A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 577 Penetrating the blue sky, double sky vision

In the deep void, the ten dharma converged to form the cornerstone of the universe. All kinds of power were revealed in his hands. Yun Ye took a deep breath and looked up.

Nine star points have appeared in the universe, facing the sun where he sits cross-legged, and a total of ten stars have been born.

"The profound realm has reached its extreme, there is no need to continue."

Yun Ye gave birth to enlightenment.

Now his Tiangan Cave Heaven has occupied a large area of ​​Xuantian, which probably corresponds to the entire Bianzhou area. The monks in this area who have cultivated Xuantian must enter the Tiangan Universe and obtain Yunye's permission before they can go further, making it even more difficult. floor, and is under his control at all times.

What's even more frightening is that once the monks die, the Xuantian they created will become the nourishment of Tiangan Cave.

This allowed Yun Ye to get a glimpse of the horror of the third heaven.

According to the era, the first level of Xuantian was the first to be born, created by the true immortal named Xuantian. After that, the second level of Qingtian was created by the Qingtian faction, followed closely by the third level of Red Sky, created by the Hongtian faction.

In other words, this is the "heaven" that only appeared after the birth of the Dongtian method. Yun Ye saw many similarities with Dongtian.

Xuantian's blue sky and red sky may solidify the cave sky into a large dimension, thereby blocking the progress of future generations and increasing its own strength.

In theory, the True Immortal Law and one's own power cannot be increased, but what if someone else is willing to create it?

The true immortal law is the power of echo, the power of prayer, and with perfect planning, it may be possible.

"Xuantian and Qingtian..."

Yun Ye knew that he was involved in the game very early. He was in the Tiangan Universe created by Xuantian, and Xuantian probably already knew of his existence.

There is a reason why Xuantian can continue to win to this day. He is indeed a genius who can break the Qingtian blockade and lay a foundation for himself for all eternity.

Fortunately, once Yun Ye dies, Dongtian will be forced into nirvana by the Book of Reincarnation, which will not increase Xuantian's strength in vain. This is something Xuantian could not predict.

The specialness of the Book of Reincarnation is definitely not inferior to the power of any rules. It can be reincarnated, and its resistance to the rules of life span is proof.

"The Ten Heavenly Stems and Ten Laws created the world—"

A beam of light penetrated the blue sky, causing turmoil in all directions. Even the real world of Bianzhou was affected by this broken situation, which was even worse than achieving the honorable position!

The stronger the power, the greater the impact on the world, and the more obvious the phenomena and fluctuations caused. The achievement of the honorary position is enough to make the entire Bianzhou feel it, and the achievement of the emperor's way, the chant of the emperor's way will be heard in all corners of the world. Countless visions emerged.

Yun Ye began to break through the realm, penetrating the blue sky with the mighty power of the Lord of the Cave. Naturally, the scope of this influence could not be small. For a time, the entire world was shrouded in black, and green light emerged in the haze.

The Lord of the Cave Heaven breaks through the realm, not like a monk who just pierces the blue sky and creates another big self-Qingtian. Instead, the power of the entire Mystic Realm Dongtian erodes the blue sky and expands the scope of his influence. If the average monk breaks through the realm, it is just a needle piercing it. The barrier, the master of the cave sky is the meteorite hitting the earth, who is stronger.

This requires unparalleled accumulation and means, otherwise it would be impossible to break the three-day barrier that has been accumulated for countless years.


The rumbling sound of an ancient bell resounded throughout Bianzhou.

Shui Wuge was reviewing various documents when she suddenly heard the sound of a bell. She couldn't help but raise her head in surprise. Her eyes penetrated the Taoist palace and saw a series of almost physical ripples swaying. She didn't feel any danger and stretched out her hand to touch. , but the ripples passed by and she did not touch them.


The passing ripples made Shui Wuge unconsciously feel a lot of thoughts about space and cause and effect, about uniqueness and reality.

"This is?"

She stood up suddenly, realizing something big had happened.


