it. The scene was very shocking.

It is a pity that at the end of three days, Yun Ye directly exited the historical segment and did not see the follow-up.

He speculated based on the current situation in Shirizhou that after the arrival of the poor god, the real immortal should take action.

And because the true immortal could not stay for a long time, the poor god was directly sealed in the Red Sky Realm, forming the wonder of Shirizhou, the "Qian Shen Dao Domain".

Emperor Yao Ri also fell and turned into a great sun in Shiri Continent.

But that's just a guess.

Yun Ye didn't know what happened. He didn't stop, and immediately started the trial of the 41st step of the Heavenly Road and continued to climb.

Different from the past, Hongtian has modified the trial rules. The Pilgrim Climb no longer focuses on the "Tao", but is completely geared towards ability trials.

Those who have the ability can go to higher levels, while those who have no ability can go home and raise pigs.

And every time you fail to climb a level, you will face completely different scenes and tasks. The monks themselves cannot bring back their memories. This change naturally reduces the chance of the monks getting stuck at a certain level. The more you try, the more likely you are to fail. Come across an area of ​​expertise.

It is not without reason that the top saints members in the East King City can reach the forty-first level. The difficulty of climbing the level has indeed dropped significantly.

The changes don't stop there. Some classes no longer borrow the bodies of historical figures, but instead project the bodies of monks into them.

This kind of task is often extremely difficult, one level higher than consciousness projection. The forty-one class is this special class. Yun Ye began to fail repeatedly and used time to create the historical fragments he wanted.

The history of the human race is very long, more than a million years. During this period, the world was destroyed many times, and then it was interrupted. However, the road to heaven will not be interrupted. It may appear in any era. The cloud night bug will actually be stuck for a long, long time. Fortunately, as a cave, the sky will be blocked. The master, his spirit is strong enough, and it is not difficult for him to try repeatedly.

Time passed by digesting power and refreshing the heavenly path, and Yun Ye was getting closer to the era of the future Dao Lord.


The peerless divine son of the Red Blood True Dragon Dao Sect was born, named Red Blood Ao.

He wears a dragon crown and a dragon robe, with majestic horns. He is suspected of possessing the blood of a true dragon. As soon as he was born, he swept away many geniuses and climbed onto the list of true dragons in the Tengzhou Spiritual Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the two Dao Sects in Tengzhou jointly held the Heavenly King Trial. Long Ao participated in the trial in the spiritual realm, sweeping the Dharma Realm and Xuan Realm present, showing his invincibility.

Tengzhou is not a weak continent. There are countless geniuses. Any genius on the peerless list can come to Bianzhou and sweep away his contemporaries. These geniuses can fight across realms. Their strength is unfathomable, but they were even surpassed by two people in a row. Realm crushed and defeated, one can imagine how invincible this person is.

But just a few years later, Chixue Ao entered the Dharma Realm, quickly perfected his cultivation, and his strength reached a higher level. He was actually able to fight against a real person without losing.

After this battle, Chixue Ao became famous and was called Chixue Longzi. He was the seed player in Tengzhou and could create some miracles.

However, there are still many monks who treat them indifferently. There are indeed many invincibles, but if they really want to defy nature, it may not be that simple.

Nowadays, all honorable positions are owned by the owner. If you want to obtain the honorable title, you can only grab it. The possibility of establishing it on your own is almost zero.

In this case, it is necessary to achieve the true state and defeat the Venerable in order to go further. But even if it is achieved, how can the Venerable's cultivation be achieved overnight?

No matter how genius you are, even the Rushen Mie clan took a thousand years to cultivate the imperial path from the initial stage of the throne. Even if most of the time is spent breaking through the imperial path, it will still take several hundred years from the first entry to the throne to perfection. This is almost an exaggeration, and in today's era, not to mention the vicissitudes of life in two hundred years, the world has been wiped out. Only the younger generation of the Kamimie clan can truly go against the will of heaven.

Red-blooded dragon?

It is indeed powerful, but it is still a little short of it. It does not have the kind of power that would make even the venerable despair.

However, the appearance of the Red-Blooded Dragon Son has indeed made many forces think about it. Now that someone has been born, they probably can't slow down.

The final battle for the imperial way and the opportunity to become an immortal cannot wait. It needs to be started in advance, even if it requires a lot of knowledge to be done in advance.

Suddenly, various super geniuses who were obviously a level beyond the contemporary generation were born, and they were full of confidence and wanted to win a future.

They are a young generation with a very strong fighting spirit. They continue to practice and challenge the four sides to determine the true invincible.

The stories on all continents are becoming more and more exciting, with various rises against the heavens taking place, and there are even super geniuses who have taken action against the Venerable, trying to change his destiny against the heavens.

But it is a pity that they are all dead. They are far from being the opponents of the Venerable. Only a few of them were rescued by their respective forces, but they are almost half-wasted and need a lot of time to make up for the foundation.

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