A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 576 The profound realm is complete, swallowing the flower of blood

The hinterland of Dizhou.

Several top sect sages came forward, approached the location of the World God, and activated a large formation like a dragnet. The spiritual veins were drained out and turned into a barrier that sealed the World God.

This place was once the home of the top power Shenqiao Sect, named Wangtian Fourteen States. After Emperor Qiaoling became a Taoist, it became the center of the Earth Continent and the capital of the Immortal Dynasty.

With the favor of the emperor, although Shenqiao Sect's background was slightly inferior to that of some Taoist sects, it quickly caught up.

Thousands of years later, even if the emperor fell, the Shenqiao Sect had already made great progress, and had obtained the inheritance of the imperial way, and the divine weapon of the heavenly way. Naturally, it could become one of the largest imperial forces in the Earth Continent. Unfortunately, when the World God came, everything collapsed in an instant. destroy.

Emperor Qiaoling fell, the heavenly artifacts were broken, and the artifacts were swallowed up by the world god. Even the fourteen states of Wangtian continued to deteriorate after the world god took over.

The God of Killing is like a floating continent, parked in the sky above the fourteen states of Wangtian. Invisible and intangible rules of killing envelope this area. Massive lives are evolving and are frantically squeezing the essence of this land. There are terrifying demon kings, The devil is walking.

These demon kings began to move outward from the central area, devouring everything. The vast tracts of desert in Wangtian Fourteen States, which were originally so huge that their aura condensed into a lake, were all swallowed up and concentrated on these top individuals.

The Shenqiao Sect has been operating for tens of thousands of years, and the fourteen states that have just been built to look at the sky have been completely destroyed and have lost half of their value. The last remaining heat is to extract the spiritual veins and turn them into a large formation to seal the place.

"These demon kings must be killed. This may be able to delay the resurrection of the world god."

Many sages held divine weapons of heaven and directly wiped out the demon kings and demon kings who wanted to break through the formation.

Even though some of the individuals have extraordinary strength and have devoured a lot of lives, the strength accumulated in just one hundred years is still unable to surpass this ultimate weapon with the power of the emperor, which is one of the strongest forces in the Red Sky Realm.

Shishen didn't respond.

There was a black pillar bulge on His surface that retracted, but it quickly subsided and did not wake up completely. It was just a sign of imminent recovery.

Many venerables looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Their power was still far behind that of the World God. Although it was theoretically possible to slow down the World God, in reality, no one had tried it. If they fail, they can only flee far away and give up the ancestral land they have built for tens of thousands of years.

In Bianzhou, Yun Ye nodded silently when he saw this scene. It seemed that he still had some time, which should be enough for him to break through to the true state.


One secret realm after another collapsed and was swallowed up by the Tianqian Universe and turned into nutrients. Yun Ye's Tianqian Universe finally gave birth to a second solar system and officially entered the realm of the perfection of the Xuan Realm. It was already possible to break through the Xuan Realm and step into the real realm.

The practice of the Lord of the Dongtian is to continuously strengthen the Dongtian. Different from the conventional monks who break through and open up their own blue sky in the blue sky, what the Dongtian monk needs is to penetrate the blue sky and expand the power of the Dongtian to the blue sky. This allows the Dongtian to absorb the power of two days. The growth rate further increased.

But Yun Ye didn't stop accumulating strength, Xuanjing Dongtian could still move forward, and it was getting faster and faster.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged among the stars and realized the movement of the heavenly stems and the universe. His senses extended from the inside of the universe to the outside of the universe, touching the void.

There is the Hongtian Immortal Method in the Tianqian Universe. The entire outer layer of the cave is based on this method, continuously extracting void energy and converting it into the quality of the Tianqian Universe itself, allowing the Tianqian Universe to continue to expand and expand.

There is no end to this at all, even if Yun Ye dies, I'm afraid it won't stop.

This point is different from the ordinary cave sky. Although the conventional cave sky opens up the world with the five elements and four elements, which leads to endless life and can transform the void into its own energy source, once the owner of the cave sky dies, the cave sky will also die with him, and the loss will be lost. Self-sustaining ability.

In the end, the secret realm gradually shrank and was swallowed up by the Red Heaven Realm, becoming the material for the growth of the Red Heaven Realm.

"Devouring the secret realm is far less rapid than devouring power. The more power is devoured, the more authority of the red sky I can borrow, and the faster it will be in devouring void energy."

Yun Ye stood up. He was previously worried about the true immortal's gaze, so he allowed the earthly god to commit suicide and turned the emperor's tomb into a forbidden area. But now that the Tiangan universe covers the border continent, it is impossible for the true immortal to see through it if he does not go down to the lower world. Everyone has their own duties, and they are not all-knowing and all-powerful.

There is only one person who makes Yun Ye feel defenseless, and that is the future Taoist Lord. With the power of the Taoist scriptures and the power of becoming an immortal, I really don’t know how high his future magic has reached, and Tiangan Universe may not be able to guard against him.

Now Yun Ye can only trust Hong Tian and regard the future Tao Lord as a "good guy".

If a being who knows the absolute future does not gain absolute strength at the beginning, it is almost impossible to grow. If the Tao Lord joins the ruling path in the future, he may need ten lifetimes to increase all his talents to EX level before he can find some opportunities.

A clone of Yun Ye appeared in the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain.

The huge Tiangan Universe was immediately suppressed, and the entire sacred mountain and forbidden area trembled.

Now that it is covered by the Tiangan Universe, even a clone can obtain the full strength of the main body. It is naturally overkill to deal with an irrational powerful being.

The blood-colored flowers in the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain swayed like a blood-colored sky. The flowers bloomed with thirty-six petals, and they actually withstood the pressing force of the Tiangan Universe.

Of course, only for a short moment, the power of the earthly gods is the power of the earth. Standing on the earth or taking root in the earth can gain invincible power. Unfortunately, this is only power. Invincibility has an upper limit. The Tiangan Universe is the power that completely exceeds this upper limit. Thirty The petals of the six-petaled blood flower were broken one after another.


The forbidden land of the sacred mountain was completely destroyed, leaving only the unrivaled power of creation flowing around this land and reshaping it.

The bloody flower turned into a powerful entity again, and was held by Yun Ye. It turned into a black and yellow cauldron in his hands. He crushed it again and swallowed it.

The entire Tiangan universe vibrates, unites with the earth of the Red Heaven Realm, and uses the entire border continent as the foundation to extract void energy, increasing the growth rate geometrically.

"Sure enough, different powers have different meanings to me. Some illusory concepts cannot make the Tianqian Universe grow, such as the four stars, and the Great Unification, but the four-element symbol of the earth can make the Tianqian Universe reach its peak and grow. The speed will be greatly increased.”

After a little calculation, Yun Ye discovered that the growth rate of Tianqian Universe has increased by at least a thousand times. Compared with before he obtained various powers, this increase is even more than a million times. In this way, even if he no longer swallows secret realms or powers, he will probably It can break through the true realm within a few decades.

Cultivation in the cave is indeed a bit too difficult, and the resources required are actually huge. However, the accumulation of resources in the Red Sky Realm is enough to support it.

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