The ancient bell rang again, echoing slowly, and the heaven and earth were present. Shui Wuge walked out of the Dao Palace, along with a large number of important officials from the dynasty. Everyone just looked at each other and understood that this was not a special case. Everyone felt the same.

"This sound has affected the entire Bianzhou, coming from the junction of Xuantian and Qingtian. It has been shaking for two days, and all the monks are being affected."

"It's just that this influence is on the good side, and it seems to have been deliberately filtered."

Water Dancer sang.

"I'm afraid His Majesty is about to ascend to the blue sky. I can see a beam of light penetrating the blue sky and expanding. We waited for the blue sky to evaporate in an instant, but it did not fall into the realm. On the contrary..."

There is a real monk with an incomprehensible expression. His strength is strengthening, and he seems to be able to borrow a little bit of the power that belongs to His Majesty the God Lord.

Obviously, this is his Qingtian being included in the rule of the Divine Lord, just like his self Xuantian, which has long been swallowed up.


The third ringing of the bell completely awakened Shuangtian.

I saw the heaven and earth cracking, the earth, wind, water and fire reshaping the world, and the feeling of impending storm made all the monks present feel terrified. I am afraid that even the slightest hint of this power would be enough to kill them ten thousand times.

The auras of many venerables rose up. Although they lent their power to Yun Ye, they did not lose their power and were still aloof venerables.

They all looked at the movements in the sky with solemn expressions, not hoping anything would happen.

At the junction of the two heavens, the earth, wind, water and fire are refining. That power is the peak power of the Ten Heavenly Stems, which is the power to create the heaven and earth and evolve the world.

If it spills over, they can only resist it by dispatching the Emperor's Ultimate Soldiers, which is a waste of their own resources. Without the power of the Emperor's Ultimate Soldiers, even if they are at the status of a Venerable, they will die immediately if they touch it, and there will be no second outcome.

"This feeling...except for His Majesty the God Lord, there will be no one else."

"Your Majesty is probably going to become the Lord of the True Realm. This is too fast. It has only been ten years. He is almost the same as the legendary Emperor. Could it be that he is really the second Emperor? Although this one has not become an immortal, he has It is the future Daojun’s biggest opponent in his life, and he will win with difficulty!”

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid he really has the appearance of becoming an immortal!"

"This kind of power is so amazing..."

The venerables were also horrified in their hearts. Their realm was too high. When they saw these two heavenly phenomena, they were much more deeply moved than ordinary monks.

It seems to be just a vision, but in fact it is the God Lord who is moving the two heavens by himself. How can this be an ordinary breakthrough!

No wonder the Lord of the Cave Heaven is called the God Lord, a god-like existence in myths and legends. Once he becomes an emperor, he will be invincible in the world.

Just a breakthrough, as if to pierce the sky. This power is really immeasurable, I am afraid it is close to the emperor!

Once this divine master breaks through to the true realm, they will be weak even if they hold the ultimate weapon of the emperor and the divine weapon of heaven. Perhaps only a complete recovery can compete.

Taoist Master Mo Luo was very silent at this time. He had repeatedly overestimated the power of the Lord of the Cave Heaven, but he did not expect that the evaluation of the Lord of the Cave Heaven in myths and legends was really correct...unparalleled and invincible, dominating the world and being able to be pushed horizontally. All enemies.

"Is the evolution of the five elements really so powerful?"

He himself could evolve into the Five Elements, but because he was born with only four spiritual roots and no method to reach the heaven, he was unable to open up the heaven.

In his test, the power formed by the interweaving of the five elements was only this, and it could not be compared with the inheritance of the sect. Even if the Xuanjing opened up and could grow all the way, it should not be strong enough to reach this level. The Emperor God's Mysterious Realm Slayer, It seemed to him that it was a bit miraculous and a bit dubious.

Under such circumstances, if someone says that a divine master who has achieved the true state is comparable to the emperor, he will never believe that the Five Elements Cave Heaven has no such power at all!

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